Mr. "I'm self funding" is now bragging about the campaign donations he's raised...Really?

Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

You really are desperate for material aren't you....:laugh::laugh::laugh: Watching you people twist and squirm is truly amusing....
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Yes, NDA's are sooooo common when you give a speech. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

You really are desperate for material aren't you....:laugh::laugh::laugh: Watching you people twist and squirm is truly amusing....
Mr. Self-Funding is an awesome Messiah, isn't he?
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Trump's funding all comes from small donations collected on the internet. I've donated to his campaign myself.

You didn't really expect him to spend $2 billion of his own money, did you?

No but I did expect him to spend $1 Billion of his own. After all..that IS what he said. Your messiah isn't a he?

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump said Saturday that he's prepared to spend $1 billion on his campaign if necessary.

"It's irrelevant," he said when asked by CNN's Jeremy Diamond outside the Iowa State Fair on how much he has spent so far on his campaign. "I make $400 million a year, so what difference does it make? What I want to do is make the country great."

Pressed again later in the afternoon if he would spend up to $1 billion, Trump was more definitive: "If necessary, I will spend it, yes."

Down in the polls, electoral vote disadvantage, and a disastrous first's obviously necessary. Is he going to spend it? Of course not.
Probably got another letter from the NFL complaining about his self-funding.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

You really are desperate for material aren't you....:laugh::laugh::laugh: Watching you people twist and squirm is truly amusing....
Mr. Self-Funding is an awesome Messiah, isn't he?

No, he's a dickhead and a buffoon. But watching you asshats tie yourselves in knots as he trundles along is quite amusing. Your hero shrilary should be mopping the floor with him, but she is such a detestable creature that he's still there.
Thanks to John McCain and an unnamed democrat senator we are supposed to have tied up the loopholes in campaign finance. How long are we going to have to live with the freaking political double standard? Hillary gets 350k for 20 minute mystery speeches to Wall Street banks and nobody on the left complains but when Trump works within the (complicated) campaign reform system wit legal donations the desperate hypocrite left wastes time looking for hypocrisy instead of focusing on the issues.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

Look man, They have to believe that he is self funding and not beholden to anyone WHILE believing that he the donations he's getting are from either himself or from people he will not be beholden too.

You have to think about it....They are in multiple threads telling everyone that not paying taxes is a good thing and that Trump never said it.

They are on all sides of all issues
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Yes, NDA's are sooooo common when you give a speech. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Did you have to sign one the last time you were engaged by a bank?
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

Look man, They have to believe that he is self funding and not beholden to anyone WHILE believing that he the donations he's getting are from either himself or from people he will not be beholden too.

You have to think about it....They are in multiple threads telling everyone that not paying taxes is a good thing and that Trump never said it.

They are on all sides of all issues
They are on all sides of all issues

^^ That is the problem! It's not so much that I'm of a mind to ridicule someone for a specific position -- though I will if I think absurd be their position as they present it -- the worst is that one have no clearly defined position or principles. Being all over the place is worse, IMO, than being in the wrong place. That shows a lack of understanding of what one stands for and why. And that is entirely unacceptable to me.
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Read it and weep. About a month to election day. If you're not going to spend it now...when?
Oh, that's right, he likely doesn't have it.
Yep, and even Republimussen Reports couldn't skew questions and sample groups enough to produce a Trump friendly poll. That's very telling, because Republimussen doesn't get involved unless they can affect the RCP averages. That's all they got?.....this is trouble indeed for Trump's campaign.

See what the next two debates look like, that'll be huge
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

You really are desperate for material aren't you....:laugh::laugh::laugh: Watching you people twist and squirm is truly amusing....
Mr. Self-Funding is an awesome Messiah, isn't he?

No, he's a dickhead and a buffoon. But watching you asshats tie yourselves in knots as he trundles along is quite amusing. Your hero shrilary should be mopping the floor with him, but she is such a detestable creature that he's still there.
"he's a dickhead and a buffoon"....what a perfect GOP candidate there! :clap: Chosen by GOP voters.....let's not forget that.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!

You really are desperate for material aren't you....:laugh::laugh::laugh: Watching you people twist and squirm is truly amusing....
Mr. Self-Funding is an awesome Messiah, isn't he?

No, he's a dickhead and a buffoon. But watching you asshats tie yourselves in knots as he trundles along is quite amusing. Your hero shrilary should be mopping the floor with him, but she is such a detestable creature that he's still there.
"he's a dickhead and a buffoon"....what a perfect GOP candidate there! :clap: Chosen by GOP voters.....let's not forget that.

Yes, and she's a criminal and the most corrupt person ever to run for the office of president. What a pathetic choice our Democrat Party foisted off on us. We didn't get to choose shit. She was shoved down our throats and we wonder why the middle class is getting fucked over. Scumbags like her keep getting into office and their only goal is to line their pockets. And idiots like you sit back and take it.

I would take a buffoon over a criminal any day of the week. Clearly you won't.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Oh, I see. So the NDA is carved in stone and there's no way for GS to allow Hillary to disclose her Oath of Loyalty to them.

You don't even know that she signed one and she's never mentioned it.
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Yes, NDA's are sooooo common when you give a speech. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Did you have to sign one the last time you were engaged by a bank?

You mean Hillary was engaged by GS?
Oh, Lord, have mercy! Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff.

Who the hell promotes the idea that they won't be beholden to "big money" interests and "Wall St." in politics and then brags about having collected more money than ever before? Trump's cause obtained $15M from one investment management firm. I guess that's not the same thing as "big monied interests." Nope, not at all. Puh-lease!
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Yes, NDA's are sooooo common when you give a speech. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Did you have to sign one the last time you were engaged by a bank?

The only time I have ever had to sign a NDA is when I was being GIVEN sensitive material by a corporation I was working for. People who are giving a speech have no need to sign an NDA because they aren't being exposed to sensitive material.

I must say the contortions you are going through to try and rationalize her criminal behavior are truly amazing to watch. You should join a circus.
He's spending a lot of his own money. Unlike the Clintons, who've only sponged off of American Taxpayers their entire lives.
Hillary takes money from Wall Street, but she owes Wall Street NOTHING.

Trump takes money from Wall Street and OWES Wall Street hundreds of millions of dollars.

But he's "self financed".

In my day, debt meant you were "Owned".

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Yes, NDA's are sooooo common when you give a speech. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Did you have to sign one the last time you were engaged by a bank?

The only time I have ever had to sign a NDA is when I was being GIVEN sensitive material by a corporation I was working for. People who are giving a speech have no need to sign an NDA because they aren't being exposed to sensitive material.

I must say the contortions you are going through to try and rationalize her criminal behavior are truly amazing to watch. You should join a circus.

Okay, well you don't have much experience with NDAs. That explains why you think what you've written above in your most recent reply to me.

If she owes them nothing, why is she guarding her speeches to them better than if they were State secrets?

Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Yes, NDA's are sooooo common when you give a speech. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Did you have to sign one the last time you were engaged by a bank?

The only time I have ever had to sign a NDA is when I was being GIVEN sensitive material by a corporation I was working for. People who are giving a speech have no need to sign an NDA because they aren't being exposed to sensitive material.

I must say the contortions you are going through to try and rationalize her criminal behavior are truly amazing to watch. You should join a circus.

Okay, well you don't have much experience with NDAs. That explains why you think what you've written above in your most recent reply to me.

I would hazard a guess that I have far more experience than you. A rah rah speech is not grounds for a NDA no matter how weird your speech might be.
Most likely because she signed an NDA with the organizations to whom she delivered the speechs. NDAs are incredibly typical conditions of employment/engagement with all kinds of organizations, but the financial services industry uses them pretty universally with all persons and entities they hire/engage for anything. It would not surprise me that even the cleaning company (and its employees) working at Goldman, for example, do so under an NDA.

Yes, NDA's are sooooo common when you give a speech. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Did you have to sign one the last time you were engaged by a bank?

The only time I have ever had to sign a NDA is when I was being GIVEN sensitive material by a corporation I was working for. People who are giving a speech have no need to sign an NDA because they aren't being exposed to sensitive material.

I must say the contortions you are going through to try and rationalize her criminal behavior are truly amazing to watch. You should join a circus.

Okay, well you don't have much experience with NDAs. That explains why you think what you've written above in your most recent reply to me.
I would hazard a guess that I have far more experience than you. A rah rah speech is not grounds for a NDA no matter how weird your speech might be.

You know that I'm not going to get into a "whose dick is bigger" discussion with you.

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