Mr. & Mrs. Trump: Species Intrigue (Democracy?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should TrumpUSA capitalism/ethos inspire us to think more actively about social deliberation?

What do you think?



"An alien called Xenomorph landed on Earth and began debating with America's favorite masked vigilante, Batman, about the delicate balance between the genders on Earth. Batman explained that men and women get along fine in civilized societies (e.g., TrumpUSA), but the Xenomorph wondered if the U.S President (Donald Trump) and the First Lady (Melania Trump) truly saw eye-to-eye on civil and social matters. Batman was challenged in his faith in American (and human!) idealism by this inquisitive alien (the Xenomorph). Were men and women equal in human civilization?"


BATMAN: Mr. and Mrs. Trump care about each other!
XENOMORPH: Donald is a capitalism expert, but Melania isn't.
BATMAN: Well, Melania is not 'obligated' to be a capitalism-baron.
XENOMORPH: Does Donald find comfort in Melania's advice?
BATMAN: Of course he does; the President depends on the First Lady!
XENOMORPH: The First Lady in TrumpUSA does not speak for capitalism.
BATMAN: Well, she's definitely a diplomat of capitalism etiquette...
XENOMORPH: Does Donald appreciate what Melania says about etiquette?
BATMAN: Of course he does; the President relies on the First Lady for diplomacy!
XENOMORPH: Well, do Mr. and Mrs. Trump agree about Wall Street matters?
BATMAN: Humans like capitalism (and Wall Street) and men/women offer views.
XENOMORPH: Their views may differ greatly...
BATMAN: That's no grounds for suggesting the genders of humans don't converse.
XENOMORPH: Even if they 'chat' together, it doesn't mean they see eye-to-eye.
BATMAN: Even if they don't agree about everything, they agree about civility.
XENOMORPH: Does Mr. Trump feel like he's sensitive towards the First Lady?
BATMAN: It seems to me that many TrumpUSA advocates endorse their bond!
XENOMORPH: What about all the media scandals about alleged sexual misconduct?
BATMAN: Men are naturally more prone to vice/sin, but the First Lady comforts us.
XENOMORPH: What if a female was elected President and was better than Trump?
BATMAN: I doubt that would mean that Mr. and Mrs. Trump would argue greatly.
XENOMORPH: If humans are to negotiate capitalism etiquette, they must compromise!
BATMAN: There's nothing wrong with building bridges and meeting people 'half-way.'
XENOMORPH: We'll see if 'TrumpUSA' becomes a beacon for commercial etiquette.


"After Batman concluded his discussion/debate with the wily Xenomorph, the alien departed Earth, assuring Batman that human civilization would not be invaded/colonized/threatened by an alien intelligence. However, the Xenomorph made Batman promise that humans would work together more substantively to determine how the genders (male and female) can work together to make capitalism/TrumpUSA more holistic and balanced(!). Batman conceded that there was always room for improvement but insisted that Mr. and Mrs. Trump could work out any media-catalyzed personal matters with basic spiritual inspiration/faith. Batman wondered then about the media's addressing of general social matters regarding the cooperation between genders and how such matters informed humanity's understanding/appreciation of capitalism dialogue."


"Would the U.S. President and the First Lady become role models of capitalism etiquette? Would men and women on Earth learn to study/investigate together about the complexity of networking and social customs? How would science inform humanity's understanding/appreciation of community consciousness? Could men and women learn to appreciate each other's flaws while embracing each other's best qualities (regarding intelligence, imagination, and idealism)? Batman worried about all of these questions."


TRUMP: I liked the First Lady's recent media statement, Carter!
CARTER: Yes, Mrs. Trump had nice things to say, Mr. President.
TRUMP: I appreciate consulting with her and learning from her.
CARTER: Cooperation between the genders is vital for TrumpUSA.
TRUMP: We have to put all these darn media scandals behind us!
CARTER: America needs to move forward in this modern era of commerce.
TRUMP: It's all traffic and networking now, so we need to be fresh about customs.
CARTER: We need to understand/appreciate the intricacies of social etiquette.
TRUMP: We don't want TrumpUSA to be negligent of human concerns...
CARTER: I wonder what Batman has to say about gender-relations.
TRUMP: Imagine an alien visits Batman and debates with him about gender!
CARTER: I'd hope Batman presents humanity's best face/intentions.
TRUMP: All Americans/humans appreciate the value of ethics and etiquette.
CARTER: Evaluations are vital for commercial health...
TRUMP: We don't want 'endless dirty wars.'



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