Mr. President, you did not kill Bin Laden. America Did. ex Seals and CIA ad

what is there to see? besides more negativity towards Obama.

Here are the facts: 1. Americans biggest enemy is dead. 2. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the top of the chain of command.

what else is there to discuss?

So called tough guys crying like wounded little girls.
the other point being,how are these special ed vets going top prove Obama is leaking info?
"I directed..." "I was briefed..." "I determined...", "At my direction..." I, I. I, all over that speech, ad nauseam, and every one of you Obamabots here fell all over yourselves giving your "commander-in-chief" (who is not qualified to lead a bunch of Girl Scouts on a day hike) full credit and then some, just for giving an order with relatively low political risk and a huge potential upside (in other words, a no-brainer). A military officer who used the first person singular that often in an after-action report on a successful mission would get his arse chewed by his superiors, and rightly so; when you are in command, everyone knows who gave the orders (or was supposed to), so any self-congratulation is both superfluous and unwarranted. Well, I don't suppose we can expect a "community organizer" who thought he was too good to serve to understand that. His personal role was the minimum required, and his use of it now in an attack ad, reveals his motives and the size of his monumental ego. Some "hero" you on the Left worship! I'd say the same for ANY politician who thus tried to take credit for the work of our military and intelligence professionals.

Thank you.

Where does he say "I killed....." again.
The blatant and shameless Swiftboating of Obama's greatest foreign policy accomplishment is pathetic

I realize Republicans have a playbook they must work from but the exact replay of Kerry 04 is somewhat obvious

just mentioning Swiftboat sends wingnuts into spirals of mindless ecstasy ... the same as spiking the punch bowl.
Jimmy Carter was "Commander In Chief" too, assfucker. How'd that work out?

Did President Carter get the blame for Desert One or did we blame Delta Force for the disaster in the desert?

President Carter accepted the blame for the failed rescue mission, but only ignorant asses would actually blame him for the failure. General Eisenhower drafted a letter, on the eve of "D" day, accepting blame for the failure of the operation. Real leaders who actually possess character do things like that. Pretend leaders look for a scapegoat for their failures, while willingly taking credit for any successes.

Any President who would actually consider what failure of a military operation could have on his political career, is not worthy of commanding a military. That means that he has more regard for his political future than he has for the lives of the people he orders into combat. They put their lives on the line and failure means they could lose it all.

the other point being,how are these special ed vets going top prove Obama is leaking info?

They don't have to. And they aren't. The leaks are coming from the white house level, that's the only place they could have come from. There should be an independent investigation as to who is leaking the investigation. obama has stopped all attempts to begin such an investigation. The vets are saying that they have a civic duty as Americans to demand answers. Or, is it as obama claims, he is above even answsering the questions?
(Video) See Special Ops & Intelligence Personnel Trash Obama For Bragging & Leaking
Spec Ops & Intelligence Personnel release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks

You guys are doing a great job highlighting President Obama's foreign policy successes.

Are you trying to throw the election or something?

The funny thing is that you probaly think your the first one to make that comment in this thread.
IF the bin Laden mission had failed - Romney would be our next president. But it didn't - and he won't.

IF the mainstream media do their job honestly, there is no way the right-wingnut hate media can lie Romney into the White House.

If the OBL mission failed you would have never heard about it.
He gets credit, he's the CIC just like Bush gets credit for starting two failed war efforts in the Middle East. Obama get credit for getting us out. Capiche?

If it had gone wrong, every single person complaining now would be pointing to Obama and saying it was all his fault, and they would be right.

You are projecting your own ignorance. I, for one, would never condemn a leader for a failure, military or otherwise, unless that leader failed to supply all of the support necessary for success.

Nor, do I give the leader credit for success, unless he was fully involved in the planning and logistics of the operation. I give Obama credit for finally finding the guts to OK the operation. That is all the credit he deserves, since others found Bin Laden, laid the plans for his capture or kill, and carried out the operation.

The single fact that Obama considered what a failure would mean to his own political aspirations, detracts from his finding the guts to give the OK. A real man does not consider the personal upside or downside, when others are putting their lives on the line in the operation.

Precisely! ANY commander worthy of the responsibility of command, and any leader worthy of the name, gives credit for success of a mission to his subordinates, and takes personal responsibility for any failure. THAT is leadership, and it applies to any leader who orders men into harm's way, from the lowliest O-1, to the commander-in-chief. Those of you who have served in the military (officers especially) know this.
Obama didn't get bin Laden. American military men did.

krist! you do understand Obama is the Commander in Chief, hes the boss. He deserves a portion of the credit, leaving all politics out of it.

Obama put politics in to it. Not to mention he set up his special operations general for the fall if it failed.
The only SEALs speaking out are a few un-American loudmouths. Would they have said that shit under Bush?

G.W. Bush was an honorable man--who treated our military with great respect. In fact, you'll note that neither he nor Bill Clinton showed up at the 9/11 memorial after the Bin Laden hit--even though they were both invited to be there by Obama. You'll note that Obama never once gave appreciation to either former President Clinton or Bush for their efforts to capture or kill Bin Laden. It was all about HIM. Here was Joe Biden out there again today--on the campaign trail--"stating that Obama got Bin Laden." Former Presidents are too humble to do that. Not Obama.

Obama has been out there since day one--continually making the "claim" that he was the guy that GOT Bin Laden. No other President would have done that. This is the arrogance of Barack Obama coming through his skin.


"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

He did give the order. Bush was too big a punk to do so.
Obama didn't get bin Laden. American military men did.

krist! you do understand Obama is the Commander in Chief, hes the boss. He deserves a portion of the credit, leaving all politics out of it.

Obama put politics in to it. Not to mention he set up his special operations general for the fall if it failed.

Using military force is a political decision. Are you really this dumb?
Obama knew if the bin Laden raid failed that he would be blamed. He knew a failure would be leaked from any one of several sources - most definitely Pakistan. Since Obama never informed Pakistan of the raid in advance - he knew they would be pissed whether the mission succeeded or failed. Obama also knew if the mission failed and he tried to blame others that it would make his failure appear even worse and petty. President Obama is no dummy.

It took great courage to give the green light for this risky mission. I can't imagine why anyone would refuse to give President Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, the credit he deserves for getting bin Laden.


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