Mr. President, you did not kill Bin Laden. America Did. ex Seals and CIA ad

IF the bin Laden mission had failed - Romney would be our next president. But it didn't - and he won't.

IF the mainstream media do their job honestly, there is no way the right-wingnut hate media can lie Romney into the White House.
No, Obama will go down for the corruption that his administration or lack thereof has experienced, divisions, lying, cheating, and stealing.

Nobody has to worry much if they screw up. He doesn't get rid of nonperformers so long as they're feeding his narcissi. He puts job czars who have a history of sending American jobs overseas in charge of joblessness.

He doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

I think this is the big issue that upsets the right so much.

Bush, who personally I liked, will most likely go down as the worst president since Carter perhaps worse than Carter. Where as Obama, even with all the failures of his presidency, as long as he's reelected, will go down as the Nobel peace prize winning 1st black president.

Not saying its the way it should be or not, but I think when kids open their texts books in 30 years, that's what they'll read.
The show of support is notable given that Afridi is no one's idea of an angel.

"You don’t recruit someone to work for the CIA unless [that person is] ethically or morally flexible," said Fair, the Georgetown professor who calls Afridi typical of informants, who often have "dodgy histories and financial issues." She doubts that "a physician with impeccable scruples" would have taken part in a phony immunization campaign that aid workers say may have raised the risk of polio among Pakistani children.

Fair said it's not clear that Afridi would voluntarily choose to leave Pakistan, given reports that he turned down an offer from U.S. officials to relocate him and his family after the bin Laden raid.

For now, U.S. diplomats are keeping mum on what, if anything, they are doing to free Afridi. A spokesman in the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad referred questions to the State Department in Washington. A spokeswoman there told HuffPost in an email, "We don’t have anything to add beyond what we’ve already said on the record."

More: Shakil Afridi, Pakistani Doctor Who Helped Catch Osama Bin Laden, Faces Prison As Payback
Spec Ops & Intelligence Personnel release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks

Special ops group attacks Obama over bin Laden bragging, leaks | Reuters

A few quotes that stood out:

"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," Smith continues. "It will get Americans killed."

"Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,"

We all knew that Obama is the most anti military president of all time. And if you think they hated him in 2008, I cant wait to see the stats for 2012.

Flash back: Remember General Stanley McChrystal and General Jones?

Dishonorable Disclosures ---------------------------------------->

[ame=]Dishonorable Disclosures - YouTube[/ame]

More On Obama's handling of the military
Obama planned dead SEAL photo op against families objections.
Terrorist who killed US soldiers but released to Iraqi’s by Obama, now free
Obama Snubs Nation's Heroes, Becomes the First President to Skip Ball Honoring Medal of Honor Recipients in Over 50 Years
Obama Calls Navy Corpsman a 'Corpse-man'
New Book Describes Rift Between Obama’s Nat’l Security Adviser and His Political Team: ‘Water Bugs’
The Rolling Stone profile of Stanley McChrystal that changed history
Obama "Insensitive, Cruel To Veterans And Familes" On Memorial Day Says Ex-U.S. Cavalry Captain
White House Mum on Case of Three Navy SEALs Accused of Mistreating Terrorist
The rules murdering our troops
US sees new interest from Taliban in peace talks
President Obama Goes All In on The Taliban
Obama’s burning Koran apology
Obama campaign sues Ohio over early voting law for military
Intelligence Community: Obama Spoiled Anti-Terror Mission to Spike Football
Judge Napolitano: Gov’t Wrong Not To Label Ft. Hood ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Like Sikh Temple Shooting
Barack Obama on Iraq: Then and now
Presidential Memorandum--Closure of Dentention Facilities at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
Obama Admin Releases Terrorist Who Killed U.S. Soldiers
Obama Admin Says It Doesn’t Need Congressional Approval To Wage War
Ayatollah Khamenei praises Barack Obama’s anti-war comments
Obama caught on mic telling Medvedev to give US 'space' on nuclear issue
Poland Intends To Create Its Own Missile Defence
Fidel Castro praises Obama
Hugo Chavez Praises Obama, Denounces Romney
Judicial Watch: Withholding CIA Papers in bin Laden Movie Case 'Stinks to High Heaven'
ObamaWood: Kathryn Bigelow Given 'Top-Level Access To Most Classified Mission In History'; Pentagon Launches Investigation
Hollywood Bails Out Obama With Bin Laden Movie
CIA Finds Stack of 'Overlooked' Docs Related to Bin Laden Movie Leaks
Pat Dollard
Spec Ops Community Blasts Obama Admin for Intel Leaks, Negligence, Egotism
how obama and hillary bungled away iraq
President Obama Praises Self for Ending War in Iraq on Bloodiest Day of the Year in That Country.
House bars Obama from sharing secrets with Russia
WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets
Military Cuts and Tax Plan Are Central to Obama Budget
Revealed: How White House 'planned to shield Obama by blaming Navy chief if bin Laden raid went wrong'
Iran's supreme leader praises Obama's emphasis on diplomacy


I was wondering when they were going to get pissed off. Seal teams have families here in the United States that they want protected. No Obama didn't get Bin Laden--they did. In fact Hillary is going to be writing a book about this hit--as soon as she leaves in January 2013. (a few months from now.) That may read something like the below link.

Obama Hesitated

But Obama's continual grandstanding is getting under a lot of skin--and now seals --are really ticked off. Romney already had a 24 point lead with military personel and it's going to get worse for Obama now.


If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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The only SEALs speaking out are a few un-American loudmouths. Would they have said that shit under Bush?
It drives wingnuts insane just thinking about giving Obama any credit for getting bin Laden.
The only SEALs speaking out are a few un-American loudmouths. Would they have said that shit under Bush?

G.W. Bush was an honorable man--who treated our military with great respect. In fact, you'll note that neither he nor Bill Clinton showed up at the 9/11 memorial after the Bin Laden hit--even though they were both invited to be there by Obama. You'll note that Obama never once gave appreciation to either former President Clinton or Bush for their efforts to capture or kill Bin Laden. It was all about HIM. Here was Joe Biden out there again today--on the campaign trail--"stating that Obama got Bin Laden." Former Presidents are too humble to do that. Not Obama.

Obama has been out there since day one--continually making the "claim" that he was the guy that GOT Bin Laden. No other President would have done that. This is the arrogance of Barack Obama coming through his skin.


"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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Fact Check says the ad about Obama bragging he killed bin Laden is misleading with spliced together sentences using the pronoun "I". There are several other refutations to the way what Obama said is being distorted/edited to make it seem like Obama was taking the credit when he clearly wasn't.

Here is what he said very eloquently and unselfishly:

■Splicing together snippets of Obama talking only about his role in the operation. In fact, the president repeatedly credited the military and intelligence communities for the successful raid.


Obama, May 1, 2011: (2:13) And so we went to war against al Qaeda to protect our citizens, our friends, and our allies. Over the last 10 years, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and our counterterrorism professionals, we’ve made great strides in that effort.

(4:14) A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability.

(7:19) Tonight we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. The American people do not see their work nor know their names. But tonight they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice.

(7:39) We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that September day.
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OMG--I just watched the entire 22 minute video which is a complete condemnation of the Obama administration. it literally goes into detail with many former seals and intelligence officers making comments. They are really ticked about all of the intelligence lost--and the leaking of top secret issues to the media from the White House.

They are asking that all link this video on their Facebook or other account to help get the message out. I just did.
Obama didn't get bin Laden. American military men did.

If that's the case..

Lincoln didn't free the slaves
Teddy Roosevelt didn't build the Panama Canal
JFK didn't get us to the moon
IKE didn't build the interstate highway system
And Bin Laden didn't attack us on 9-11
Your points are all well-spoken and well-taken.

It's too bad nobody on your side is taking the military guys' case. For their risky operation in Pakistan, their fellow Seals were targeted for a huge hit. They're sad, they're sorry, and they're not happy about what brought their fellow Seals down--too much bragging and not enough discretion to protect them from being moving targets.

[ame=]Ex-SEALs & CIA Agents Documentary 'Dishonorable DIsclosures' Details Obama Leaking Secrets - YouTube[/ame]

Because our Commander in Chief is someone you personally detest you intentionally go out of your way to ignore the role of a commander vs those directed to execute the mission

Bin Laden never flew a plane. But he was the most hunted man on earth because he personally authorized the 9-11 attacks
Obama never set foot in the compound, but he personally reviewed the plans for the mission and gave approval for it's execution
(Video) See Special Ops & Intelligence Personnel Trash Obama For Bragging & Leaking
Spec Ops & Intelligence Personnel release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks

You guys are doing a great job highlighting President Obama's foreign policy successes.

Are you trying to throw the election or something?
Obama never set foot in the compound, but he personally reviewed the plans for the mission and gave approval for it's execution

He turned it down twice.

On third go round.

Panetta put it into motion while Obama was on the fairway.

When the birds were spooled up ...Obama was brought in.
Obama never set foot in the compound, but he personally reviewed the plans for the mission and gave approval for it's execution

He turned it down twice.

On third go round.

Panetta put it into motion while Obama was on the fairway.

When the birds were spooled up ...Obama was brought in.

That is more evidence that he was in command of the mission. Each mission has rules of engagement that must be met before approval of the mission. Assurance that bin Laden was there, adequate training, weather, latest intelligence. Obama wisely waited for the correct time and was proven right

He got his man without a loss of US life.......Mission Accomplished
Right, Panetta acted without permission. :lol:

Sometimes these nits surprise me and say something even dumber.
After Bin Laden was gone, obama promptly abandoned the man who really got Bin Laden, Dr. Afridi who is now being torturned in a Pakistani prison. I'm sure Dr. Afridi and family thank obama every day for that one.

Then there are the leaks coming from the white house destroying on-going intelligence operations. Judging from additional information coming from what we are learning about this regime, the information might have been sold for child porn.
The blatant and shameless Swiftboating of Obama's greatest foreign policy accomplishment is pathetic

I realize Republicans have a playbook they must work from but the exact replay of Kerry 04 is somewhat obvious
Spec Ops & Intelligence Personnel release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks

Special ops group attacks Obama over bin Laden bragging, leaks | Reuters

A few quotes that stood out:

"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," Smith continues. "It will get Americans killed."

"Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,"

We all knew that Obama is the most anti military president of all time. And if you think they hated him in 2008, I cant wait to see the stats for 2012.

Flash back: Remember General Stanley McChrystal and General Jones?

Dishonorable Disclosures ---------------------------------------->

[ame=]Dishonorable Disclosures - YouTube[/ame]

More On Obama's handling of the military
Obama planned dead SEAL photo op against families objections.
Terrorist who killed US soldiers but released to Iraqi’s by Obama, now free
Obama Snubs Nation's Heroes, Becomes the First President to Skip Ball Honoring Medal of Honor Recipients in Over 50 Years
Obama Calls Navy Corpsman a 'Corpse-man'
New Book Describes Rift Between Obama’s Nat’l Security Adviser and His Political Team: ‘Water Bugs’
The Rolling Stone profile of Stanley McChrystal that changed history
Obama "Insensitive, Cruel To Veterans And Familes" On Memorial Day Says Ex-U.S. Cavalry Captain
White House Mum on Case of Three Navy SEALs Accused of Mistreating Terrorist
The rules murdering our troops
US sees new interest from Taliban in peace talks
President Obama Goes All In on The Taliban
Obama’s burning Koran apology
Obama campaign sues Ohio over early voting law for military
Intelligence Community: Obama Spoiled Anti-Terror Mission to Spike Football
Judge Napolitano: Gov’t Wrong Not To Label Ft. Hood ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Like Sikh Temple Shooting
Barack Obama on Iraq: Then and now
Presidential Memorandum--Closure of Dentention Facilities at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
Obama Admin Releases Terrorist Who Killed U.S. Soldiers
Obama Admin Says It Doesn’t Need Congressional Approval To Wage War
Ayatollah Khamenei praises Barack Obama’s anti-war comments
Obama caught on mic telling Medvedev to give US 'space' on nuclear issue
Poland Intends To Create Its Own Missile Defence
Fidel Castro praises Obama
Hugo Chavez Praises Obama, Denounces Romney
Judicial Watch: Withholding CIA Papers in bin Laden Movie Case 'Stinks to High Heaven'
ObamaWood: Kathryn Bigelow Given 'Top-Level Access To Most Classified Mission In History'; Pentagon Launches Investigation
Hollywood Bails Out Obama With Bin Laden Movie
CIA Finds Stack of 'Overlooked' Docs Related to Bin Laden Movie Leaks
Pat Dollard
Spec Ops Community Blasts Obama Admin for Intel Leaks, Negligence, Egotism
how obama and hillary bungled away iraq
President Obama Praises Self for Ending War in Iraq on Bloodiest Day of the Year in That Country.
House bars Obama from sharing secrets with Russia
WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets
Military Cuts and Tax Plan Are Central to Obama Budget
Revealed: How White House 'planned to shield Obama by blaming Navy chief if bin Laden raid went wrong'
Iran's supreme leader praises Obama's emphasis on diplomacy


I guess that whole "Commander-In-Chief" thing in the Constitution is irrelevant to you folks.

As basically is the whole Constitution. Unless of course you are talking about guns.

Obama never set foot in the compound, but he personally reviewed the plans for the mission and gave approval for it's execution

He turned it down twice.

On third go round.

Panetta put it into motion while Obama was on the fairway.

When the birds were spooled up ...Obama was brought in.

It went down almost exactly like the Navy's hostage rescue from the pirates. obama could not give the order, the commander took action and it was successful. If it had not been successful, the commander would have been court martialed for acting without authority.

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