Mr. President, you did not kill Bin Laden. America Did. ex Seals and CIA ad

IF the bin Laden mission had failed - Romney would be our next president. But it didn't - and he won't.

IF the mainstream media do their job honestly, there is no way the right-wingnut hate media can lie Romney into the White House.

If the OBL mission failed you would have never heard about it.

If the OBL mission had failed, obama would be the victim of evil republicans who violated orders just to embarass him.
The generals, admirals, were wringing their sweaty palms on the raid. Our Commander In Chief made the call. Osama is dead. Good riddance.

Only someone who hates America would deny this fact.

Yeah, 12 years of military service and I must hate America.

You don't hate America like you hate Obama i am sure, but you do hate.
You were jsut a mercenary doing the corporations bidding.

Have you seen the video? And I decline to respond to the rest as it fails to relate to the merits of the op. Foreign policy has much more to do with than corporate conspiracy theories.
IF the bin Laden mission had failed - Romney would be our next president. But it didn't - and he won't.

IF the mainstream media do their job honestly, there is no way the right-wingnut hate media can lie Romney into the White House.

If the OBL mission failed you would have never heard about it.

If the OBL mission had failed, obama would be the victim of evil republicans who violated orders just to embarass him.

If the OBL mission had failed we would have never heard about it like so many other spec ops missions. Rightfully so. If it were leaked that it failed Obama would have blamed it on the spec ops general as evident in his memo. Nevertheless, the spec op community leaks considerably less than the White house. Hardly ever in fact.
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The blatant and shameless Swiftboating of Obama's greatest foreign policy accomplishment is pathetic

I realize Republicans have a playbook they must work from but the exact replay of Kerry 04 is somewhat obvious

Mr. Kerry got precisely what he deserved. What happened to him, is what happens when you turn on your fellow troops, and falsely accuse them of "crimes" that never happened. ANYONE who did that; any man who falsely and maliciously betrayed the rest of us, is no brother of mine! Whatever he did in his whole three months in Vietnam, Mr. Kerry soiled his uniform and his honor here at home. I note that most of his defenders (including the ones whose false testimony he procured), never served ONE DAY in Vietnam! Incidentally, in the command in which I served, policy was to NOT write up Purple Heart recommendations for superficial cuts /scratches that resulted in no loss of duty time; policy was also for junior officers NOT to write up such recommendations for themselves. Presumably the policy in Mr. Kerry's command was quite a bit different.

Democrats have a long history of falsehoods when it comes to combat operations.

[ame=]Hillary Clinton dodges sniper fire in Bosnia - raw footage - YouTube[/ame]
what is there to see? besides more negativity towards Obama.

Here are the facts: 1. Americans biggest enemy is dead. 2. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the top of the chain of command.

what else is there to discuss?

:eusa_angel:Just because you have the title 'Commander in Chief' doesn't mean you take the credit for anything that goes right and point the finger at someone else if it doesn't. He should have been more involved with it than just giving the go ahead when the decision came up.
what is there to see? besides more negativity towards Obama.

Here are the facts: 1. Americans biggest enemy is dead. 2. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the top of the chain of command.

what else is there to discuss?

You didn't watch the video did you? OPERATIONAL SECURITY!!!
I saw the video and right away they start that shit about how the fellow died so we could enjoy our freedoms, horse shit. Iraq was and still is a wastefull needless war brought about by Corporate need to control the oil fields of Iraq, notice how long their contracts run?
We were in no danger from Iraq. Wanna talk abot WMD's? The US has more stockpiled that the rest of the planet and we have used them before, even chemical warefare.
Ha! Every time I hear how we should fear Iran cause they may get a nuke it is hilarious to see all the chickens running around with their heads cut off. The US has enough nuke weaposn to kill the world many times over, just what we have in the subs are enough to obliterate most of the known world.
We are the only nation to use nuke weapons on people also.
So thsi political policy you say is not corporate related, want to tell my the Pentagon did a survey of Afghanistans mineral deposits? They amounted to 7 billion, cause of corporate interest.
These special ed forces are showing their stupidity already by saying Obama is making peace talks with the Taliban, Afghanistan has been doing it for the last two months, they want peace, they want to include the Taliban. We really have no business there either, where is the threat?
The real threat is Pakistan, but they have nukes so we won't go there.
There is so much to cover it is like this, they have decided that sense they can't bemuse us with intelligence, they will try to befuddle us with bullshit in massive amounts.
what is there to see? besides more negativity towards Obama.

Here are the facts: 1. Americans biggest enemy is dead. 2. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the top of the chain of command.

what else is there to discuss?

:eusa_angel:Just because you have the title 'Commander in Chief' doesn't mean you take the credit for anything that goes right and point the finger at someone else if it doesn't. He should have been more involved with it than just giving the go ahead when the decision came up.

That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!
I saw the video and right away they start that shit about how the fellow died so we could enjoy our freedoms, horse shit. Iraq was and still is a wastefull needless war brought about by Corporate need to control the oil fields of Iraq, notice how long their contracts run?
We were in no danger from Iraq. Wanna talk abot WMD's? The US has more stockpiled that the rest of the planet and we have used them before, even chemical warefare.
Ha! Every time I hear how we should fear Iran cause they may get a nuke it is hilarious to see all the chickens running around with their heads cut off. The US has enough nuke weaposn to kill the world many times over, just what we have in the subs are enough to obliterate most of the known world.
We are the only nation to use nuke weapons on people also.
So thsi political policy you say is not corporate related, want to tell my the Pentagon did a survey of Afghanistans mineral deposits? They amounted to 7 billion, cause of corporate interest.
These special ed forces are showing their stupidity already by saying Obama is making peace talks with the Taliban, Afghanistan has been doing it for the last two months, they want peace, they want to include the Taliban. We really have no business there either, where is the threat?
The real threat is Pakistan, but they have nukes so we won't go there.
There is so much to cover it is like this, they have decided that sense they can't bemuse us with intelligence, they will try to befuddle us with bullshit in massive amounts.

Lets prend that all you said was true. I don't suppose you would concede that there is more to it than that?
No, we will just stop Obama from worrying small businesses to death, who turn around and clamp down on hiring until Obama is gone.

You can help employ American unemployed people. Vote Republican. ;)

And thank you for confirming that your motivations here are entirely political, and have nothing to do with any concerns about credit not going to the people who deserve it.

Well done.

So, no we have one person doing this out of spite because the hippies did it to them in the 70s.

And one person who doesn't care at all, but just wants to defame the President because they don't like his policies on small business.

Anyone else want to chime in with an admission of bullshit?
The blatant and shameless Swiftboating of Obama's greatest foreign policy accomplishment is pathetic

I realize Republicans have a playbook they must work from but the exact replay of Kerry 04 is somewhat obvious

Mr. Kerry got precisely what he deserved. What happened to him, is what happens when you turn on your fellow troops, and falsely accuse them of "crimes" that never happened. ANYONE who did that; any man who falsely and maliciously betrayed the rest of us, is no brother of mine! Whatever he did in his whole three months in Vietnam, Mr. Kerry soiled his uniform and his honor here at home. I note that most of his defenders (including the ones whose false testimony he procured), never served ONE DAY in Vietnam! Incidentally, in the command in which I served, policy was to NOT write up Purple Heart recommendations for superficial cuts /scratches that resulted in no loss of duty time; policy was also for junior officers NOT to write up such recommendations for themselves. Presumably the policy in Mr. Kerry's command was quite a bit different.


Republicans were faced with running a candidate who used strings to ride out the war in the Texas National Guard against a decorated war hero.

Their tactics of bringing partisan veterans to disparage the war record of John Kerry was despicable

They are trying the same tactic against Obama
what is there to see? besides more negativity towards Obama.

Here are the facts: 1. Americans biggest enemy is dead. 2. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the top of the chain of command.

what else is there to discuss?

:eusa_angel:Just because you have the title 'Commander in Chief' doesn't mean you take the credit for anything that goes right and point the finger at someone else if it doesn't. He should have been more involved with it than just giving the go ahead when the decision came up.

That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!

Obama delegated no authority. That’s laughable! What would be the alternative to delegating authority? To gather the intel and commit the raid himself? Ha! In light of the obvious, there was no authority to delegate.
Reagan participated in the foreign policy and global media war against the USSR, openly thrashing them at every moment he could. Obama had an OBL unit on auto piolet where the experts informed him on their progress and requested permission to raid the OBL compound upon receipt of good intelligence. Obama then passed three times and, when he finally gave the order, he made it a conditional one, allowing room for the spec ops commander to take the fall if it went south. Disconnected leadership is not leadership.

Ah yes, of course...

Reagan was in the mountains of Afghanistan shooting down Helicopters with stinger missles, wasn't he?

In fact, I remember seeing pictures of him and Osama Bin Laden working side by side as guerrillas to take back Kabul from the Russians.

Face it, you're a massive hypocrite. Good work.
:eusa_angel:Just because you have the title 'Commander in Chief' doesn't mean you take the credit for anything that goes right and point the finger at someone else if it doesn't. He should have been more involved with it than just giving the go ahead when the decision came up.

That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!

Obama delegated no authority. That’s laughable! What would be the alternative to delegating authority? To gather the intel and commit the raid himself? Ha! In light of the obvious, there was no authority to delegate.

oh, I see you were just enlisted in the military and are not capable of understanding how it works at high levels in military operations.
The blatant and shameless Swiftboating of Obama's greatest foreign policy accomplishment is pathetic

I realize Republicans have a playbook they must work from but the exact replay of Kerry 04 is somewhat obvious

Mr. Kerry got precisely what he deserved. What happened to him, is what happens when you turn on your fellow troops, and falsely accuse them of "crimes" that never happened. ANYONE who did that; any man who falsely and maliciously betrayed the rest of us, is no brother of mine! Whatever he did in his whole three months in Vietnam, Mr. Kerry soiled his uniform and his honor here at home. I note that most of his defenders (including the ones whose false testimony he procured), never served ONE DAY in Vietnam! Incidentally, in the command in which I served, policy was to NOT write up Purple Heart recommendations for superficial cuts /scratches that resulted in no loss of duty time; policy was also for junior officers NOT to write up such recommendations for themselves. Presumably the policy in Mr. Kerry's command was quite a bit different.


Republicans were faced with running a candidate who used strings to ride out the war in the Texas National Guard against a decorated war hero.

Their tactics of bringing partisan veterans to disparage the war record of John Kerry was despicable

They are trying the same tactic against Obama

So Kerry was honest at winter soldier, managed to get four purple hearts in 3 months of service (my dad got 1 fighting along the dmz in the infantry in 13 months) , didn’t side with the anti-war left/communists, didn’t have his voice broadcast to the POW's in the Hanoi Hilton, and didn't throw away his medals?

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:eusa_angel:Just because you have the title 'Commander in Chief' doesn't mean you take the credit for anything that goes right and point the finger at someone else if it doesn't. He should have been more involved with it than just giving the go ahead when the decision came up.

That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!

Obama delegated no authority. That’s laughable! What would be the alternative to delegating authority? To gather the intel and commit the raid himself? Ha! In light of the obvious, there was no authority to delegate.

LOL! Yes, that WOULD be the alternative to delegating authority. Holy hell. Is there no steps the right won't take to keep a black man from getting any credit?
That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!

Obama delegated no authority. That’s laughable! What would be the alternative to delegating authority? To gather the intel and commit the raid himself? Ha! In light of the obvious, there was no authority to delegate.

oh, I see you were just enlisted in the military and are not capable of understanding how it works at high levels in military operations.

The above claim certainly supports your argument. It just isn't true. I doubt you know what IPB is, I doubt you know what Order of battle is, I doubt you’ve ever written an order, and I doubt you’ve ever requested military assets, I doubt you've ever been a part of the MDMP, I could go on, but comparing your knowledge to mine in how high level military ops works would be a waste of my time.
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Obama delegated no authority. That’s laughable! What would be the alternative to delegating authority? To gather the intel and commit the raid himself? Ha! In light of the obvious, there was no authority to delegate.

Yes, you're right.

In fact, Obama isn't really the Commander in Chief at all is he?

No, that job was really being done by Congressman Ryan, in a secret bunker underneath the floor of Congress.


Oh, and I'm sure Pakistan was perfectly happy that he ordered that raid to take place, weren't they? Why they were overjoyed! The people of Pakistan were lining the road with flowers as they came into the country...


It's not like it caused an international incident or anything, EVEN AFTER THEY DISCOVERED THE PAKISTANIS WERE HIDING BIN LADEN.

I'm sure that if Bin Laden hadn't been there, there would have been no international incident at all.

Obama, as cic, gets the credit, Publius.

Not a thing you can do about it or take away from it.

Your OP is finished.

Spec Ops & Intelligence Personnel release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks

Special ops group attacks Obama over bin Laden bragging, leaks | Reuters

A few quotes that stood out:

"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," Smith continues. "It will get Americans killed."

"Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,"

We all knew that Obama is the most anti military president of all time. And if you think they hated him in 2008, I cant wait to see the stats for 2012.

Flash back: Remember General Stanley McChrystal and General Jones?

Dishonorable Disclosures ---------------------------------------->

[ame=]Dishonorable Disclosures - YouTube[/ame]

More On Obama's handling of the military
Obama planned dead SEAL photo op against families objections.
Terrorist who killed US soldiers but released to Iraqi’s by Obama, now free
Obama Snubs Nation's Heroes, Becomes the First President to Skip Ball Honoring Medal of Honor Recipients in Over 50 Years
Obama Calls Navy Corpsman a 'Corpse-man'
New Book Describes Rift Between Obama’s Nat’l Security Adviser and His Political Team: ‘Water Bugs’
The Rolling Stone profile of Stanley McChrystal that changed history
Obama "Insensitive, Cruel To Veterans And Familes" On Memorial Day Says Ex-U.S. Cavalry Captain
White House Mum on Case of Three Navy SEALs Accused of Mistreating Terrorist
The rules murdering our troops
US sees new interest from Taliban in peace talks
President Obama Goes All In on The Taliban
Obama’s burning Koran apology
Obama campaign sues Ohio over early voting law for military
Intelligence Community: Obama Spoiled Anti-Terror Mission to Spike Football
Judge Napolitano: Gov’t Wrong Not To Label Ft. Hood ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Like Sikh Temple Shooting
Barack Obama on Iraq: Then and now
Presidential Memorandum--Closure of Dentention Facilities at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
Obama Admin Releases Terrorist Who Killed U.S. Soldiers
Obama Admin Says It Doesn’t Need Congressional Approval To Wage War
Ayatollah Khamenei praises Barack Obama’s anti-war comments
Obama caught on mic telling Medvedev to give US 'space' on nuclear issue
Poland Intends To Create Its Own Missile Defence
Fidel Castro praises Obama
Hugo Chavez Praises Obama, Denounces Romney
Judicial Watch: Withholding CIA Papers in bin Laden Movie Case 'Stinks to High Heaven'
ObamaWood: Kathryn Bigelow Given 'Top-Level Access To Most Classified Mission In History'; Pentagon Launches Investigation
Hollywood Bails Out Obama With Bin Laden Movie
CIA Finds Stack of 'Overlooked' Docs Related to Bin Laden Movie Leaks
Pat Dollard
Spec Ops Community Blasts Obama Admin for Intel Leaks, Negligence, Egotism
how obama and hillary bungled away iraq
President Obama Praises Self for Ending War in Iraq on Bloodiest Day of the Year in That Country.
House bars Obama from sharing secrets with Russia
WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets
Military Cuts and Tax Plan Are Central to Obama Budget
Revealed: How White House 'planned to shield Obama by blaming Navy chief if bin Laden raid went wrong'
Iran's supreme leader praises Obama's emphasis on diplomacy

LOL! Yes, that WOULD be the alternative to delegating authority. Holy hell. Is there no steps the right won't take to keep a black man from getting any credit?

No, apparently there is not.

Though I don't even think race had anything to do with it.

I think these people are so obsessed with making sure their party wins, that they don't give a shit about anything else.

Party trumps country again.

It's truly deplorable, but not unexpected. After all, they've done it before, and surely they'll do it again.

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