Mr. President, you did not kill Bin Laden. America Did. ex Seals and CIA ad


Republicans were faced with running a candidate who used strings to ride out the war in the Texas National Guard against a decorated war hero.

Their tactics of bringing partisan veterans to disparage the war record of John Kerry was despicable

They are trying the same tactic against Obama

So Kerry was honest at winter soldier, managed to get four purple hearts in 3 months of service (my dad got 1 fighting along the dmz in the infantry in 13 months) , didn’t side with the anti-war left/communists, didn’t have his voice broadcast to the POW's in the Hanoi Hilton, and didn't throw away his medals?


I didn't see any swiftboaters question Kerrys medals when he earned them. Somehow, thirty years later they were outraged

John Kerry, as a decorated war veteran had every right to question the validity of the Viet Nam war. History has proven that he was right in doing so.

Kerry saved US lives by protesting to end an ill-conceived and poorly executed war

Kerry is the low life that gave us Bush......Even knowing how events would play out, most would still not vote for that traitor.
The point is, Publius, you don't have a point, and your OP fails.

Responsible Americans, left and center, and right, support Obama in his war on terror. Under his command and direction, Obama got Osama.

Obama always will have that credit.

Nothing you can do, Publius, at all, diminishes that fact.

Obama got him huh? Thank you for making that claim. It shows where you stand. Leftists in this thread have desperately arguing that Obama did not get OBL nor did he make the claim. You just made it. And nothing could be further from the truth. True leadership is what Bush did. Take the political hit and lie to the public that you have stopped the search for OBL so that the enemy gets complacent. Obama, on the other hand, leaked the unit, the dog’s name, how many people were involved, sources, THAT’S RIGHT SOURCES (Not that you would understand how important it is to protect a source), what type of equipment was used, how the house was raided, and I could go on. For what? All we needed to know was that OBL was dead. That, in fact, was the original plan. But no, politically it was better for Obama to leak than to adhere to the military standards of operational security.

In spite of his direction. Under his command is neither here nor there.
Using military force is a political decision. Are you really this dumb?

Hillary Clinton will be out with her book as soon as she leaves this administration--coming soon to a bookstore near you will be a chapter in her book that may read something like this: Since this hit--there has been discussion that Hillary Clinton--put her finger in Leon Panettta's ribs--to order the hit on Bin Laden because Obama was listening to a woman named Valeri Jarred who was telling him not to do it.

Obama hesitated--it was Leon Panetta that ordered the hit on Osama Bin Laden.
Obama Hesitated


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

Pat Dollard is awesome!

The article has been out there since the announcement of the hit on Bin Laden--"it's not new news." And one has one wonder--why did it take 8 months after the discovery of the location of Bin Laden to make this hit--"if someone wasn't stalling."

We can move seals to any location in the world within days--and we've seen it happen on several occasions.
The point is, Publius, you don't have a point, and your OP fails.

Responsible Americans, left and center, and right, support Obama in his war on terror. Under his command and direction, Obama got Osama.

Obama always will have that credit.

Nothing you can do, Publius, at all, diminishes that fact.

In spite of his direction. Under his command is neither here nor there.

Say whatever you need to say so that you can sleep at night. Perhaps the reason you haven’t watched the video? What was the point of my op? I will give you a hint. I didnt write the title. That stuck when our threads were merged.
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I sleep at night knowing we have a far better cic in Obama than Bush. If Romney wins, I will still feel safe at night, which under Bush none of us did.

The point is, Publius, you don't have a point, and your OP fails.

In spite of his direction. Under his command is neither here nor there.

Say whatever you need to say so that you can sleep at night. Perhaps the reason you haven’t watched the video?
and watching the vidi will increase your knowledge of false patriotism by a bunch of mercenaries.
I sleep at night knowing we have a far better cic in Obama than Bush. If Romney wins, I will still feel safe at night, which under Bush none of us did.

The point is, Publius, you don't have a point, and your OP fails.

Say whatever you need to say so that you can sleep at night. Perhaps the reason you haven’t watched the video?

Excellent. We will see if our troops feel the same! The military vote will be worse for Obama in 2012 than it was in 2008. Remember I said it here. - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry
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That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!

Obama delegated no authority. That’s laughable! What would be the alternative to delegating authority? To gather the intel and commit the raid himself? Ha! In light of the obvious, there was no authority to delegate.

LOL! Yes, that WOULD be the alternative to delegating authority. Holy hell. Is there no steps the right won't take to keep a black man from getting any credit?

:DYou lefties really need to put the race card away. In fact put it with your credit cards. Seems to be neither of them are working for you.
What a few minority of the troops feel does not represent the majority, nor does it represent Americans as a whole.

Step off, Publius, your OP is going nowhere good.

I sleep at night knowing we have a far better cic in Obama than Bush. If Romney wins, I will still feel safe at night, which under Bush none of us did.

Say whatever you need to say so that you can sleep at night. Perhaps the reason you haven’t watched the video?

Excellent. We will see if our troops feel the same! The military vote will be worse for Obama in 2012 than it was in 2008. Remember I said it here. - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry
The point is, Publius, you don't have a point, and your OP fails.

Responsible Americans, left and center, and right, support Obama in his war on terror. Under his command and direction, Obama got Osama.

Obama always will have that credit.

Nothing you can do, Publius, at all, diminishes that fact.

In spite of his direction. Under his command is neither here nor there.
Because you said so...With no explanation as usual.

It is part of what makes you a joke...........
The point is, Publius, you don't have a point, and your OP fails.
Because you said so...With no explanation as usual.

It is part of what makes you a joke...........

I'm still trying to figure out what he thinks the point of my op is. I know he hasn't watched the video.

Jake makes statements then runs off cowering from explanation.

He has quite the long history of doing so.....

He will even PM you to tell you he will school you...... Then PFFFT nothing.............
What a few minority of the troops feel does not represent the majority, nor does it represent Americans as a whole.

Step off, Publius, your OP is going nowhere good.

I sleep at night knowing we have a far better cic in Obama than Bush. If Romney wins, I will still feel safe at night, which under Bush none of us did.

Excellent. We will see if our troops feel the same! The military vote will be worse for Obama in 2012 than it was in 2008. Remember I said it here. - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

The military always votes republican 4-1 or 3-1 (For the past 32 years). You really do like to stick your head in the sand don't you?
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So exactly what is Obama 'leaking'? The best I could tell was that Obama announced that we had killed bin Laden too soon after we had, that we should have waited a week to announce the kill. Are you swiftboaters truly fucking stupid or what?
Trust me, anything that you don't need to know about the operation you don't know so quit acting like you know something when the truth of the matter is you don't know shit.
By the same logic as the these swiftboaters a state should not announce that they have a death penalty because it would give away intelligence on how they deal with crime.
The one part that was just down right funny was the statement, "And how did we learn we kill bin Laden?" cuts to a scene of the President of the United States announcing that there was a mission and that is was successful. He leaked the mission!!!! After it had happened! Wait... hugh???
The one part that was just down right funny was the statement, "And how did we learn we kill bin Laden?" cuts to a scene of the President of the United States announcing that there was a mission and that is was successful. He leaked the mission!!!! After it had happened! Wait... hugh???

Obviously you need to watch the video again--or possibly get a hearing aid. They were talking about the effort on this hit to gather information about other operatives--that they would have gotten from intelligence gathered at the Bin Laden compound. Once Obama got up in front of the podeum--(same night) and disclosed that Bin Laden was dead--any other possible Al Queda operatives would have "SCATTERED." The CIA wanted more time before the death was announced to find other operatives. And Obama immediately scattered them.

Now this opt was specifically designed to get intelligence from this compound--otherwise they would have just blown the crap out of it.


Then the video goes into what Diane Feinstein has stated about the White House leaking National Security information to the media. That is--until someone in the White House choked her off.

The Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Monday that the White House appears to be responsible for some leaks of classified information.
"I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks," Sen. Dianne Feinstein told a World Affairs Council forum.
The California lawmaker said she was certain that President Barack Obama, who receives a daily intelligence briefing, isn't disclosing secret information, but she was uncertain about others at the White House. "I don't believe for a moment that he goes out and talks about it," she said.

Democratic Sen. Feinstein suggests some leaked info came from the White House | Fox News


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
I am voting for GOP, Publius, as well. I did in 2008.

Romney will be good, Obama has been good, and Obama has been far better than Bush.

You can't disprove that at all.

What a few minority of the troops feel does not represent the majority, nor does it represent Americans as a whole.

Step off, Publius, your OP is going nowhere good.

Excellent. We will see if our troops feel the same! The military vote will be worse for Obama in 2012 than it was in 2008. Remember I said it here. - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

The military always votes republican 4-1 or 3-1 (For the past 32 years). You really do like to stick your head in the sand don't you?

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