Mr. President, you did not kill Bin Laden. America Did. ex Seals and CIA ad

No, and that's the point. you said "Obama delegate no authority" and then went ahead and explained exactly what authority he delegated.

De delegated his authority to go in there and take OBL out himself?

He delegated the authority to make certain decisions related to the action.

This is so obvious that it takes an amazing level of denial not to understand.

And what was his alternative? To make the descisions, ot gather the intel, to conduct the raid himself? No, he is not a foreign policy expert, he was never in the military, he's never had a clearence, nor has he ever been a part of the intel community. Therefore, he had no other option than to let the true leaders lead.
DoD contractors sucking the blood out of our infrastructure and bashing liberals. Please!
12 years? Too long for the college/home benefits (you lose those first time you reenlist), not long enough for retirement, even early retirement. What happened? Got weeded out?
8 years active. I don't suppose that you taken in to account that I did not join at the age of 18 or, perhaps, that I could "possibly" still be serving, but wish to not make a point of it as I refuse to speak on behalf ofthe military via unsing my current inactive service as the source. To do that I would need to place a disclaimer for my signature. That, and it is never advised to trash the president while serving in a military capacity. It could be why I only speak about the active years of my service.

You and the other couple thousand others at Raytheon who get the company email to bash Obama.

Apology accepted
DoD contractors sucking the blood out of our infrastructure and bashing liberals. Please!

Let’s see, the U.S. Constitution. Defense, yes. Infrastructure ... .... ...., .... ... ...., .... ... ... no. Now lets pick up James Madison’s notes on the constitutional convention. Corporate subsidies .... voted down .... Infrastructure .... voted down .... incorporation of banks .... voted down. Nah, I don’t really have the book in my hand, however, would you like me to find the day all these things were voted down so you can look them up? Or perhaps post a link? I'm always willing to educate the ignorant on U.S. history.
That is exactly what you have been trying to do, speak for a military that wants nothing to do with you.

12 years? Too long for the college/home benefits (you lose those first time you reenlist), not long enough for retirement, even early retirement. What happened? Got weeded out?
8 years active. I don't suppose that you taken in to account that I did not join at the age of 18 or, perhaps, that I could "possibly" still be serving, but wish to not make a point of it as I refuse to speak on behalf ofthe military via unsing my current inactive service as the source. To do that I would need to place a disclaimer for my signature.

Yeah, I will let that statement stand on its own merits. What can i say? It's an unfounded claim.
De delegated his authority to go in there and take OBL out himself?

He delegated the authority to make certain decisions related to the action.

This is so obvious that it takes an amazing level of denial not to understand.

And what was his alternative? To make the descisions, ot gather the intel, to conduct the raid himself?

One more time, since we've already discussed this: YES! That would be the alternative.

Instead, he DELEGATED that authority to others. He delegated the tactical decisions, the intel work, the conducting of the raid...

He delegated those things to others.

Delegated. Authority. Just like you showed above.
He delegated the authority to make certain decisions related to the action.

This is so obvious that it takes an amazing level of denial not to understand.

And what was his alternative? To make the descisions, ot gather the intel, to conduct the raid himself?

One more time, since we've already discussed this: YES! That would be the alternative.

Instead, he DELEGATED that authority to others. He delegated the tactical decisions, the intel work, the conducting of the raid...

He delegated those things to others.

Delegated. Authority. Just like you showed above.

Once agin, he had no alternative but to delagate what he does not know how to do.
what is there to see? besides more negativity towards Obama.

Here are the facts: 1. Americans biggest enemy is dead. 2. Obama is the Commander in Chief, the top of the chain of command.

what else is there to discuss?

:eusa_angel:Just because you have the title 'Commander in Chief' doesn't mean you take the credit for anything that goes right and point the finger at someone else if it doesn't. He should have been more involved with it than just giving the go ahead when the decision came up.

That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!

So then when he screws up, why does he blame others, it cuts both ways but liberals seem to think it doesn't.
:eusa_angel:Just because you have the title 'Commander in Chief' doesn't mean you take the credit for anything that goes right and point the finger at someone else if it doesn't. He should have been more involved with it than just giving the go ahead when the decision came up.

That is his job, to delegate his authority, duh!

So then when he screws up, why does he blame others, it cuts both ways but liberals seem to think it doesn't.

When did he blame others for his mistakes?
DoD contractors sucking the blood out of our infrastructure and bashing liberals. Please!

Let’s see, the U.S. Constitution. Defense, yes. Infrastructure ... .... ...., .... ... ...., .... ... ... no.

Huh? what's a post road? Last I checked, it was infrastructure.

Granted, but only post roads. The first non-post federal road built amongst a heat of constitutional controversy was the Cumberland Road. It was controversial for three reasons. 1) The U.S. Constitution granted no such authority. 2) Internal improvements were voted down in the constitutional convention. 3) If the government were going to start allocating moneys toward internal improvements then it would result in a state by state redistributionary scheme where the banking / industrial interests in the north would outweigh the farming interests in the south. See, you learned something today. Always willing to teach a historical novice.
Let’s see, the U.S. Constitution. Defense, yes. Infrastructure ... .... ...., .... ... ...., .... ... ... no.

Huh? what's a post road? Last I checked, it was infrastructure.

Granted, but only post roads. The first non-post federal road built amongst a heat of constitutional controversy was the Cumberland Road. It was controversial for three reasons. 1) The U.S. Constitution granted no such authority. 2) Internal improvements were voted down in the constitutional convention. 3) If the government were going to start allocating moneys toward internal improvements then it would result in a state by state redistributionary scheme where the banking / industrial interests in the north would outweigh the farming interests in the south. See, you learned something today. Always willing to teach a historical novice.

Don't flatter yourself - you didn't teach me anything.

Was the Capitol building constitutional?

The design of Washington DC?

B/C I don't seem them explicitly allowed in the Constitution.
Huh? what's a post road? Last I checked, it was infrastructure.

Granted, but only post roads. The first non-post federal road built amongst a heat of constitutional controversy was the Cumberland Road. It was controversial for three reasons. 1) The U.S. Constitution granted no such authority. 2) Internal improvements were voted down in the constitutional convention. 3) If the government were going to start allocating moneys toward internal improvements then it would result in a state by state redistributionary scheme where the banking / industrial interests in the north would outweigh the farming interests in the south. See, you learned something today. Always willing to teach a historical novice.

Don't flatter yourself - you didn't teach me anything.

Was the Capitol building constitutional?

The design of Washington DC?

B/C I don't seem them explicitly allowed in the Constitution.

You cant get any more explicit than this!

U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 8:

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings


Did I teach you something this time? Have you ever read the US Constitution? Don't answer that! I already know that you haven't. Though something tells me that you wont respond to this post again.

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