Mr. Trump please say ***NO*** to another Nuclear Arms Race

New, Undeclared Arms Race

The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America’s agenda for global military domination.

There has been no press coverage concerning this mysterious military blueprint. The latter outlines, according to the Wall Street Journal, America’s global military design which consists in "enhancing U.S. influence around the world," through increased troop deployments and a massive buildup of America’s advanced weapons systems."


That's why nations like Russia, China, and India are moving closer to forming an alliance. They're gonna try to counter NATO's dominance. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that it's NATO nations that are the aggressors these days. Russia and others feel NATO aggression needs to be checked.
New, Undeclared Arms Race

The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America’s agenda for global military domination.

There has been no press coverage concerning this mysterious military blueprint. The latter outlines, according to the Wall Street Journal, America’s global military design which consists in "enhancing U.S. influence around the world," through increased troop deployments and a massive buildup of America’s advanced weapons systems."


That's why nations like Russia, China, and India are moving closer to forming an alliance. They're gonna try to counter NATO's dominance. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that it's NATO nations that are the aggressors these days. Russia and others feel NATO aggression needs to be checked.

Yes, indeed,

While those countries can be attack NOTHING prevents those countries from creating a stateless entity like AQ or ISIS and thereafter financing and arming the same.

New, Undeclared Arms Race

The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America’s agenda for global military domination.

There has been no press coverage concerning this mysterious military blueprint. The latter outlines, according to the Wall Street Journal, America’s global military design which consists in "enhancing U.S. influence around the world," through increased troop deployments and a massive buildup of America’s advanced weapons systems."


That's why nations like Russia, China, and India are moving closer to forming an alliance. They're gonna try to counter NATO's dominance. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that it's NATO nations that are the aggressors these days. Russia and others feel NATO aggression needs to be checked.

Yes, indeed,

While those countries can be attack NOTHING prevents those countries from creating a stateless entity like AQ or ISIS and thereafter financing and arming the same.


It's clear NATO is an aggressor now. It isn't about 'defense.' NATO nations have surrounded Russia with missiles on its borders. How is Russia supposed to react to that? Of course it's nervous. I hope Trump cools things down. Because it's clear the West has moved the world closer to WWIII. Very dangerous times.
“We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.”
Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address, 1985

“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. The only value in our two nations possessing nuclear weapons is to make sure they will never be used. But then would it not be better to do away with them entirely?”
Ronald Reagan, 1984 State of the Union

“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth.”
Ronald Reagan, October 20, 1986

“I can’t believe that this world can go on beyond our generation and on down to succeeding generations with this kind of weapon on both sides poised at each other without someday some fool or some maniac or some accident triggering the kind of war that is the end of the line for all of us. And I just think of what a sigh of relief would go up from everyone on this earth if someday–and this is what I have–my hope, way in the back of my head–is that if we start down the road to reduction, maybe one day in doing that, somebody will say, ‘Why not all the way? Let’s get rid of all these things’.”

If only RR were here today to talk some sense into the "fool, the maniac" Trump
Trump talking about nukes foolishly is a very worrisome thing.

Well , he is our president.

We must respectfully teach him that nuclear energy is bad news.
You are wrong. Nuclear energy is a key component of non-polluting energy that sustains modern society and growth. As for replenishment and upgrades to our nuclear arsenal, yes it is necessary and will continue to be necessary until all the other nations disarm.
The reality is, Obama and Clinton have started another Cold War with Russia. Hopefully Trump can cool things down. But if he isn't successful, a new arms race will be underway. Once Obama and Clinton declared Russia 'The main threat in the world', all bets were off. Personally, i disagree with them on that declaration. Russia is not the biggest threat in the world. This Cold War is completely unnecessary.
New, Undeclared Arms Race

The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America’s agenda for global military domination.

There has been no press coverage concerning this mysterious military blueprint. The latter outlines, according to the Wall Street Journal, America’s global military design which consists in "enhancing U.S. influence around the world," through increased troop deployments and a massive buildup of America’s advanced weapons systems."


That's why nations like Russia, China, and India are moving closer to forming an alliance. They're gonna try to counter NATO's dominance. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that it's NATO nations that are the aggressors these days. Russia and others feel NATO aggression needs to be checked.

Yes, indeed,

While those countries can be attack NOTHING prevents those countries from creating a stateless entity like AQ or ISIS and thereafter financing and arming the same.


It's clear NATO is an aggressor now. It isn't about 'defense.' NATO nations have surrounded Russia with missiles on its borders. How is Russia supposed to react to that? Of course it's nervous. I hope Trump cools things down. Because it's clear the West has moved the world closer to WWIII. Very dangerous times.
The post 1945 aggressiveness of USSR and then Russia has been properly addressed. Russia and Putin, stay behind your borders, behave, you will be fine. Poland, Belarus, the Baltic, and Ukraine are not yours. Period.

The reality is that Putin has been far better contained the last few years. If Trump continues that, the world be a better place.
“We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.”
Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address, 1985

“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. The only value in our two nations possessing nuclear weapons is to make sure they will never be used. But then would it not be better to do away with them entirely?”
Ronald Reagan, 1984 State of the Union

“It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth.”
Ronald Reagan, October 20, 1986

“I can’t believe that this world can go on beyond our generation and on down to succeeding generations with this kind of weapon on both sides poised at each other without someday some fool or some maniac or some accident triggering the kind of war that is the end of the line for all of us. And I just think of what a sigh of relief would go up from everyone on this earth if someday–and this is what I have–my hope, way in the back of my head–is that if we start down the road to reduction, maybe one day in doing that, somebody will say, ‘Why not all the way? Let’s get rid of all these things’.”

If only RR were here today to talk some sense into the "fool, the maniac" Trump

Trump didn't start this new Cold War with Russia. Obama and Clinton did.
Jesus..........another thread same topic.......

It was a one line tweet.............and the world goes bat shit crazy............

Our nuclear weapons and silo's are old and in states of disrepair.................


When you have a president elect who's primary means of communication is tweeting - what are you supposed to think?
That the media has been corrupted?
New, Undeclared Arms Race

The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America’s agenda for global military domination.

There has been no press coverage concerning this mysterious military blueprint. The latter outlines, according to the Wall Street Journal, America’s global military design which consists in "enhancing U.S. influence around the world," through increased troop deployments and a massive buildup of America’s advanced weapons systems."


That's why nations like Russia, China, and India are moving closer to forming an alliance. They're gonna try to counter NATO's dominance. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that it's NATO nations that are the aggressors these days. Russia and others feel NATO aggression needs to be checked.

Yes, indeed,

While those countries can be attack NOTHING prevents those countries from creating a stateless entity like AQ or ISIS and thereafter financing and arming the same.


It's clear NATO is an aggressor now. It isn't about 'defense.' NATO nations have surrounded Russia with missiles on its borders. How is Russia supposed to react to that? Of course it's nervous. I hope Trump cools things down. Because it's clear the West has moved the world closer to WWIII. Very dangerous times.
The post 1945 aggressiveness of USSR and then Russia has been properly addressed. Russia and Putin, stay behind your borders, behave, you will be fine. Poland, Belarus, the Baltic, and Ukraine are not yours. Period.

The reality is that Putin has been far better contained the last few years. If Trump continues that, the world be a better place.

The West has been provoking Russia for years. It's continuously poked the bear. Placing missiles so close to Russia, is an act of aggression. How did the West think Russia would react? Of course it feels threatened. This Cold War Obama and Clinton started, is very dangerous and unnecessary. Hopefully Trump can cool things down. But if he can't, we will be in an arms race once again.
New, Undeclared Arms Race

The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America’s agenda for global military domination.

There has been no press coverage concerning this mysterious military blueprint. The latter outlines, according to the Wall Street Journal, America’s global military design which consists in "enhancing U.S. influence around the world," through increased troop deployments and a massive buildup of America’s advanced weapons systems."


That's why nations like Russia, China, and India are moving closer to forming an alliance. They're gonna try to counter NATO's dominance. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that it's NATO nations that are the aggressors these days. Russia and others feel NATO aggression needs to be checked.

Yes, indeed,

While those countries can be attack NOTHING prevents those countries from creating a stateless entity like AQ or ISIS and thereafter financing and arming the same.


It's clear NATO is an aggressor now. It isn't about 'defense.' NATO nations have surrounded Russia with missiles on its borders. How is Russia supposed to react to that? Of course it's nervous. I hope Trump cools things down. Because it's clear the West has moved the world closer to WWIII. Very dangerous times.
The post 1945 aggressiveness of USSR and then Russia has been properly addressed. Russia and Putin, stay behind your borders, behave, you will be fine. Poland, Belarus, the Baltic, and Ukraine are not yours. Period.

The reality is that Putin has been far better contained the last few years. If Trump continues that, the world be a better place.

The West has been provoking Russia for years. It's continuously poked the bear. Placing missiles so close to Russia, is an act of aggression. How did the West think Russia would react? Of course it feels threatened. This Cold War Obama and Clinton started, is very dangerous and unnecessary. Hopefully Trump can ocol things down. But if he can't, we will be in an arms race once again.
Russia can't do much and won't be allowed to do more. It is very dangerous for Russia to think that it can persuade Trump to allow it resume its imperialistic ways. That can only lead to the destruction of western Russia by the West, and the colonization of the east by Chinese and Japanese.
That's why nations like Russia, China, and India are moving closer to forming an alliance. They're gonna try to counter NATO's dominance. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that it's NATO nations that are the aggressors these days. Russia and others feel NATO aggression needs to be checked.

Yes, indeed,

While those countries can be attack NOTHING prevents those countries from creating a stateless entity like AQ or ISIS and thereafter financing and arming the same.


It's clear NATO is an aggressor now. It isn't about 'defense.' NATO nations have surrounded Russia with missiles on its borders. How is Russia supposed to react to that? Of course it's nervous. I hope Trump cools things down. Because it's clear the West has moved the world closer to WWIII. Very dangerous times.
The post 1945 aggressiveness of USSR and then Russia has been properly addressed. Russia and Putin, stay behind your borders, behave, you will be fine. Poland, Belarus, the Baltic, and Ukraine are not yours. Period.

The reality is that Putin has been far better contained the last few years. If Trump continues that, the world be a better place.

The West has been provoking Russia for years. It's continuously poked the bear. Placing missiles so close to Russia, is an act of aggression. How did the West think Russia would react? Of course it feels threatened. This Cold War Obama and Clinton started, is very dangerous and unnecessary. Hopefully Trump can ocol things down. But if he can't, we will be in an arms race once again.
Russia can't do much and won't be allowed to do more. It is very dangerous for Russia to think that it can persuade Trump to allow it resume its imperialistic ways. That can only lead to the destruction of western Russia by the West, and the colonization of the east by Chinese and Japanese.

I don't believe relations can be improved until the West removes the missiles from Russia's borders. We wouldn't tolerate any nation placing missiles so close to our own borders. If the missiles are removed, i think real progress can be made on closer ties.
You have, and will, always, tolerate those missiles. The bear keeper does not open the door to the bear cage without the bear well shackled.
You have, and will, always, tolerate those missiles. The bear keeper does not open the door to the bear cage without the bear well shackled.

Well, our Government wouldn't tolerate a nation placing missiles so close to our borders. That's all i'm saying. There are two sides to the story. Unfortunately, most Americans are only fed American Fake News propaganda. They aren't presented with complete pictures.
You have, and will, always, tolerate those missiles. The bear keeper does not open the door to the bear cage without the bear well shackled.

Well, our Government wouldn't tolerate a nation placing missiles so close to our borders. That's all i'm saying. There are two sides to the story. Unfortunately, most Americans are only fed American Fake News propaganda. They aren't presented with complete pictures.
Your government has done just that, so your government is giving you Fake News stories to stir you up. Behave, and you will be safe.
You have, and will, always, tolerate those missiles. The bear keeper does not open the door to the bear cage without the bear well shackled.

Well, our Government wouldn't tolerate a nation placing missiles so close to our borders. That's all i'm saying. There are two sides to the story. Unfortunately, most Americans are only fed American Fake News propaganda. They aren't presented with complete pictures.
Your government has done just that, so your government is giving you Fake News stories to stir you up. Behave, and you will be safe.

It's too bad Americans are so intentionally misinformed. NATO is actually the #1 aggressor in the world today. Just look at who's doing most of the bombing and invading around the world.

But Americans enjoy being blissfully ignorant. As long as they have their cheese burgers, porn, sports, Walmarts, and reality tv, they could care less how many people their Government kills. That's the reality.
Yes, the Russians are the most uninformed citizens of Europe.

You will not tell others outside your borders how to live.
It's really such a waste of resources, in fact the whole concept of war is like out of style, man...This woman agrees...

Anyone who thinks that Russia under the thumb of the autocrat Putin is in any way comparable to our democratic allies in Europe is a fool. Putin seeks nothing less that the re-establishment of the former USSR.

After meeting Putin, GW Bush said " I looked into his eyes and saw his soul". John McCain retorted, when I look into his eyes I see KGB.

How many of our allies will Trump, Putins' useful idiot sell out under the foolish attempt to make nice with a murderous thug?

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