Mr Unity Denies Parking Permit for Bikes in 37 Year Straight Veterans Motorcycle Ride on Washington, DC.

Nothing says "Unity" like canceling Independence Day festivities. Foreigners can enter the US illegally without consequence, but citizens can’t enter their capitol without punishment. Better get more piles of razor wire and another 30,000 troops you don’t trust, Democrats.

ABC-7 News in Washington reports the Biden administration has found yet another use for the COVID pandemic.

In South Dakota, Biden’s unity-branded administration is using the pandemic to cancel 4th of July fireworks at Mt. Rushmore. The fact that the pandemic was worse last year, Mt. Rushmore fireworks went forward, and there wasn’t a single case of COVID linked to that event is immaterial.

In the nation’s constitutional capital, which Biden wants to turn into its own state on a par with Texas despite the fact it has fewer people than Austin, Biden’s woke Pentagon has denied AMVETS a parking permit for their Memorial Day ride through the city they put their lives on the line to defend.

Fuck Joe and his permit
Fuck the assholes who clog up the roads with their too loud midlife crisis machines. I like veterans for the most part but motorcycle enthusiasts are self-centered noisy scum when they gather in large groups.
So you are anti-choice.
Nothing says "Unity" like canceling Independence Day festivities. Foreigners can enter the US illegally without consequence, but citizens can’t enter their capitol without punishment. Better get more piles of razor wire and another 30,000 troops you don’t trust, Democrats.

ABC-7 News in Washington reports the Biden administration has found yet another use for the COVID pandemic.

In South Dakota, Biden’s unity-branded administration is using the pandemic to cancel 4th of July fireworks at Mt. Rushmore. The fact that the pandemic was worse last year, Mt. Rushmore fireworks went forward, and there wasn’t a single case of COVID linked to that event is immaterial.

In the nation’s constitutional capital, which Biden wants to turn into its own state on a par with Texas despite the fact it has fewer people than Austin, Biden’s woke Pentagon has denied AMVETS a parking permit for their Memorial Day ride through the city they put their lives on the line to defend.

The District of Columbia has more citizens than Wyoming or Delaraware. So I guess you'd be OK with Wyoming losing statehood too, because nobody fucking lives there.

Large gatherings of former military personnel are going to be right off the plate right now, especially in Washington. Trump brought all of this on you and you should thank him for it.
Kanada shouldn't be a country cuz nobody lives there.
Why is Mr. Unity so infatuated with doing away with the filibuster if he thinks bipartisanship is so important?

The fillibuster has NOTHING to do with bipartisanship, and everything to do with a minority veto. It is anti-democratic, and is designed to prevent majority rule. Time to end it.
Once again you demonstrate what a colossal dumbass you are when it comes to America.

STFU, KKKanadian halfwit.
you poor little snowflakes...economy is great...americans are optimistic and the majority approve of president biden...get over it...
Lol, you still gonna love these 2 loons when Harris hands the keys to the Whitehouse back to Trump? Because of their policies.
you poor little snowflakes...economy is great...americans are optimistic and the majority approve of president biden...get over it...
The economy is great? then why the fuck is joe and Pelosi spending Trillions to buy an economy making billionaires like Buffet $$$$$$$$$$$$ while drowning the nation in debt that we will all be suffering from?

Because making billionaires like Buffet requires that the rest of the nation ended up living in poverty. Billionaires and the wealthy have been enriched by $3 trillion since the start of the pandemic. 8 million Americans have fallen into poverty to give them that $3 trillion.

You've been giving money to billionaires since 1981. You have the most billionaires in the world. You also have:
  • the greatest wealth and income inequality in the First World
  • the weakest social safety net in the First World
  • the highest murder rate in the First World
  • the most number of people imprisoned in the First World
  • the most number of citizens shot and killed by the police in the First World - #1 with a bullet
  • the highest rate of mass murders in the world
  • a declining lifespan
  • a declining rate of personal freedom
  • a high rate of corruption
Don't you think it's time to start doing things differently?
Because making billionaires like Buffet requires that the rest of the nation ended up living in poverty.

Who is poor because of Buffet? Give us your data, Fuckwit.
you poor little snowflakes...economy is great...americans are optimistic and the majority approve of president biden...get over it...
The economy is great? then why the fuck is joe and Pelosi spending Trillions to buy an economy making billionaires like Buffet $$$$$$$$$$$$ while drowning the nation in debt that we will all be suffering from?

Because making billionaires like Buffet requires that the rest of the nation ended up living in poverty. Billionaires and the wealthy have been enriched by $3 trillion since the start of the pandemic. 8 million Americans have fallen into poverty to give them that $3 trillion.

You've been giving money to billionaires since 1981. You have the most billionaires in the world. You also have:
  • the greatest wealth and income inequality in the First World
  • the weakest social safety net in the First World
  • the highest murder rate in the First World
  • the most number of people imprisoned in the First World
  • the most number of citizens shot and killed by the police in the First World - #1 with a bullet
  • the highest rate of mass murders in the world
  • a declining lifespan
  • a declining rate of personal freedom
  • a high rate of corruption
Don't you think it's time to start doing things differently?
  • the highest rate of mass murders in the world

Once again you are proven to be a lying sack of KKKanadian shit.

For a highly developed and wealthy nation, the United States has an unusually high rate of mass shootings. However, it is a common misconception that it is the worst country globally in terms of mass shooting rates. The truth of the matter is that the United States is number sixty-six on the list of countries in terms of mass shooting rates per capita, but they have had more mass shootings than any other country in terms of overall numbers.

Nothing says "Unity" like canceling Independence Day festivities. Foreigners can enter the US illegally without consequence, but citizens can’t enter their capitol without punishment. Better get more piles of razor wire and another 30,000 troops you don’t trust, Democrats.

ABC-7 News in Washington reports the Biden administration has found yet another use for the COVID pandemic.

In South Dakota, Biden’s unity-branded administration is using the pandemic to cancel 4th of July fireworks at Mt. Rushmore. The fact that the pandemic was worse last year, Mt. Rushmore fireworks went forward, and there wasn’t a single case of COVID linked to that event is immaterial.

In the nation’s constitutional capital, which Biden wants to turn into its own state on a par with Texas despite the fact it has fewer people than Austin, Biden’s woke Pentagon has denied AMVETS a parking permit for their Memorial Day ride through the city they put their lives on the line to defend.

The District of Columbia has more citizens than Wyoming or Delaraware. So I guess you'd be OK with Wyoming losing statehood too, because nobody fucking lives there.

Large gatherings of former military personnel are going to be right off the plate right now, especially in Washington. Trump brought all of this on you and you should thank him for it.

FUCKING IDIOT!!! 37 YEAR OLD EVENT IS NOT A "TRADITION". Traditions have been around for hundreds of years. This is merely a popular event for hard right wingers and that's why it's not happening this year, nor should it.

Too many groups of "ex-military" converged on the US Capital in January, and the DHS is still on high alert for right wing terrorism, which has been allowed to grow unchecked throughout the years Trump was in the White House.

Donald Trump's open encouragement of racist, xenophobic and violent elements on the right is going to take a long, long time to calm the fuck down, and it's not going to even start, until Donald Trump stops telling people he won the election.

As long as the radical right continues to pass voter suppression laws, and tries to overturn the results of fair and honest elections, you're going to see a lot of your right wing "traditions", going away. These are the same "traditions" that lead to the storming of the Capital.


What an idiot you are, Hitler would be proud! Who the fuck are you to define anything in anyone else's life? Fuck off!
you poor little snowflakes...economy is great...americans are optimistic and the majority approve of president biden...get over it...
The economy is great? then why the fuck is joe and Pelosi spending Trillions to buy an economy making billionaires like Buffet $$$$$$$$$$$$ while drowning the nation in debt that we will all be suffering from?

Because making billionaires like Buffet requires that the rest of the nation ended up living in poverty. Billionaires and the wealthy have been enriched by $3 trillion since the start of the pandemic. 8 million Americans have fallen into poverty to give them that $3 trillion.

You've been giving money to billionaires since 1981. You have the most billionaires in the world. You also have:
  • the greatest wealth and income inequality in the First World
  • the weakest social safety net in the First World
  • the highest murder rate in the First World
  • the most number of people imprisoned in the First World
  • the most number of citizens shot and killed by the police in the First World - #1 with a bullet
  • the highest rate of mass murders in the world
  • a declining lifespan
  • a declining rate of personal freedom
  • a high rate of corruption
Don't you think it's time to start doing things differently?
  • the highest murder rate in the First World
Another blatant lie by the KKKanadian lying sack of shit. Dragonlady why do you humiliate yourself here on a daily basis with your colossal lies?

US is 94th in murder rate. Many "First world" countries are ahead of the US.

Nothing says "Unity" like canceling Independence Day festivities. Foreigners can enter the US illegally without consequence, but citizens can’t enter their capitol without punishment. Better get more piles of razor wire and another 30,000 troops you don’t trust, Democrats.

Except they cancelled the parking permit for Memorial day, not Independence day.
Why is Mr. Unity so infatuated with doing away with the filibuster if he thinks bipartisanship is so important?

The fillibuster has NOTHING to do with bipartisanship, and everything to do with a minority veto. It is anti-democratic, and is designed to prevent majority rule. Time to end it.
That’s because we are not a democracy you uninformed hag.
Fuck the assholes who clog up the roads with their too loud midlife crisis machines. I like veterans for the most part but motorcycle enthusiasts are self-centered noisy scum when they gather in large groups.
You don't know the first thing about bikers, you disgusting little leftist pussy. Where's your burnt ass cry baby bull shit about the non stop violent antifa/blm mobs burning down cities?

You sound like a dumbass little whiner democrat cuck.

Yeah, we do know a lot about bikers. My ex husband had a BSA in his teens, and had a Honda VR racing bike when we got married. He bought a big touring bike with the insurance settlement when he loaned his VR to his best friend. The friend was not injured. The bike was totalled.

Even Harley Davidson knows who its customers are.

View attachment 486609

So when we post, this, it comes from a place of knowledge.
That's a fucking SALES AD, you ignorant mouth breathing moron, and just because you owned ONE little foreign make bike years ago does NOT make you, or whoever the "we" is you refer to, an expert on bikers. You really don't know jack shit.

I'm a retired MASTER HARLEY DAVIDSON TECHNICIAN. I've lived around bikers my entire LIFE. I've LIVED the biker lifestyle, I have biker friends, I have friends in motorcycle clubs, and I have friends in 1% outlaw motorcycle gangs. I can tell you this, many, MANY bikers are veterans and patriots, and yes, the majority of them are CONSERVATIVE and hate democrats. They hate liars, cowards, people that talk behind your back and PUSSIES, and you democrats are ALL THOSE.

I'm sure all the little Nazi pieces of rat shit trash in Washington know this, and THAT is the real reason the cheated in geriatric buffoon hair sniffer and his handlers are denying the parking permits... they're SCARED.
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Nothing says "Unity" like canceling Independence Day festivities. Foreigners can enter the US illegally without consequence, but citizens can’t enter their capitol without punishment. Better get more piles of razor wire and another 30,000 troops you don’t trust, Democrats.

ABC-7 News in Washington reports the Biden administration has found yet another use for the COVID pandemic.

In South Dakota, Biden’s unity-branded administration is using the pandemic to cancel 4th of July fireworks at Mt. Rushmore. The fact that the pandemic was worse last year, Mt. Rushmore fireworks went forward, and there wasn’t a single case of COVID linked to that event is immaterial.

In the nation’s constitutional capital, which Biden wants to turn into its own state on a par with Texas despite the fact it has fewer people than Austin, Biden’s woke Pentagon has denied AMVETS a parking permit for their Memorial Day ride through the city they put their lives on the line to defend.

The District of Columbia has more citizens than Wyoming or Delaraware. So I guess you'd be OK with Wyoming losing statehood too, because nobody fucking lives there.

Large gatherings of former military personnel are going to be right off the plate right now, especially in Washington. Trump brought all of this on you and you should thank him for it.
D.C. removed from the face of the earth will do much for world peace.
Why is Mr. Unity so infatuated with doing away with the filibuster if he thinks bipartisanship is so important?

The fillibuster has NOTHING to do with bipartisanship, and everything to do with a minority veto. It is anti-democratic, and is designed to prevent majority rule. Time to end it.
No it’s designed to keep the majority from steamrolling over the rights of the minority and results in more fair and equitable laws. In short, the filibuster prevents radicalism on either side of the aisle.



Fuck the assholes who clog up the roads with their too loud midlife crisis machines. I like veterans for the most part but motorcycle enthusiasts are self-centered noisy scum when they gather in large groups.
You don't know the first thing about bikers, you disgusting little leftist pussy. Where's your burnt ass cry baby bull shit about the non stop violent antifa/blm mobs burning down cities?

You sound like a dumbass little whiner democrat cuck.

Yeah, we do know a lot about bikers. My ex husband had a BSA in his teens, and had a Honda VR racing bike when we got married. He bought a big touring bike with the insurance settlement when he loaned his VR to his best friend. The friend was not injured. The bike was totalled.

Even Harley Davidson knows who its customers are.

View attachment 486609

So when we post, this, it comes from a place of knowledge.
That's a fucking SALES AD, you ignorant mouth breathing moron, and just because you owned ONE little foreign make bike years ago does NOT make you, or whoever the "we" is you refer to, an expert on bikers. You really don't know jack shit.

I'm a retired MASTER HARLEY DAVIDSON TECHNICIAN. I've lived around bikers my entire LIFE. I've LIVED the biker lifestyle, I have biker friends, I have friends in motorcycle clubs, and I have friends in 1% outlaw motorcycle gangs. I can tell you this, many, MANY bikers are veterans and patriots, and yes, the majority of them are CONSERVATIVE and hate democrats. They have liars, cowards, people that talk behind your back and PUSSIES, and you democrats are ALL THOSE.

I'm sure all your little Nazi pieces of rat shit trash in Washington know this, and THAT is the real reason your cheated in geriatric buffoon hair sniffer and his handlers are denying the parking permits... they're SCARED.


It's time for you overage FuckBois to put your guns away and go home.

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