Mrs Clinton

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
She is a proven Felon who sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, betrayed this country for $145 million, and endangered our national security with total disregard.
I happen to agree with her, " If that fucking bastard wins we all hang from nooses!"
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
She's really under their skin...and has been for a long time....I think they secretly have a crush on her..
agree with whom? Hellcat seems to me to be criminal like. GROSS OPPORTUNIST
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
First you need to open your mind to reality and then we can debate what causes such hatred.
Beginning with the simple fact that she committed crimes that were punishable by heavy fines and imprisonment, yet she was allowed to go unpunished.
Now we're finding out that the people that investigated her were obviously biased in her favor, by their own admissions, and refused to seek justice.
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
Actually EVERYONE should hate her. She is the poster bitch/bastard for the worst among us.
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
You do know Hillary didn't just cause that level of disgust only by conservatives. Most folks that are politically aware are disgusted by her.

All she would have done would have continued a corrupt system and a status quo that wasn't working. Most of middle America, both those grass roots in Occupy, and those that supported the Tea Party realized this.

Here is a celebrity that pretty much summed up the populist POV of the Bernie bros and Occupy sentiments on Hillary.

In short, it bothers "us" that such a vile, opportunistic, criminal, phony is exalted by the Left as some sort of Feminist Icon.

And of course, that she has gotten away with a laundry list of crimes for so long, because of her political connections.

Stay tuned. There are developments AT THIS MOMENT that could conceivably lead to her political and personal demise. As Abe Lincoln once observed, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
She is a proven Felon who sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, betrayed this country for $145 million, and endangered our national security with total disregard.
Felons are people who have been convicted of stuff. She isnt a felon.
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
She is a proven Felon who sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, betrayed this country for $145 million, and endangered our national security with total disregard.
Felons are people who have been convicted of stuff. She isnt a felon.

Of course not.

Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
She is a proven Felon who sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, betrayed this country for $145 million, and endangered our national security with total disregard.
Felons are people who have been convicted of stuff. She isnt a felon.
Not all felons are equal.

Some like Mrs. Bubba, are above the law.
Felons are people who have been convicted of stuff. She isnt a felon.
Thank you for proving you can not READ.

I did not say Hillary was a CONVICTED Felon.

I pointed out FACTUALLY that it had / has been PROVEN that Hillary COMMITTED Felonies, not that she had been CONVICTED.
she's a whore and hates whites/ loves criminals/criminality/hates police/etc
“I wouldn’t be able to stand it if my grandchildren had to be scared and worried the way too many children across our country feel right now. But because my grandchildren are white, because they are the grandchildren of a former president and secretary of state, let’s be honest here, they won’t face the kind of fear that we heard from the children testifying before the city council,” Clinton said during the speech.
Hillary Clinton Speaks About Systemic Racism At Historic Black North Carolina Church | HuffPost

Keith Scott was JUSTIFIABLY shot!!

let me put it to you simply:
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks murder over 3000 every year---EIGHT per day
most of their victims are BLACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and Clinton and the blacks are saying blacks should be afraid of whites?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!

and she mentions the children testifying !! they are teaching their black kids it's OK to smoke dope/do drugs/commit crimes AND resist arrest---while holding a PISTOL!!!!!
they are teaching their kids cops are ''shooting us for NO reason at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's ok to attack cops for no reason
you SHOULD run from cops--they will KILL you--because you are black !!hahahah
not because you are a threat

Clinton is what's wrong with America/MSM/blacks
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Nobody has been able to produce one fact backed accusation yet.

Yeah, the only fact we care about is that Hillary is not president.
Agreed. As bad as Trump may turn out to be, he will still be a thousand times better than Mrs. Bubba. Amazingly too many Americans think that crazy warmongering elitist globalist criminal, would be better. Goes to show the power of the ruling class can't be discounted.
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?

Why don’t you explain why you and other Libs have such a boner for her? She married a charismatic guy who became president, she bought a house in a state where she knew any democrat would win a senate race, she got appointed to a position she wasn’t qualified for, and the only thing she tried to do by herself was run for President, where she lost to a black guy from Kenya and a giant orange clown. Not much to respect there.

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