Mrs Clinton

Here's the head of the FBI at the time delineating the crimes she committed, to include violation of Official Secrets Act (about minute 4:40), perjury before Congress etc. etc. etc. She wasn't prosecuted because she is politically connected. Period end of story.

Ive watched this and he says that , based on precedent, no charges would be appropriate in this instance. It seems to be pretty transparent.

Which "precedent" would that be? Robert mugabe and his reign of terror in Zimbabwe? Or more the Stalin approach to rule? There is no precedent for anything that this woman has done. None.

Watch your video.

I did. Her actions are UNPRECEDENTED. That's the whole point.

Comey states that the decision to not prosecute is based on past precedents. Therefore it is clear that this is not the first time and that previous offenders have not been prosecuted. I am also sure that I have read that members of Trumps crew have also offended in this respect.

The fact that there was a US Navy sailor prosecuted, and incarcerated for doing the exact same thing, on a far smaller scale shows comeys statement to be a lie.
Ive watched this and he says that , based on precedent, no charges would be appropriate in this instance. It seems to be pretty transparent.

Which "precedent" would that be? Robert mugabe and his reign of terror in Zimbabwe? Or more the Stalin approach to rule? There is no precedent for anything that this woman has done. None.
Watch your video.

I did. Her actions are UNPRECEDENTED. That's the whole point.
Comey states that the decision to not prosecute is based on past precedents. Therefore it is clear that this is not the first time and that previous offenders have not been prosecuted. I am also sure that I have read that members of Trumps crew have also offended in this respect.

The fact that there was a US Navy sailor prosecuted, and incarcerated for doing the exact same thing, on a far smaller scale shows comeys statement to be a lie.
So thats one possible example. Doesnt really invalidate Comeys statement.
Nobody has been able to produce one fact backed accusation yet.

Here's the head of the FBI at the time delineating the crimes she committed, to include violation of Official Secrets Act (about minute 4:40), perjury before Congress etc. etc. etc. She wasn't prosecuted because she is politically connected. Period end of story.

Ive watched this and he says that , based on precedent, no charges would be appropriate in this instance. It seems to be pretty transparent.

Yeah.. Sure.. Because you don't live here you don't all the rest of that. USUALLY, those kind of security matters are handled WITHIN the company or agency in which they happen.. Comey acknowledged that later on.. The remedies include --- FIRING, DOCKING PAY retroactively, DEMOTION, and/or STRIPPING of all clearances with no opportunity to HOLD security clearances ever again.

This was acknowledged by Comey when asked what would happen within the FBI if this had happened there.
What was UNIQUE -- was she was the FUCKING HEAD of her agency and RESPONSIBLE for security enforcement.

So essentially, Comey/DOJ took a complete pass on this. She COMMITTED the crimes.. She's above the law apparently..
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
She is a proven Felon who sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, betrayed this country for $145 million, and endangered our national security with total disregard.
Felons are people who have been convicted of stuff. She isnt a felon.
Felons are people guilty of felonies. No one can say you are not profound.
Nobody has been able to produce one fact backed accusation yet.

Here's the head of the FBI at the time delineating the crimes she committed, to include violation of Official Secrets Act (about minute 4:40), perjury before Congress etc. etc. etc. She wasn't prosecuted because she is politically connected. Period end of story.

Ive watched this and he says that , based on precedent, no charges would be appropriate in this instance. It seems to be pretty transparent.

Yeah.. Sure.. Because you don't live here you don't all the rest of that. USUALLY, those kind of security matters are handled WITHIN the company or agency in which they happen.. Comey acknowledged that later on.. The remedies include --- FIRING, DOCKING PAY retroactively, DEMOTION, and/or STRIPPING of all clearances with no opportunity to HOLD security clearances ever again.

This was acknowledged by Comey when asked what would happen within the FBI if this had happened there.
What was UNIQUE -- was she was the FUCKING HEAD of her agency and RESPONSIBLE for security enforcement.

So essentially, Comey/DOJ took a complete pass on this. She COMMITTED the crimes.. She's above the law apparently..

Well he outlined what they found in some detail and decided that it didnt warrant charges, BASED ON PRECEDENT. I can understand her opponents being upset but perhaps they need to just move on.
Perhaps this explains the rest of the crap that is piled on her ?
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?
She is a proven Felon who sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, betrayed this country for $145 million, and endangered our national security with total disregard.
Felons are people who have been convicted of stuff. She isnt a felon.
Felons are people guilty of felonies. No one can say you are not profound.
Thats the way it actually works.
What GOOD has that woman-like entity done for America? Nothing! Her existence hasn't benefited America in any way, shape or form. If you want her, Britain is more than welcome to her. Please, take her off our hands.

Keep in mind, she's psychopathically bragged that in her lawyer days, she was so good she got a particularly violent pedophile acquitted on a technicality. She was quite proud of it. Nobody with a conscience could be.
Nobody has been able to produce one fact backed accusation yet.

Here's the head of the FBI at the time delineating the crimes she committed, to include violation of Official Secrets Act (about minute 4:40), perjury before Congress etc. etc. etc. She wasn't prosecuted because she is politically connected. Period end of story.

Ive watched this and he says that , based on precedent, no charges would be appropriate in this instance. It seems to be pretty transparent.

Yeah.. Sure.. Because you don't live here you don't all the rest of that. USUALLY, those kind of security matters are handled WITHIN the company or agency in which they happen.. Comey acknowledged that later on.. The remedies include --- FIRING, DOCKING PAY retroactively, DEMOTION, and/or STRIPPING of all clearances with no opportunity to HOLD security clearances ever again.

This was acknowledged by Comey when asked what would happen within the FBI if this had happened there.
What was UNIQUE -- was she was the FUCKING HEAD of her agency and RESPONSIBLE for security enforcement.

So essentially, Comey/DOJ took a complete pass on this. She COMMITTED the crimes.. She's above the law apparently..

Well he outlined what they found in some detail and decided that it didnt warrant charges, BASED ON PRECEDENT. I can understand her opponents being upset but perhaps they need to just move on.
Perhaps this explains the rest of the crap that is piled on her ?

But you're not paying attention to details here. PROSECUTION in a public court is DIFFICULT for security violations. All of this usually handled INTERNALLY to where it occurred. How do you FIRE a Sec. of State or dock her back pay? Her CLEARANCES should have been poofed just based on what Comey said and wrote. NONE of that happened. Doesn't MATTER what "legal charges" were. There was NO PUNISHMENT at all.

WHY? Because if they yanked her clearances and told her she could never be cleared again -- it would be LUDICROUS to still be running for President. Political horseshit is what happened here. Has not a THING to do with "courts or legal indictments"...
Felons are people who have been convicted of stuff. She isnt a felon.
Thank you for proving you can not READ.

I did not say Hillary was a CONVICTED Felon.

I pointed out FACTUALLY that it had / has been PROVEN that Hillary COMMITTED Felonies, not that she had been CONVICTED.
Thete is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. It is the conviction that makes the felon.

There is often a vast difference between the court of public opinion, and the corrupt judiciary.
Case in point, the phrase 'FBI investigation' used to mean that the FBI was doing the investigating.

In the public's mind, Bill's wife is a felon....and should be.

Now, stop tap-dancing and admit the truth.
Fortunately, justice isnt dispensed through the the court of public opinion. The serires Orville had a great episode on just that issue...

"Fortunately, justice isnt dispensed through the the court of public opinion."

Oh, but it is.

Didn't you see the last election?

Elections aren't the same as justice...a distinction that escapes you.
Ive watched this and he says that , based on precedent, no charges would be appropriate in this instance. It seems to be pretty transparent.

Which "precedent" would that be? Robert mugabe and his reign of terror in Zimbabwe? Or more the Stalin approach to rule? There is no precedent for anything that this woman has done. None.
Watch your video.

I did. Her actions are UNPRECEDENTED. That's the whole point.
Comey states that the decision to not prosecute is based on past precedents. Therefore it is clear that this is not the first time and that previous offenders have not been prosecuted. I am also sure that I have read that members of Trumps crew have also offended in this respect.

The fact that there was a US Navy sailor prosecuted, and incarcerated for doing the exact same thing, on a far smaller scale shows comeys statement to be a lie.

I don't think it was the exact same thing...
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?


She is a Democrat!

No seriously that is the main reason!!

Also her husband is Bill Clinton but even then she is hated more!!!
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first." -Ronald Reagan
Which "precedent" would that be? Robert mugabe and his reign of terror in Zimbabwe? Or more the Stalin approach to rule? There is no precedent for anything that this woman has done. None.
Watch your video.

I did. Her actions are UNPRECEDENTED. That's the whole point.
Comey states that the decision to not prosecute is based on past precedents. Therefore it is clear that this is not the first time and that previous offenders have not been prosecuted. I am also sure that I have read that members of Trumps crew have also offended in this respect.

The fact that there was a US Navy sailor prosecuted, and incarcerated for doing the exact same thing, on a far smaller scale shows comeys statement to be a lie.

I don't think it was the exact same thing...

You are correct. The Navy Sailor did significantly less than hilary did.
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?

Al Capone murdered dozens on his way to power yet it was an income tax beef that put him in Alcatraz. Hillary is a monster, has always been a monster, and may finally get what's coming to her....not that she'll ever see the inside of a cell. But her reputation will lay in ruins...and maybe a giant book-burning festival of her ghost-written garbage is in her future.
Why does she cause such a level of hatred on the right ?

I understand that she has been investigated time and time again.

But I believe that she has never been charged with anything.

And yet the accusations are stated as fact.

Could somebody explain it ?

She is a traitor....she and her husband sold technology to China which we now see in the North Korean missles .......and she also protected her rapist husband to save her political career......she is vile and disgusting....
Thank you for proving you can not READ.

I did not say Hillary was a CONVICTED Felon.

I pointed out FACTUALLY that it had / has been PROVEN that Hillary COMMITTED Felonies, not that she had been CONVICTED.
Thete is no such thing as an unconvicted felon. It is the conviction that makes the felon.

There is often a vast difference between the court of public opinion, and the corrupt judiciary.
Case in point, the phrase 'FBI investigation' used to mean that the FBI was doing the investigating.

In the public's mind, Bill's wife is a felon....and should be.

Now, stop tap-dancing and admit the truth.
Fortunately, justice isnt dispensed through the the court of public opinion. The serires Orville had a great episode on just that issue...

"Fortunately, justice isnt dispensed through the the court of public opinion."

Oh, but it is.

Didn't you see the last election?

Elections aren't the same as justice...a distinction that escapes you.

You were just put in your place, as Bill's wife was.

Both, are cases of justice.

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