Mrs. Pence Teaching Art Class...Liberals Go Stupid (again)

The school she is teaching at doesn’t meet the obtrusive liberal PC agenda.
Karen Pence Is Teaching at Christian School That Bars L.G.B.T. Students and Teachers
Funny and hardly. It is a private school. If Jebuz Freakers want to spend their hard earned clams to put their kids in this shitty school to be taught by Mrs Pence, so be it.

Why is it a shitty school?

If it meet the State and Federal criteria and if students are learning the basics then it can't be all that shitty.

Also just because you hate Christianity does not make the school shitty but what makes a school shitty is when it fails our future to even teach them that anyone before the age of 35 can not be VP or President.

Now before you question my comment just notice all the damn Cortez VP comments and let me say most went to public school, so that shit has failed one too many times!

You have so many assumptions and ifs built into your reply it is ridiculous. Answer your own questions and ifs.
mrs pence is a hypocrite judging children while supporting a man who brags about adultery ...a woman who posed nude...yea they have real values and morals....
She can teach art at a shit school, if she wants. But I thought her main job was screwing mikey. Shouldn't she be at home naked? mikey's got a sex thing going on.
There are endless public inner city chitt schools. An example of how bad is that in one city an inner city Catholic High School has 98% of its students going to college while 90% in the inner city public high school near it can barely write.
mrs pence is a hypocrite judging children while supporting a man who brags about adultery ...a woman who posed nude...yea they have real values and morals....
So what you are saying is that Mrs. Pence's husband Vice President Mike Pence could have run and won the 2016 Presidential election by himself in a landslide.
no just pointing out they seem to have situational ethics at best...bullshit morals mostly
The Apostle Paul murdered Christian's, yet he was forgiven and used by God to write 2/3 of the New Testament. You and your fellow lefties cry "don't judge me" while you judge others. Tell me who the hypocrite is.
Also just because you hate Christianity does not make the school shitty but what makes a school shitty is when it fails our future to even teach them that anyone before the age of 35 can not be VP or President.

Or worse, when it devotes teaching resources to promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, “gender fluidity”, and other insane, immoral, harmful crap, at the expense of teaching mathematics, literacy, and other skills and knowledge that the students will need to grow into functional, productive members of society.

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