MSM attacks Joe Rogan in order to cover for Sleepy Joe


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Since President Trump accepted a challenge to face Biden in a debate hosted by Joe Rogan, the Biden campaign has been scrambling to change the subject. They know Sleepy Joe couldn’t last several hours just talking with Rogan, much less being able to exchange in dialogue with President Trump. So in order to lay down cover for Sleepy Joe’s cowardice, and utter inability to be in such a debate, the media has begun attacks on Joe Rogan, claiming he is a “-phobe”, and an “-ist”.


Rogan isn't very political or locked into any side. He doesn't like Trump and pities Biden's mental decline. Doesn't seem to like the whole trans thing but doesn't condemn it. Never really heard him slam gays and seems respectful with women. He would have been a fair moderator.

This attack on him is weak sauce deflection from Creepy Coward Joe.
Rogen can go fuck himself. He's a sanders supporter
You have no idea whats coming for you, none of you entitled brats has clue-1 whats coming down the pike.... You, and tens of millions of other evil fucking baby killers are going rue the day your mothers birthed you...

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