MSM Spotlights Dunn Trial ; Ignores Blacks Killing Whites

I feel free to know that there IS NO ARGUMENT. Not when you come in here saying as assinine a thing as what you just said. Oh no, the Dunn case isn't a racial case. No no, not at all.
EARTH TO QWB: I live in Florida. There are dozens of stand your ground cases that get no airplay whatsoever. Most often those cases involve blacks vs other blacks. But when a white shoots a black guy it becomes a hot story, that they see as a ratings builder. I KNOW the case is not a race case. But the ultra-liberal MSMs are making it one. Just look at the large capital lettering caption at the bottom of the page, on the Dr Drew show on HLN. It reads >> "WHITE MAN KILLS BLACK TEEN" That is then followed by a second caption reading "DUNN SHOWS NO REMORSE" Wait a second here. Isn't remorse something one shows IF they did something WRONG ? So what's going on here ? Has HLN got this guy convicted already, while the trial is still in progress ? If Dunn really did shoot in self-defense (or thought he was), there's no WRONG involved, for any "REMORSE" to be involved.

Thanks for making my point that you are an inbred racist.

1. So you never learned the meaning of the word "IF".

2. You find the caption "WHITE MAN KILLS BLACK TEEN" as something other than racist, devious profiteering ? I doubt that. :doubt:

Let me explain something to you, the fact that you are a racist in no way means that no one else on the planet is a racist, nor does it prove anyone else is a racist, it just means you are. If you weren't an inbred racist you would understand that without me explaining it.
While the fanatically untra-liberal MSM is falling all over themselves broadcasting the Dunn trial, here's a small sample of the much more prevalent black on white crime, they purposely ignore - as long as the perpetrators are black (uncivilized, barbaric, savages)

Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death.4

Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his “deep-rooted hatred” of white people.5

Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect (i.e., the “Yaweh ben Yaweh cult”) was convicted of the murders of several white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body parts to their leader.6

North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.7

North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl into an empty house. “There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in the case of Amadou Diallo.”8

Kansas City, Missouri. An Ethiopian immigrant shot two white coworkers — killing one and critically injuring the other — at his workplace, then turned the gun on himself. At his residence, police found a three-page, signed note he had written in which he railed at “black blood sucker supreme white people” for oppressing him and black people in general.10

New York City. In a Midtown office building, a white woman was assaulted, raped, and anally raped by a black man who called her racist names during the attack. Police refused to label it a hate crime.11

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4. Barnacle, Mike. (1991). “A double standard for race crimes?” Asbury Park Press, March 7.

5. Knight-Ridder News. (1991). “AWOL Marine in Indiana admits seven racial killings, sources say.” Miami Herald, Feb. 2.

6. unsigned. (1991). “The killing class.” Miami Herald, Feb. 24; Gehrke, Donna. (1992). “ ‘I felt power’ while slaying 6 people, former Yaweh ‘death angel’ testifies.” Miami Herald, Jan. 30.

7. Op cit., Perazzo, p. 173, referencing: Edwards, Wayne. (1994). “Three strikes?” Destiny, Feb.
Unsigned. (2000). “Tiffany Long: Too white to be a victim.” FrontPage Magazine, Feb. 29. FrontPage Magazine - Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out..

8. Unsigned. (2000). “Tiffany Long: Too white to be a victim.” FrontPage Magazine, Feb. 29. FrontPage Magazine - Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out..

10. Associated Press. (1999). “Kansas City airport shooting victims identified.” Jefferson City News Tribune, Nov. 22.

11. Weiss, Murray, et al. (1999). “Cops fume over lousy video of 6th Ave. .” New York Post, Dec. 22.

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Hate Crimes You Don?t Hear About | Violence Against Whites

New Nation News - Black-on-White Crime

That's cuz we're the oppressor! We just need killing. According to Oprah.
While the fanatically untra-liberal MSM is falling all over themselves broadcasting the Dunn trial, here's a small sample of the much more prevalent black on white crime, they purposely ignore - as long as the perpetrators are black (uncivilized, barbaric, savages)

Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death.4

Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his “deep-rooted hatred” of white people.5

Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect (i.e., the “Yaweh ben Yaweh cult”) was convicted of the murders of several white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body parts to their leader.6

North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.7

North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl into an empty house. “There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in the case of Amadou Diallo.”8

Kansas City, Missouri. An Ethiopian immigrant shot two white coworkers — killing one and critically injuring the other — at his workplace, then turned the gun on himself. At his residence, police found a three-page, signed note he had written in which he railed at “black blood sucker supreme white people” for oppressing him and black people in general.10

New York City. In a Midtown office building, a white woman was assaulted, raped, and anally raped by a black man who called her racist names during the attack. Police refused to label it a hate crime.11

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4. Barnacle, Mike. (1991). “A double standard for race crimes?” Asbury Park Press, March 7.

5. Knight-Ridder News. (1991). “AWOL Marine in Indiana admits seven racial killings, sources say.” Miami Herald, Feb. 2.

6. unsigned. (1991). “The killing class.” Miami Herald, Feb. 24; Gehrke, Donna. (1992). “ ‘I felt power’ while slaying 6 people, former Yaweh ‘death angel’ testifies.” Miami Herald, Jan. 30.

7. Op cit., Perazzo, p. 173, referencing: Edwards, Wayne. (1994). “Three strikes?” Destiny, Feb.
Unsigned. (2000). “Tiffany Long: Too white to be a victim.” FrontPage Magazine, Feb. 29. FrontPage Magazine - Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out..

8. Unsigned. (2000). “Tiffany Long: Too white to be a victim.” FrontPage Magazine, Feb. 29. FrontPage Magazine - Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out..

10. Associated Press. (1999). “Kansas City airport shooting victims identified.” Jefferson City News Tribune, Nov. 22.

11. Weiss, Murray, et al. (1999). “Cops fume over lousy video of 6th Ave. .” New York Post, Dec. 22.

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Hate Crimes You Don?t Hear About | Violence Against Whites

New Nation News - Black-on-White Crime

Every one of those stories is at least a decade old. The Yaweh Ben Yaweh story is more than 20 years old.

"Those stories" ? Yeah ? How about the 59 stories listed in the second link >> That's part of the post too, you know ? And almost every one of them is dated January or February 2014. As new as the Dunn case, or newer. Yet not a word about them on HLN or MSNBC, while they rant on about the Dunn case.

As for the older ones, when they were current, they didn't get anywhere near this amount of airplay. Point is made, whether they're old or new.

PS - I could cite many more NEW cases as well. How about the white baby who was shot in the face ? How about the case of the black guy (Cordell Lamar Jude) who shot and killed white/Hispanic guy (Daniel Adkins) at a Taco Bell in Phoenix.AZ ? Anybody see that trial ? (which started in July 2013 and finally convicted Jude of reckless manslaughter in November). Four months and barely a whisper. Probably 95% of America never heard of these 2 guys.

Or how about the ten black people who stopped a car and beat a young white couple in Brooklyn, New York ? WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.

Black on white crime is going on all over America, continually, and it's rarely ever reported, except maybe on Fox News occasionally.
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Thanks for making my point that you are an inbred racist.

1. So you never learned the meaning of the word "IF".

2. You find the caption "WHITE MAN KILLS BLACK TEEN" as something other than racist, devious profiteering ? I doubt that. :doubt:

Let me explain something to you, the fact that you are a racist in no way means that no one else on the planet is a racist, nor does it prove anyone else is a racist, it just means you are. If you weren't an inbred racist you would understand that without me explaining it.

The mere fact that you are calling me a racist (just because I'm pointing out that some of the MSM racistly, only broadcasts white on black crime, and sensationalizes it, while ignoring the far more prevalent black on white crime), shows, that without a doubt, YOU ARE A RACIST, for doing that.

This improper dichotomy of the MSM that exists, should be exposed and reprimanded, and you need to be exposed for the RACIST that you are, for excusing that dichotomy, and accusing those who observe and report it, of being racist.

Incidentally, in the process of that, you're also making a fool out of yourself again, but we've come to expect that. Ho hum.
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Did the blacks kill the whites because they didn't like their music?
You hate black people we get it.

You hate anyone who doesn't accept MSM using racial animosity as a way to gain ratings. (and plays the race card in response) We get it.

No I hate no one. I just don't tolerate idiots.

SO, this means you don't tolerate HLN and MSNBC broadcasting the Dunn trial day after day, while ignoring the many black on white crimes/killings going on ? (as Tank and I showed in the New Nation News links)

And it means you think they should either broadcast the Dunn trial less, or the black on white trials more ? One would think (if you don't tolerate idiots)
No. They killed them because they were a bunch of racist pigs. Period.

You forgot to call them jungle bunnies

Michael Dunn's fate in jury's hands in loud music murder trial -

He deserves to be convicted.

If YOU shot somebody purely in self-defense (when you saw a gun pointed at you and that person was cursing at you), and his vehicle left the scene and then returned, and the police took 4 days to look for his gun (which you truly claimed he pointed at you), would you say YOU deserved to be convicted ? OR might you say, the jury should be able to see a "reasonable doubt" ?

PS- 4 MINUTES would be enough to stash away a gun (let alone 4 days)

If YOU shot somebody purely in self-defense (when you saw a gun pointed at you and that person was cursing at you), and his vehicle left the scene and then returned, and the police took 4 days to look for his gun (which you truly claimed he pointed at you), would you say YOU deserved to be convicted ? OR might you say, the jury should be able to see a "reasonable doubt" ?

PS- 4 MINUTES would be enough to stash away a gun (let alone 4 days)

Who said 4 minutes? the testimony is he came back as soon as the shooter left. And who wouldn't try to get away from someone who was shooting at them? The victims leaving is more evidence they didn't have a gun.

And the reason it took police so long to look for a gun was because the shooter fled the scene and never returned, never called the police and took him 2 or 3 days to make up his story.

If YOU shot somebody purely in self-defense (when you saw a gun pointed at you and that person was cursing at you), and his vehicle left the scene and then returned, and the police took 4 days to look for his gun (which you truly claimed he pointed at you), would you say YOU deserved to be convicted ? OR might you say, the jury should be able to see a "reasonable doubt" ?

PS- 4 MINUTES would be enough to stash away a gun (let alone 4 days)

Who said 4 minutes? the testimony is he came back as soon as the shooter left. And who wouldn't try to get away from someone who was shooting at them? The victims leaving is more evidence they didn't have a gun.

And the reason it took police so long to look for a gun was because the shooter fled the scene and never returned, never called the police and took him 2 or 3 days to make up his story.

Are you retarded ? NOBODY said 4 minutes. I was using that as an illustration pertaining to how long it could be for somebody to dump a gun. A gun could be dumped in less than 1 minute.

The "victims" (as YOU call them) leaving, is evidence that they MAY have stashed the gun. And with no evidence to the contrary, there is INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE to warrant a "beyond a reasonable doubt" conviction verdict.

You can't convict someone of murder based on what you THINK. That can only be done on the basis of PROOF. Like it or not, in this case, that proof does not exist.
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If YOU shot somebody purely in self-defense (when you saw a gun pointed at you and that person was cursing at you), and his vehicle left the scene and then returned, and the police took 4 days to look for his gun (which you truly claimed he pointed at you), would you say YOU deserved to be convicted ? OR might you say, the jury should be able to see a "reasonable doubt" ?

PS- 4 MINUTES would be enough to stash away a gun (let alone 4 days)

Who said 4 minutes? the testimony is he came back as soon as the shooter left. And who wouldn't try to get away from someone who was shooting at them? The victims leaving is more evidence they didn't have a gun.

And the reason it took police so long to look for a gun was because the shooter fled the scene and never returned, never called the police and took him 2 or 3 days to make up his story.

Are you retarded ? NOBODY said 4 minutes. I was using that as an illustration pertaining to how long it could be for somebody to dump a gun. A gun could be dumped in less than 1 minute.

The "victims" (as YOU call them) leaving, is evidence that they MAY have stashed the gun. And with no evidence to the contrary, there is INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE to warrant a "beyond a reasonable doubt" conviction verdict.

You can't convict someone of murder based on what you THINK. That can only be done on the basis of PROOF. Like it or not, in this case, that proof does not exist.

There is plenty of evidence to prove the victims were unarmed. But the jury will decide his fate.
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Who said 4 minutes? the testimony is he came back as soon as the shooter left. And who wouldn't try to get away from someone who was shooting at them? The victims leaving is more evidence they didn't have a gun.

And the reason it took police so long to look for a gun was because the shooter fled the scene and never returned, never called the police and took him 2 or 3 days to make up his story.

Are you retarded ? NOBODY said 4 minutes. I was using that as an illustration pertaining to how long it could be for somebody to dump a gun. A gun could be dumped in less than 1 minute.

The "victims" (as YOU call them) leaving, is evidence that they MAY have stashed the gun. And with no evidence to the contrary, there is INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE to warrant a "beyond a reasonable doubt" conviction verdict.

You can't convict someone of murder based on what you THINK. That can only be done on the basis of PROOF. Like it or not, in this case, that proof does not exist.

There is plenty of evidence to prove the victims were unarmed. But the jury will decide his fate.

If there is that evidence THEN there should be a conviction. From what I've heard, even the prosecution has not presented any evidence they were unarmed. The prosecutor John Guy openly admits there were "inconsistencies" in witness accounts. "It's not like television," he said. "In real life, there are inconsistencies."

Well maybe so, Mr. Guy, but you being a lawyer, ought to know those "inconsistencies", in a criminal trial, add up to >>> REASONABLE DOUBT.
You hate anyone who doesn't accept MSM using racial animosity as a way to gain ratings. (and plays the race card in response) We get it.

No I hate no one. I just don't tolerate idiots.

SO, this means you don't tolerate HLN and MSNBC broadcasting the Dunn trial day after day, while ignoring the many black on white crimes/killings going on ? (as Tank and I showed in the New Nation News links)

And it means you think they should either broadcast the Dunn trial less, or the black on white trials more ? One would think (if you don't tolerate idiots)

New Nation News

Why would I tolerate much less pay attention to the Hysterical Ladies Network?

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