MSN News; "Emails show COVID vaccine mandates were based on a lie." Walensky and Fauci on suicide watch


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Microsoft Network, Bing, it doesn't get anymore mainstream than that. I had to check my eyes weren't playing tricks on me a couple of times. The winds are changing mighty interesting This means vaccine injured and dead due to mandates are victims of mass Crimes Against Humanity.

Cliff notes. The biggest reason for mandates was not so that you wouldn't get sick but so you could not get it and pass it to others. The Granda Killer Ploy. It was all a lie. You could get it and pass it even if you were vaxxed. Worst of all, they knew it.

"It is not uncommon for politicians or bureaucrats to lie. What seems to be unique, though, is just how common and consequential the lies were during the COVID pandemic.

On Monday, we got a bombshell. New documents indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates was based on a falsehood — and that public health officials knew it.

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, “breakthrough cases” of COVID in January 2021 — right when the vaccines became widely available. In her email, Walensky says that “clearly,” it is an “important area of study,” links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.

However, in public, Walensky was saying something quite different. Two months after discussing this data, she said vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick.” In a congressional hearing, after it became clear people were able to get infected with COVID even after receiving the vaccine, she defended her original statements by claiming it was true at the time she said it — namely, for the strands we were dealing with in early 2021.

We now know that was not true and that Walensky herself knew it was not true.

Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, called the revelation “stunning.” He pointed out that despite this knowledge, “they continued to push vax mandates anyway.”

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Deliberate intentional mass murder

All Murderous Fraud Vax mandate pols need a Nuremberg style trial, execution, and total asset forfeiture.
Many of us saw through this from day one.

A medical PROFESSIONAL does not make statements like the politician Walensky made.

Anyone who KNOWS about viruses, knew she was spouting bullshit from the beginning.

This was never about our health. NEVER. It still isn't.
Many of us saw through this from day one.

A medical PROFESSIONAL does not make statements like the politician Walensky made.

Anyone who KNOWS about viruses, knew she was spouting bullshit from the beginning.

This was never about our health. NEVER. It still isn't.

People are prepared for little league liars like your husband or wife who looks nervous and you can always tell. Normal people are not prepared for big league, world class professional liars.
Wondered how they would minimise" coming clean".Now you know how utterly absurd the case is against The Donald but how desperately they needed the stupid Sheeple to never really notice this greatest ever deliberate crime against humanity .
Microsoft Network, Bing, it doesn't get anymore mainstream than that. I had to check my eyes weren't playing tricks on me a couple of times. The winds are changing mighty interesting This means vaccine injured and dead due to mandates are victims of mass Crimes Against Humanity.

Cliff notes. The biggest reason for mandates was not so that you wouldn't get sick but so you could not get it and pass it to others. The Granda Killer Ploy. It was all a lie. You could get it and pass it even if you were vaxxed. Worst of all, they knew it.

"It is not uncommon for politicians or bureaucrats to lie. What seems to be unique, though, is just how common and consequential the lies were during the COVID pandemic.

On Monday, we got a bombshell. New documents indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates was based on a falsehood — and that public health officials knew it.

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, “breakthrough cases” of COVID in January 2021 — right when the vaccines became widely available. In her email, Walensky says that “clearly,” it is an “important area of study,” links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.

However, in public, Walensky was saying something quite different. Two months after discussing this data, she said vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick.” In a congressional hearing, after it became clear people were able to get infected with COVID even after receiving the vaccine, she defended her original statements by claiming it was true at the time she said it — namely, for the strands we were dealing with in early 2021.

We now know that was not true and that Walensky herself knew it was not true.

Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, called the revelation “stunning.” He pointed out that despite this knowledge, “they continued to push vax mandates anyway.”

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The premise is true. No "vaccine" can do a thing against viruses landing on the mucosal surfaces of nose, mouth and throat. These same viruses can be transmitted to other hosts after having landed on the first one.
Microsoft Network, Bing, it doesn't get anymore mainstream than that. I had to check my eyes weren't playing tricks on me a couple of times. The winds are changing mighty interesting This means vaccine injured and dead due to mandates are victims of mass Crimes Against Humanity.

Cliff notes. The biggest reason for mandates was not so that you wouldn't get sick but so you could not get it and pass it to others. The Granda Killer Ploy. It was all a lie. You could get it and pass it even if you were vaxxed. Worst of all, they knew it.

"It is not uncommon for politicians or bureaucrats to lie. What seems to be unique, though, is just how common and consequential the lies were during the COVID pandemic.

On Monday, we got a bombshell. New documents indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates was based on a falsehood — and that public health officials knew it.

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, “breakthrough cases” of COVID in January 2021 — right when the vaccines became widely available. In her email, Walensky says that “clearly,” it is an “important area of study,” links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.

However, in public, Walensky was saying something quite different. Two months after discussing this data, she said vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick.” In a congressional hearing, after it became clear people were able to get infected with COVID even after receiving the vaccine, she defended her original statements by claiming it was true at the time she said it — namely, for the strands we were dealing with in early 2021.

We now know that was not true and that Walensky herself knew it was not true.

Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, called the revelation “stunning.” He pointed out that despite this knowledge, “they continued to push vax mandates anyway.”

View attachment 797117
Democrats lied , millions died! Nobody is shocked, it's what democrats do.
Microsoft Network, Bing, it doesn't get anymore mainstream than that. I had to check my eyes weren't playing tricks on me a couple of times. The winds are changing mighty interesting This means vaccine injured and dead due to mandates are victims of mass Crimes Against Humanity.

Cliff notes. The biggest reason for mandates was not so that you wouldn't get sick but so you could not get it and pass it to others. The Granda Killer Ploy. It was all a lie. You could get it and pass it even if you were vaxxed. Worst of all, they knew it.

"It is not uncommon for politicians or bureaucrats to lie. What seems to be unique, though, is just how common and consequential the lies were during the COVID pandemic.

On Monday, we got a bombshell. New documents indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates was based on a falsehood — and that public health officials knew it.

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, “breakthrough cases” of COVID in January 2021 — right when the vaccines became widely available. In her email, Walensky says that “clearly,” it is an “important area of study,” links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.

However, in public, Walensky was saying something quite different. Two months after discussing this data, she said vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick.” In a congressional hearing, after it became clear people were able to get infected with COVID even after receiving the vaccine, she defended her original statements by claiming it was true at the time she said it — namely, for the strands we were dealing with in early 2021.

We now know that was not true and that Walensky herself knew it was not true.

Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, called the revelation “stunning.” He pointed out that despite this knowledge, “they continued to push vax mandates anyway.”

View attachment 797117

This strengthens the case that our leaders knowingly and enthusiastically engaged in crimes against humanity.
Two days ago the Youtube gestapo removed the RFK Jr./Peterson video, citing it for "misinformation." Those who wish to judge for themselves are now prevented from knowing the content. That is the pathological contradiction being invoked with impunity. Youtube's pure nazism.
Deliberate intentional mass murder

All Murderous Fraud Vax mandate pols need a Nuremberg style trial, execution, and total asset forfeiture.
The Trump vaccine strikes again.

Probably Trump was behind these lies so he could pimp his vaccine to America and get backdoor handouts from big pharma.
Two days ago the Youtube gestapo removed the RFK Jr./Peterson video, citing it for "misinformation." Those who wish to judge for themselves are now prevented from knowing the content. That is the pathological contradiction being invoked with impunity. Youtube's pure nazism.

Yes this is what nazis do. They censor anything they want and they don't feel they need to explain it to you.
Yes this is what nazis do. They censor anything they want and they don't feel they need to explain it to you.

There are other ways of reaching people besides the internet.

And, there are other ways of working the interwebz without going through channels.

Antifa seems to real good at it. The feebs haven't found any of the kids who organized the riots.

Amazing a bunch of teenagers could be three steps ahead of the FBI.
Right....You start with knocking them off, before the program of creating sexual dysfunction in the young.
If I wanted to reduce population it's how I would do it. First the old folks just gobbling up Social Security and Medicare money ten go for the reproductive systems of the kids.

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