MSNBC : Abe Lincoln was gay

They have some obsession with making everything gay. Historical figures, children, fictional characters, animals and so on. They never, ever talk about being straight, it's only ever about how something or someone is gay.

These people are sick. They won't stop til they completely rewrite history and change everyone into a minority, disabled, LGBT degenerate. Gay marriage was a mistake the slippery slope was true. Back to the closet with all of you
This here ^^ is a person of low intelligence and of low accomplishment that has to search for ways to make himself feel like less of a piece of shit. And clearly it isn't working, so far.

Yes dummies, as it turns out, gay and bi people have been around for a long time.
This here ^^ is a person of low intelligence and of low accomplishment that has to search for ways to make himself feel like less of a piece of shit. And clearly it isn't working, so far.

Yes dummies, as it turns out, gay and bi people have been around for a long time.

NBC is lying.

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