MSNBC : Abe Lincoln was gay

These people are sick. They won't stop til they completely rewrite history and change everyone into a minority, disabled, LGBT degenerate. Gay marriage was a mistake the slippery slope was true. Back to the closet with all of you

It is known that Lincoln did share a bed with another man before he was married, but this was at a time when not everyone could afford a bed.

Commentary on President Abraham Lincoln's sexuality has been documented since the early 20th century. Attention to the sexuality of public figures has been heightened since the gay rights movement in the late 20th century. In his 1926 biography of Lincoln, Carl Sandburg alluded to the early relationship of Lincoln and his friend Joshua Fry Speed as having "a streak of lavender, and spots soft as May violets". "Streak of lavender" was period slang for an effeminate man and later connoted homosexuality.[6] Sandburg did not elaborate on this comment.[7] Historian and psychoanalyst Charles B. Strozier believes that it is unlikely for Sandburg to have used that phrase with homosexual implications, suggesting that he instead used the term to note "Speed's and Lincoln's softer, more vulnerable sides, which shielded their vigorous masculinity".[8]
Here are some examples to help clear things up.
Don Lemon is gay.
Barack Obama is bisexual.
Actually, the moron ^^ accidentally touches on an relevant point.

If the squealers protesting this documentary and this topic had about 1% of these goods on Obama, they would never shut up about him being gay.
This isn't exactly a new revelation. Speculation about the possibility he swung both ways or was gay has been around longer than any of us have been alive.

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