MSNBC admits the truth.

That was always the pivot point. Jack-off MUST be a federal employee to be appointed Special Counsel and Jack-off is NOT a federal employee. Judge Cannon has been playing with these hapless shit missiles for months, and now it's time to pull the rug right out from underneath them.

I see SCOTUS in her future. She earned it. :clap:

jack smith tighter.jpg
So you're bragging about ending the rule of law.

Good little Stalinist.

On the bright side, at least none of the Trump cultists are even bothering to hide their contempt for the rule of law. They're all letting their Stalinist freak flags fly high.
Hahah Jack sloth isn’t the rule of law, in fact most of his career the courts have said he hasn’t been following the rule of law.

So what's the problem then?
NONE, Financially..... You Promise Prosperity. YES?
I will prosper EVEN more than I do today. So Why would I bitch?
Winco is upset about being thrown in the whole concentration camp thingy

Stop your crying, at the end of the day you get a museum and tons of well-wishers who will hang on your every word.
This ^^^ doesn't even register on the logical scale?
Try to explain......YOU will be WRONG yet again.
If Trump wins, you're probably going to try to hang yourself with your shoelaces.
Why? I'm worth more than you.
I'm successful, yet you are a USMB 8-4 M-F Troll.
Prove me wrong Marvin.
Lot on suicide watch tonight. Jesse should be good.
You guys are making WAY too big a deal out of this SCOTUS ruling this morning.
It wasn't a total "win" for convicted felon Trump....nor was it a total loss.
It was pretty much what we all have been expecting, a middle of the road, noncommittal, kick the case back to Chutkan for clarification of what constituted Trump's "official actions."
Now comes the fun part.
We'll see how quickly Chutkan can begin proceedings to determine this. It is most likely going to be basically a re-do of The House Select Committee on Jan. 6th hearings with much of the same witnesses testifying to the same things....that Trump KNEW he had lost the election but tried to hold onto office anyway.
Trump himself may even be called to testify in Chutkan's courtroom this time.
In the end what most likely will be determined is that after all but one of Trump's cases of supposed "election fraud" were thrown out of court for lack of evidence, and after ALL of the adults in the room in his administration TOLD him that yes he had legitimately lost the election, his only "official duty" at that point would have been to gracefully accept the results and facilitate the smooth transition of power.
All the other actions he took were not part of that "official" duty.
That will be up to Tanya Chutkan to decide.
Tben of course Trump will appeal any of her findings not favorable to him. The SCOTUS may (or may not) elect to review his appeal in it's next term.
Meanwhile the voting public will get a good refresher course on The Jan. 6th Committee's evidence right before the election.
Be careful what you wish for suckers.
You guys are making WAY too big a deal out of this SCOTUS ruling this morning.
It wasn't a total "win" for convicted felon Trump....nor was it a total loss.
It was pretty much what we all have been expecting, a middle of the road, noncommittal, kick the case back to Chutkan for clarification of what constituted Trump's "official actions."
Now comes the fun part.
We'll see how quickly Chutkan can begin proceedings to determine this. It is most likely going to be basically a re-do of The House Select Committee on Jan. 6th hearings with much of the same witnesses testifying to the same things....that Trump KNEW he had lost the election but tried to hold onto office anyway.
Trump himself may even be called to testify in Chutkan's courtroom this time.
In the end what most likely will be determined is that after all but one of Trump's cases of supposed "election fraud" were thrown out of court for lack of evidence, and after ALL of the adults in the room in his administration TOLD him that yes he had legitimately lost the election, his only "official duty" at that point would have been to gracefully accept the results and facilitate the smooth transition of power.
All the other actions he took were not part of that "official" duty.
That will be up to Tanya Chutkan to decide.
Tben of course Trump will appeal any of her findings not favorable to him. The SCOTUS may (or may not) elect to review his appeal in it's next term.
Meanwhile the voting public will get a good refresher course on The Jan. 6th Committee's evidence right before the election.
Be careful what you wish for suckers.
If anyone is over reacting, it's you.

One of His official duties is the ability to contest the election results.

Voting public is weary of the J6 thing................check polling, Sweetie.

Take a ' need one.
Admit that Jack Smith has been effectively neutered. Justice Thomas has doubts also about Smith's appointment.

Justice Thomas????? Thomas is bought and paid for. He's not going to be on the court for very much longer.

If Trump is elected, he's gone and when Biden is re-elected, he'll be up on bribery charges.
If anyone is over reacting, it's you.

One of His official duties is the ability to contest the election results.

Voting public is weary of the J6 thing................check polling, Sweetie.

Take a ' need one.

The president has no official duties with regard to elections. That's totally the perview of the states.

The voting public is weary of Donald Trump and want him in jail.
If anyone is over reacting, it's you.
Not at all.
One of His official duties is the ability to contest the election results.
There are legal ways to do that. After those legal ways were laughed out of court for lack of evidence he continued with illegal means.
Voting public is weary of the J6 thing................check polling, Sweetie.
That is fake news.
Majority of Americans believe he should stand trial before they vote.
Besides, after the evidence is recycled in Chutkan's courtroom over the next few months nobody is going to be "weary" of it any longer.
Take a ' need one.
Not at all. I am laughing at you chumps and your premature circle-jerk over a nothingburger SCOTUS punt.
The president has no official duties with regard to elections. That's totally the perview of the states.

The voting public is weary of Donald Trump and want him in jail.
Haha what the f are you talking about? The president enforces federal election law
If Trump is elected, he's gone and when Biden is re-elected, he'll be up on bribery charges.
Link your bribery charge boosheet.

The president has no official duties with regard to elections.
The hell He doesn't.
There are legal ways to do that. After those legal ways were laughed out of court for lack of evidence he continued with illegal means.
None of your bullshit has seen the light of day in a court.
Majority of Americans believe he should stand trial before they vote.
Link too much to ask for?
Besides, after the evidence is recycled in Chutkan's courtroom over the next few months nobody is going to be "weary" of it any longer.
You must have missed the point of the ruling.............Chutkan has to decide which actions by Trump were under the immunity ruling...........after she does, they're all up for appeal. So go buy some popcorn, smack.

None of your bullshit has seen the light of day in a court.
Not yet but now there's hope now that SCOTUS has kicked it back down to Chutkan.
Link too much to ask for?
Not at all.
By the way though you forgot to provide a link to support your previous ridiculous claim about voters being weary of this.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents said that Trump should stand trial in the Justice Department’s 2020 election subversion case before Election Day. Ninety percent of Democrats expressed that view, as did 65 percent of independents and even 26 percent of Republicans. These figures have largely held steady since we asked the question last August and are in line with the results from at least one other recent poll.
You must have missed the point of the ruling.............Chutkan has to decide which actions by Trump were under the immunity ruling
I didn't miss a thing. You are fake newsing again.
........after she does, they're all up for appeal.
They MAY be....but that's not guaranteed.

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