MSNBC guest says ‘populist, fascist rage sweeping across Europe’ just like 2016 US elections, as White House anxiously watches Meloni’s rise to power


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
You'd think the success of fascism in the U.S., plus the strength of fascism in Hungary, Sweeden, and now Italy would cause the West to do some reflection and see a serious problem in our society. But that would mean examining the link between fascism and capitalism.

It's the Hillary excuse all over again, "it can't be me/her/us, it MUST be the Trump supporters! They are just all damned wrong!". As they sip their lattes in their guest house, provided for often through an undeserved gig with little personal risk (the new "capitalism"), their smug look becomes shock then defiance, after all THEY cannot be wrong,

Always use the right words after a loss, become self righteous at the first sniff of an election victory and double down on debt and destruction, "fooled ya, didn't we?".

For some reason, America turned away from Trump policies in 2020, even as it's key allies in Europe were clearly running towards them. I even stated that this was going to be the outcome after 2020 result, "the biggest shift in influence in history". Backlashes always occur, even if some don't like it.

So here we are. European leaders don't view America as the global leader they once were and they have MUCH bigger problems at hand with winter on the way. Pronouns, green solutions, unmitigated immigration, suppression of speech and the like just don't have priority anymore.
Both sides do it and it's historically retarded. Both of my Grandfathers fought against real Fascist and if alive today it would be a toss up between laughing their asses off or slapping the shit out of the morons making the comparison.

You'd think the success of fascism in the U.S., plus the strength of fascism in Hungary, Sweeden, and now Italy would cause the West to do some reflection and see a serious problem in our society. But that would mean examining the link between fascism and capitalism.

No, the problem is wokeness and political correctness taken to the absolute extreme. The left are solely responsible for the rise of the far right. If they hadn't gone completely bonkers with their leftist extremism, the far right would not have been awakened. That is the reflection the left needs to think on.

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