MSNBC has no political agenda but floods their site with Palin-hate...


Oct 2, 2007
"MSNBC vp primetime programming Bill Wolff maintains that his network covers Palin because she’s newsworthy. Period. End of story.
“She’s powerful and important, even if all you measure her by is her ability to raise money,” he says. “She matters. Her blessing and her endorsement mean something.’
Wolff called it “nonsense” that MSNBC is driven by politics or even profits when it comes to how much airtime it devotes to Palin.
“MSNBC does not have a political agenda. The idea that we’re beholden to one side or the other is ridiculous,” he says. “And if Sarah Palin is so good for business, why would we want to destroy her? We tell the truth. We hold up a mirror and say, ‘This is what’s going on.’ We’re not so crass to think that she’s good for business, therefore we’ll talk about her.”
Wolff is also executive producer of The Rachel Maddow Show, which ran 90 segments on Palin in 2009 and 99 in 2010, according to LexisNexis."

MSNBC VP: ?MSNBC does not have a political agenda.? Hot Air
They sell Hate Palin

Hate Bauchman

Volts and


they are in short libturds.
They also have NO RATINGS, so that tells how much the people love all the HATE they spew.
You only have to watch Mr. Maddow and Chrissy Matthews to see they lean left.
MSNBC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Following several years in which many observers noted a politically leftward shift in the channel's programming, MSNBC publicly acknowledged its progressivism (code for communism) in October 2010 while launching a marketing campaign with the tagline "Lean Forward."
"We've taken on CNN and we beat them," MSNBC President Phil Griffin told employees at a series of celebratory "town hall" meetings. "Now it's time to take on Fox."
Wow, talk about delusions of grandeur! :lol:

Obviously, MSNBC has a political agenda.

Unlike ALL those other FINE News establishments, which of course report objectively.

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