MSNBC Hayes: It's Not a Pig Depicting a Cop - It's a Warthog...which makes it ok...

Which does not stop Hayes being right, you being wrong
So you're saying it would be acceptable for someone to draw Barak Obama as a Mangabey, because the Mangabey is in the monkey FAMILY but is NOT technically a 'Monkey'?! Got it.
easy, let's give the readers my whole quote so they can see if you are off on a fallacy of false equivalency, again.

"Which does not stop Hayes being right, you being wrong, and your appointment is still for 2 pm. Our American police do not wander in the sub-Saharan terrain. Now if they had said rakestraw rooter or a pineywoods piggy from Texas, you might have a point."

Why does the Alt Right want America to forget that American LEO hurt and killed Americans during the civil rights and vietnam eras?
Why worry about it. How many more days-) After that, their rhetoric is just noise. We are going to roll right over them, and if it doesn't work, they will roll right back over us. But if it does work, they are going to have to put a couple of far leftists in museums so as the next generation knows what they look and smell like, since they will all be gone. They will be extinct! They will be like mosquito's just buzzing around....Obzzzzma, Obzzzzzma, lolol. Shoot a little liberty at them, and they will all go away-)
Conservatives want America to forget that the government assaulted American citizens during the civil rights movement
Please start a thread on what Democrats did to blacks during the 50's-70's.
Yes Democrats were the party of the deep south and social conservatism once.
If it weren't for lies the left would have nothing to say.

Still today Democrats scream that skin color must determine who gets jobs and an education.
Conservatives want America to forget that the government assaulted American citizens during the civil rights movement
Please start a thread on what Democrats did to blacks during the 50's-70's.
Yes Democrats were the party of the deep south and social conservatism once.
If it weren't for lies the left would have nothing to say.

Still today Democrats scream that skin color must determine who gets jobs and an education.
Republicans just elected a man on the premise of attacking people of color and taking America back to the pre-civil rights era (MAGA). But you can go ahead and keep pretending that the people who fly confederate flags and celebrate minorities being killed are Democrats, since truth and facts don't matter anymore in Trump's America.
Conservatives want America to forget that the government assaulted American citizens during the civil rights movement
Please start a thread on what Democrats did to blacks during the 50's-70's.
Yes Democrats were the party of the deep south and social conservatism once.
If it weren't for lies the left would have nothing to say.

Still today Democrats scream that skin color must determine who gets jobs and an education.
Republicans just elected a man on the premise of attacking people of color and taking America back to the pre-civil rights era (MAGA). But you can go ahead and keep pretending that the people who fly confederate flags and celebrate minorities being killed are Democrats, since truth and facts don't matter anymore in Trump's America.
Thanks for the daily hyperbole and reminding us why Trump is moving into the White House next week.
Conservatives want America to forget that the government assaulted American citizens during the civil rights movement
Please start a thread on what Democrats did to blacks during the 50's-70's.
Yes Democrats were the party of the deep south and social conservatism once.
If it weren't for lies the left would have nothing to say.

Still today Democrats scream that skin color must determine who gets jobs and an education.
Republicans just elected a man on the premise of attacking people of color and taking America back to the pre-civil rights era (MAGA). But you can go ahead and keep pretending that the people who fly confederate flags and celebrate minorities being killed are Democrats, since truth and facts don't matter anymore in Trump's America.
Thanks for the daily hyperbole and reminding us why Trump is moving into the White House next week.
Oh? Did I mention Russian sabotage and a broken electoral system in this thread?
Chris Hayes thinks this pig dressed up as a cop isn't a pig

"On his show Wednesday night, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes weighed in on the ongoing Capitol Hill high school art contest controversy, boldly declaring that the artwork by a Missouri teen that depicts a police officer as a pig wasn’t really a pig.

“Last Friday, Rep. Duncan Hunter of California was the first to snatch the painting, falsely claiming it depicts police officers as pigs,” he said. You see, Hayes thinks the painting shows a warthog dressed up like a cop, which in his Brooklyn-centric mind isn’t a pig."

Ummm, Chris....thank you for demonstrating that you and MSNBC have the same ineptitude at journalism / researching information to ensure what you report as news is accurate as Buzzfeed does:

"The common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a wild member of the pig family (Suidae) found in grassland, savanna, and woodland in sub-Saharan Africa."

If this was your attempt to 'save' the Congressional Black Caucus and Democrats embarrassment and ridicule for hanging an offensive painting of a policeman portrayed as a 'Pig' and then threatening violence on anyone who sought to have it removed from the Capitol Complex, not only did you fail to do so but you also brought embarrassment and ridicule on yourself and MSNBC for piss-poor journalism / reporting.

Like there is a big difference. It's about the message the painting sends.

Do they think nitpicking over the type of pig matters?

Hog/pig, tiger/cat, ape/monkey, Hillary/loser, etc. All the same things.
This is what Clementine can't answer: "Which does not stop Hayes being right, you being wrong, and your appointment is still for 2 pm. Our American police do not wander in the the sub-Saharan terrain. Now if they had said rakestraw rooter or a pineywoods piggy from Texas, you might have a point."

The point is simple: Chris correctly defended the meme, so the far right attacked Chris in knee jerk mode.

I call bullshit. The painting is clearly insulting cops and it's not comparing them to hogs that wander in the sub-Saharan terrain. It's comparing them to pigs. Just because the artist didn't paint a pig doesn't detract from the message it's sending.

Some of you are willing to split hairs to defend the hateful painting and yet continue to ignore glaring facts to attack the right.
Chris Hayes thinks this pig dressed up as a cop isn't a pig

"On his show Wednesday night, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes weighed in on the ongoing Capitol Hill high school art contest controversy, boldly declaring that the artwork by a Missouri teen that depicts a police officer as a pig wasn’t really a pig.

“Last Friday, Rep. Duncan Hunter of California was the first to snatch the painting, falsely claiming it depicts police officers as pigs,” he said. You see, Hayes thinks the painting shows a warthog dressed up like a cop, which in his Brooklyn-centric mind isn’t a pig."

Ummm, Chris....thank you for demonstrating that you and MSNBC have the same ineptitude at journalism / researching information to ensure what you report as news is accurate as Buzzfeed does:

"The common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a wild member of the pig family (Suidae) found in grassland, savanna, and woodland in sub-Saharan Africa."

If this was your attempt to 'save' the Congressional Black Caucus and Democrats embarrassment and ridicule for hanging an offensive painting of a policeman portrayed as a 'Pig' and then threatening violence on anyone who sought to have it removed from the Capitol Complex, not only did you fail to do so but you also brought embarrassment and ridicule on yourself and MSNBC for piss-poor journalism / reporting.

Like there is a big difference. It's about the message the painting sends.

Do they think nitpicking over the type of pig matters?

Hog/pig, tiger/cat, ape/monkey, Hillary/loser, etc. All the same things.
This is what Clementine can't answer: "Which does not stop Hayes being right, you being wrong, and your appointment is still for 2 pm. Our American police do not wander in the the sub-Saharan terrain. Now if they had said rakestraw rooter or a pineywoods piggy from Texas, you might have a point."

The point is simple: Chris correctly defended the meme, so the far right attacked Chris in knee jerk mode.

I call bullshit. The painting is clearly insulting cops and it's not comparing them to hogs that wander in the sub-Saharan terrain. It's comparing them to pigs. Just because the artist didn't paint a pig doesn't detract from the message it's sending.

Some of you are willing to split hairs to defend the hateful painting and yet continue to ignore glaring facts to attack the right.
You are splitting hairs, clemmie with hateful description and yelling while ignoring the facts so you can attack everyone you don't like.
You are splitting hairs, clemmie with hateful description and yelling while ignoring the facts so you can attack everyone you don't like.
Liberals are claiming the picture is one of a warthog not a pig, which makes it ok, and you are claiming conservatives are 'splitting hairs'.


That's funny as hell!
You are splitting hairs, clemmie with hateful description and yelling while ignoring the facts so you can attack everyone you don't like.
Liberals are claiming the picture is one of a warthog not a pig, which makes it ok, and you are claiming conservatives are 'splitting hairs'. :lmao: That's funny as hell!
A warthog is an animal of the subsahara continent.

"Pigs" in our history beat the hell out of peacefully protesting Americans from the 1950s through the 1960s.

The great majority of the country will let LEO know on January 21 that beating Americans is a very stupid career move.
It seems inappropriate to depict LE as a member of the Suidae family in any way. It's used as a pejorative and is not appropriate for display in ANY publicly funded venue.

For snowflakes to understand....think of it as asking someone what they do for a living. It's a microaggression and shouldn't be allowed.

Are there nearby safe spaces for LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS to retreat to when they see the painting?
Conservatives want America to forget that the government assaulted American citizens during the civil rights movement

Bed wetters want to forget that regressive governments killed 100 million people, but using water hoses on regressive parasites is somehow worse?

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