MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

Well the slime over at MSLSD are back.

Disgusting: MSNBC mocks Romney grandchild as token black

An MSNBC host included a*Mitt Romney family portrait*in what she called the “photos of the year,” zeroing in on the race of his adopted black grandson, Kieran Romney.

The photo elicited howls of laughter from her panel and prompted one guest to mock him as the family’stoken black.“Everybody loves a baby picture, and this was one that really, a lot of people had emotions about this baby picture this year,”*Melissa Harris-Perry*said on her show Sunday.

“This is the Romney family. And, of course, there on Gov. Romney’s knee is his adopted grandson, who is an African-American, adopted African-American child, Kieran Romney.”After the introduction, panelist Pia Glenn sang off-camera, “One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn’t the same,” then, “And that little baby, front and center, would be the one,” eliciting laughs and snickers.And everyone found Harris-Perry’s next comment hilarious:

“My goal is that in 2040, the biggest thing of the year will be the wedding between Kieran Romney and North West. Can you imagine Mitt Romney and Kanye West as in-laws?”And my goal is that when 2040 comes, Kieran Romney never has to listen to this drivel.“I think this picture is great,” comedian Dean Obeidallah chimed in. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”Watch the exchange below.
Disgusting: MSNBC mocks Romney grandchild as token black - BizPac Review

Very uncool. Didn't know Warbler was an MSNBC personality.
Nobody at MSNBC will ever say anything as stupid and racist as Megan Kelly did with the Santa/Jesus thing.
She has now apologized.

But silence from PMSNBC. Perhaps they approved of her initial comments and now are disapproving. Or maybe they just learned something from wot happened to A&E.

Can liberals learn?
Nobody at MSNBC will ever say anything as stupid and racist as Megan Kelly did with the Santa/Jesus thing.

Saying Santa and Jesus were White was "racist"? Whatever. You Libturds need to chill out with that race card you keep tossing around.
She has now apologized.

But silence from PMSNBC. Perhaps they approved of her initial comments and now are disapproving. Or maybe they just learned something from wot happened to A&E.

Can liberals learn?

What happened to A&E?
She has now apologized.

But silence from PMSNBC. Perhaps they approved of her initial comments and now are disapproving. Or maybe they just learned something from wot happened to A&E.

Can liberals learn?

What happened to A&E?

We are not interested in the opinion of pin heads that think saying Jesus and Santa are white is somehow racist.
Nobody at MSNBC will ever say anything as stupid and racist as Megan Kelly did with the Santa/Jesus thing.

Really!!!??? While some have a broken moral compass ,some don't have one at all.

Mocking a child,and said child's parents,the way that it was done,was beyond pathetic,into the realm of degenerates. No comparing the two what so ever.
they apologized

but it seems most dems who have responded in this thread tacitly supported the comments by their deflection
they apologized

but it seems most dems who have responded in this thread tacitly supported the comments by their deflection

damn right, and i also support Phil's words as well, and Bashirs, but i also support the right to condemn them. Whether they are forced to apologize or not is up to them. I personally wouldnt.

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