MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

its cool...funny watching you play victim as if you dont hurl insults on here as well.
I think that you're playing with fire when you bring a politician's family into things, the comments were in poor taste, and I'm glad an apology was issued.

Having said that, I'm having a whole lot of trouble ginning up any sympathy for the butthurt conservatives that JUST got through with about two weeks of "FREE SPEECH!1!!!" poutrage. Suck it up, ya pansies.
MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

Terminate Perry and then give her terrible recommendations when asked.

This is flatly unacceptable.
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they apologized

but it seems most dems who have responded in this thread tacitly supported the comments by their deflection

damn right, and i also support Phil's words as well, and Bashirs, but i also support the right to condemn them. Whether they are forced to apologize or not is up to them. I personally wouldnt.

You cannot simultaneously support people who say offensive things and support condemning them for saying it. Liberals used to understand that, then they got power.
I remember when folks went after Chelsea as well.

Some people are arseholes.
they apologized

but it seems most dems who have responded in this thread tacitly supported the comments by their deflection

Twitter don't cut it to me. She should call Romney and apologize. Kids are off limits.
She has now apologized.

But silence from PMSNBC. Perhaps they approved of her initial comments and now are disapproving. Or maybe they just learned something from wot happened to A&E.

Can liberals learn?

Or maybe she shouldn't apologize for something someone else said.

It was a panelist who made the crack about the Romney family.

Of course, that poor black kid is going to grow up in a family of cultists who think dark skin is a curse from God... being made fun of on a TV show is probably the least of her problems...

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