MSNBC: It’s Time For Anti-Gun Activists To Start Going After NRA Members

Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

Please describe the terrorist acts performed by the NRA as an organization.

Is your own belief structure so insipid that you have to daemonize anyone who opposes you politically?
Hopefully a few of these safety advocates will get shot and think better of their actions.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

Please describe the terrorist acts performed by the NRA as an organization.

Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.
Yes, please put any link of a NRA member doing a mass shooting or terrorist activity.

He can’t. He just needs to demonize any organization or people that have been identified as “enemies” to the leftist Agenda. That way he and his kind can justify any and all violent actions against them. It’s a dog whistle for his fellow leftists to take action in terrorizing normal Americans.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.
Yes, please put any link of a NRA member doing a mass shooting or terrorist activity.

The NRA might as well sponsor them. They want to make it easier for these people to be well armed. They fight ever effort to keep guns away from these people.

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