MSNBC: It’s Time For Anti-Gun Activists To Start Going After NRA Members

Yes by all means go after people who own guns and know how to use them I'm sure that will work out well for them.
In any case, when it comes to strategy, Del Percio's specialty seems to be recommending personal attacks on Republicans and other opponents.
In July, our Gregory Price caught Del Percio recommending that constituents "attack" and "scare" their Republican congressmen for purposes of forcing them to support a piece of Democrat legislation.

MSNBC 'Republican': Play 'Dirty Pool' with NRA Board Members, 'Go After Their Businesses'

noun: terrorism
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.
Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.
Vote the stupid fucks out of office.

We're trying, we started with Hillary. But you're right, there NEVER should be a pile of shit democrat in office again.

The NRA is a terrorist organization that promotes & defends mass shootings.

You misspelled "ANTIFA" stupid fuck.
The NRA should be sued.

For What?
Don't you think Wayne Lapierre is fucking really creepy? Even forgetting what he does, he creeps me out as a person. A total slimeball.

And yet you likely voted for bill "the rapist" clinton and his wife, the one who led the team to protect him from the women he sexually assaulted...
No, didn't vote for Bill, or Hillary. I'm a Libertarian. But glad to see that you can tell that Wayne is creepy.

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