MSNBC liberal throws hissy after guest says "hard worker"

This woman is crazed. The ultimate manifestation of Political Correctness and Identity Politics. She is consumed.

So now, don't use the term "hard worker". It's racist.

“If there’s somebody who is a hard worker when he goes to Washington, it’s Paul Ryan,” he said, the Washington Free Beacon reported. “Not only works with the Republicans but Democrats. You know very well that I work on [the] immigration issue, trying to get Republicans to support immigration reform … This is somebody who’s trying to govern. He’s-“

Ms. Harris-Perry interrupted Mr. Aguilar mid-sentence to take issue with his use of the term “hard worker.”

“I just want to pause on one thing,” she said. “Because I don’t disagree with you that I actually think Mr. Ryan is a great choice for this role, but I want us to be super careful when we use the language ‘hard worker,’ because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like. So, I feel you that he’s a hard worker. I do.

“But in the context of relative privilege, and I just want to point out that when you talk about work-life balance and being a hard worker, the moms who don’t have health care who are working. But, we don’t call them hard workers. We call the failures. We call them people who are sucking off the system.”

Mr. Aguilar tried to protest, but Ms. Harris-Perry continued, “No, no. Really, you all do. That is really what you guys do as a party.”

I admit I'm one of the 57 people that watch her show....
Well I usually check out the first few minutes to see......

What new weird hairstyle she's sporting which is really....Hey hey look at me.Pay attention to Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
To see if she has done anything to correct her lisp....
How many minutes into her show before she blames whitey for something or other....

It really only takes a few minutes before I complete my quest and I move on to anything else.
And don't use the term "really hard worker", cuz then you're REALLY a racist.


We have the debt clock counting our national debt...
We need something similar in regard to what Libs are declaring racist words....
Because they add words almost as fast as our national debt rises.
One day this bitch is going to snap and go on camera wearing tampons as earrings!!!!!

Oh, wait......
One day this bitch is going to snap and go on camera wearing tampons as earrings!!!!!

Oh, wait......

No way she did that....

I object!...

MHP tampons.jpg

Well I guess I was wrong... heh heh heh

I swear...liberals are a lost cause. 100% lost cause.

Now the phrase "hard worker" is racist???? So by her definition....Obama has never worked hard a day in his life.

And she brings up the term "relative privilege"??? Liberals just make these fucking terms up. "Oh...yeah...mmmmkay....his Relative Social Privilege Bias Entitlement Ego is kicking in."
I don't think I have ever seen someone of Jewish heritage blame their lot in life on the Holocaust....
Blacks seem to use Slavery every five minutes.
I mean seriously....this bitch keeps photos of slaves in a cotton field hanging in her office to remind her of....what again?? She never did that. Her parents and grandparents and great grandparents never did that.

Liberals just CAN'T SLAVERY GO!!!!!
I mean seriously....this bitch keeps photos of slaves in a cotton field hanging in her office to remind her of....what again?? She never did that. Her parents and grandparents and great grandparents never did that.

Liberals just CAN'T SLAVERY GO!!!!!
Why not? Isn't it common for Jews to have pictures of the ovens of Auschwitz hanging in their living rooms?
I don't think I have ever seen someone of Jewish heritage blame their lot in life on the Holocaust....
Blacks seem to use Slavery every five minutes.

How often do Irish and Italians blame their plot in life on the indentured servitude (slavery) in America from 1500-1850.

How often to Asians blame their poverty stricken journey as immigrants?

America is getting sick of this victimhood bullshit.
We all have days when the job is hard....
Because we are not slaves makes that less true?

I can just picture her viewers talking back to the TV....
Ah hem...You go girl.You tell it like it is.

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