MSNBC liberal throws hissy after guest says "hard worker"

I admit I'm one of the 57 people that watch her show....
Well I usually check out the first few minutes to see......

What new weird hairstyle she's sporting which is really....Hey hey look at me.Pay attention to Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
To see if she has done anything to correct her lisp....
How many minutes into her show before she blames whitey for something or other....

It really only takes a few minutes before I complete my quest and I move on to anything else.
The only reason why msnbc is on is that part of our cable bill goes to fund that company whether anyone watches it or not. Contact your cable company and demand they remove msnbc from your package.
You can NOT make this Shi'ite up!

"Melissa Harris-Perry: Using a phrase like “hard worker” for legislators is disrespectful to slaves"


'Aguilar’s in the middle of pitching Paul Ryan as the pro-amnesty Republican Speaker that liberals have dreamed of and all poor MHP can do is ruminate over how the most innocuous, mundane lip service about Ryan’s work ethic is … a backhanded form of slavery revisionism. ... Tune in next week as a panelist describes the race for Speaker as “painful” to the GOP, only to be reminded by Harris-Perry that beatings and whippings are a lot more painful.'

Melissa Harris-Perry: Using a phrase like “hard worker” for legislators is disrespectful to slaves « Hot Air
Melissa Harris-Perry's constant referral to slaves that have no connection to her or to the topic at hand, is disrespectful to slaves who surely would prefer to continue to have no connection to her or to topics that have nothing to do with them.
This woman is crazed. The ultimate manifestation of Political Correctness and Identity Politics. She is consumed.

So now, don't use the term "hard worker". It's racist.

“If there’s somebody who is a hard worker when he goes to Washington, it’s Paul Ryan,” he said, the Washington Free Beacon reported. “Not only works with the Republicans but Democrats. You know very well that I work on [the] immigration issue, trying to get Republicans to support immigration reform … This is somebody who’s trying to govern. He’s-“

Ms. Harris-Perry interrupted Mr. Aguilar mid-sentence to take issue with his use of the term “hard worker.”

“I just want to pause on one thing,” she said. “Because I don’t disagree with you that I actually think Mr. Ryan is a great choice for this role, but I want us to be super careful when we use the language ‘hard worker,’ because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like. So, I feel you that he’s a hard worker. I do.

“But in the context of relative privilege, and I just want to point out that when you talk about work-life balance and being a hard worker, the moms who don’t have health care who are working. But, we don’t call them hard workers. We call the failures. We call them people who are sucking off the system.”

Mr. Aguilar tried to protest, but Ms. Harris-Perry continued, “No, no. Really, you all do. That is really what you guys do as a party.”

Thanks for posting that and proving the OP and yourself liars.

Still waiting. You know we're not going to figure this out on our own.
The woman is a complete lunatic. The only people who take her seriously are the other 2% of off the wall leftist loons like her.
Where do they come up with it? Someone must be employed someone like media matters or think progress, full time to come up with it. Unfricking believable.
I need to start watching her show more, she seems like a fountain of PC humor.
I need to start watching her show more, she seems like a fountain of PC humor.

Yep. Put her and Ditzy Deb Wasserman in a room together and just leave the camera running and you've got yourself a Jerry Lewis marathon. Even the French would love it. PMSNBC would finally have a show with ratings.

I swear...liberals are a lost cause. 100% lost cause.

Now the phrase "hard worker" is racist???? So by her definition....Obama has never worked hard a day in his life.

And she brings up the term "relative privilege"??? Liberals just make these fucking terms up. "Oh...yeah...mmmmkay....his Relative Social Privilege Bias Entitlement Ego is kicking in."

Every day it gets worse too. When will it stop? That is the fearful question.
Yet another example of how liberals are infested with stupidity.

The scary part is they think Fox News is incompetent while they fully and completely support a racist network that employs a racist piece of shit like Sharpton and this fucking ignorant slut.

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