MSNBC Morning Joe Harping About Universal Background Checks Again


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
According to Morning Joe 85% of respondents agreed with universal background checks.

Problem is what is a universal background check? How do you define it? None of the pertinent questions were asked when they did this survey.

Nobody with any common-sense would argue that you should have background checks on everyone buying guns at licensed gun dealers. But there are several factors involved in this:

What are the disqualifying factors that will be used?
Will this make selling your gun to someone illegal?
Will this shut down gun shows?
Will this drive up the cost of guns and ammo?

It's become clear that Obama has changed the regulations on background checks. It's not much of a stretch to assume that he can make anything a disqualifier.

Let's face it folks,he hates private gun ownership. He can force gun dealerships out of business overnight simply by making it impossible for anyone to qualify. So when you get down to the nitty-gritty universal background checks in the sense that Democrats want can shut down private gun ownership in no time. Next, all they have to do is ether wait till gun owners run out of ammo or break laws and take their guns, or they could just lower the standards so that traffic violations become a disqualifier for gun ownership.

Obama is ready to sign a UN treaty against gun trafficking. This is hilarious. To think that Obama has been running guns in Mexico, Libya, name it, yet he has the nerve to sign a treaty to prevent the illegal trafficking of guns.

Now how does this effect us?

Advocated contents

International non-government and human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Oxfam, Saferworld and the International Action Network on Small Arms (who lead the Control Arms Campaign) have developed analysis on what an effective Arms Trade Treaty would look like.[23]

It would ensure that no transfer is permitted if there is substantial risk that it is likely to:

be used in serious violations of international human rights or humanitarian law, or acts of genocide or crimes against humanity;
facilitate terrorist attacks, a pattern of gender-based violence, violent crime or organized crime;
violate United Nations Charter obligations, including UN arms embargoes;
be diverted from its stated recipient;
adversely affect regional security; or
seriously impair poverty reduction or socioeconomic development.

Loopholes would be minimized. It would include:

all weapons—including all military, security and police arms, related equipment and ammunition, components, expertise, and production equipment;
all types of transfer—including import, export, re-export, temporary transfer and transshipment, in the state sanctioned and commercial trade, plus transfers of technology, loans, gifts and aid; and
all transactions—including those by dealers and brokers, and those providing technical assistance, training, transport, storage, finance and security.

The Amnesty International website "loopholes" include shotguns marketed for deer hunting that are virtually the same as military/police shotguns and rifles marketed for long range target shooting that are virtually the same as military/police sniper rifles. AI advocates that the civilian guns must be included in any workable arms trade controls; otherwise, governments could authorize export/import of sporting guns virtually the same as military/police weapons in function.[24]

It must be workable and enforceable. It must:

provide guidelines for the treaty's full, clear implementation;
ensure transparency—including full annual reports of national arms transfers;
have an effective mechanism to monitor compliance;
ensure accountability—with provisions for adjudication, dispute settlement and sanctions;
include a comprehensive framework for international cooperation and assistance.

NGOs are also advocating that the Arms Trade Treaty must reinforce existing responsibilities to assist survivors of armed violence, as well as identify new avenues to address suffering and trauma.

The U.S. NGO Second Amendment Foundation has voiced concern that a multinational treaty limiting the firearms trade might infringe on the constitutional right of private firearm ownership for self-defense in some countries such as the U.S.[25]


On July 12, 2012, the United States issued a statement condemning the selection of Iran to serve as vice president of the conference. The statement called the move "outrageous" and noted that Iran is under Security Council sanctions for weapons proliferation.[26] The U.N. watchdog group UN Watch also condemned the move, noting that it happened after a UN Security Council report determined that Iran was guilty of illegally transferring guns and bombs to Syria, which is a breach of a U.N. ban on weapons exports by Iran.[27][28]

All Obama has to do is say that the UN treaty supersedes the Second Amendment and then begin enforcing the conditions of the treaty without the consent of Congress or the public. I think this will cause a civil war in this country. I also think Obama is trying to force us to give up our guns willingly, but he will make examples of people if he has to to scare us into compliance.

Obama wants to be a dictator. Taking our guns is one step toward this goal.
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Universal background checks...

They send inquiries out to all corners of the known universe and when all the replies come back, you get your gun...
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how screwed is your party when like 84% of GUN OWNERS say the same thing?
the republican party has gone so insane they are hawking Ideas that poll worse than scabies
Republicans seem to have a NEW minority they want to protect. The criminally insane". And who said they weren't "inclusive". Just another way the express themselves as "big tent".
Now ask yourself how your party ends up backing issues that so FEW Americans agree with?

Because the republican party is not about voters.

Its about small insane minorities that give you lots of money.
Joe has really become a stooge and now just mouths nothing but propaganda

nothing honorable about a sellout
how screwed is your party when like 84% of GUN OWNERS say the same thing?

85%......and they forget to mention the ramifications during the survey.

It's similar to "Do you like warm sunshine, warm hugs, and warm kisses?"

Of course everyone with half a brain says yes.

In order for that post to remotely argue your point, you must list the "ramifications" of warm sunshine, warm hugs and warm kisses.
how screwed is your party when like 84% of GUN OWNERS say the same thing?

What gun owners?? the ones I know don't match your list at all. You know te average Joe,with a few shot guns and rifles and a hand gun,average working family people,the ones idiots like yourself are trying to paint as radicals,and dangerous.

Its a hoot,when the ones pointing fingers should be looking in a mirror.
becuase you live where you live doesnt mean the rest of the world is like your little corner of hell
Define "universal" in regards to background checks.

To get my concealed carry permit I had to go through an extensive process of checks including obtaining references and putting my fingerprints on file with the state police.

That done all I should have to do is flash my carry permit to be able to buy any gun I want any time I want.
Republicans seem to have a NEW minority they want to protect. The criminally insane". And who said they weren't "inclusive". Just another way the express themselves as "big tent".

You don't exaggerate much do you??

How will universal checks work without a national list of all guns and who has them??
Define "universal" in regards to background checks.

To get my concealed carry permit I had to go through an extensive process of checks including obtaining references and putting my fingerprints on file with the state police.

That done all I should have to do is flash my carry permit to be able to buy any gun I want any time I want.

how screwed is your party when like 84% of GUN OWNERS say the same thing?

85%......and they forget to mention the ramifications during the survey.

It's similar to "Do you like warm sunshine, warm hugs, and warm kisses?"

Of course everyone with half a brain says yes.

In order for that post to remotely argue your point, you must list the "ramifications" of warm sunshine, warm hugs and warm kisses.

Did you really miss the point or are you being facetious?
I agree, before you're able to vote you should be subject to a Universal Background check

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