MSNBC needs to be sanctioned... just an unbelievable grossly irresponsible headline....

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.... MSNBC Headline.

Absolutely pathetic. We have got to get a handle on the runaway media in this country.
This headline is just absolutely asinine. A media hell bent on drumming up emotions, no doubt would like to see the protesters burn down the courthouse. And that is not a joke.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill
I'm watching the speakers outside the court room now and can't stop laughing.

Shower of stupid blacks that can't string a sentence together and some white folk who knew the "victims" but obviously have no relationship with a bar of soap and a toothbrush talking about revolutions lol

They even managed to squeeze in about black lives like they're victims here hahahahhahaha
If Kyle would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile demonstrators, 2 dead people would've been alive today.

If Kyle's fellow militia members told him to stop, that it was dangerous, two people would've been alive who are dead now.

If Kyle's fellow militia members went with Kyle, in all likelihood, two people would've been alive today who are dead now.

Stupid kid doing stupid kid things.
Actually, Otis...if the politicians running Kenosha and Wisconsin hadn't told the Police to stand down...ordinary citizens wouldn't have HAD to arm themselves to defend their homes and businesses! You want to blame someone for those deaths? Start with the spineless cowards who were cowed by the mob!

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