MSNBC needs to be sanctioned... just an unbelievable grossly irresponsible headline....

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.... MSNBC Headline.

Absolutely pathetic. We have got to get a handle on the runaway media in this country.
This headline is just absolutely asinine. A media hell bent on drumming up emotions, no doubt would like to see the protesters burn down the courthouse. And that is not a joke.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill

Kyle should own MSNBC after this
Fuck you. The New York slimes is your fucking source? Shove it up your ass.

Photo of Kyle cleaning up graffiti.

View attachment 566125

A photo is worth a thousand bogus articles from the new york slimes.

Kyle Rittenhouse shares more in common with our Founding Fathers than any "elected" sitting politician anywhere in today's America. The Spirit of '76 is strong in this young man.
If Joe Biden were a decent human being, he would speak out against this, and apologize for his own hatred in labeling (and libeling) Rittenhouse as a "white supremacist".

But he won't, because he's a piece of shit.
[My emphasis.]

They don't say "racist" so much anymore because we've learned not to care; to affirm it and accept it and throw it back at them.

It's time to do the same with "white supremacist." Affirm it: whites are, of course, supreme: everything important is done and invented by whites. Blacks are mostly a force of destruction and degradation. When they call us this name, affirm it and celebrate it.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.... MSNBC Headline.

Absolutely pathetic. We have got to get a handle on the runaway media in this country.
This headline is just absolutely asinine. A media hell bent on drumming up emotions, no doubt would like to see the protesters burn down the courthouse. And that is not a joke.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill

And they continue to lie their asses off. From the link:

Rittenhouse, who is white, was 17 when he traveled from his hometown in northeast Illinois to the protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year armed with his semi-automatic rifle.

It was proven a lie during the trial, he did NOT travel with the weapon. These people should be sued out of existance.

Well, I hope MSNBC is right, that's all. It would be the best thing for the epidemic of looting and rioting going on.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.... MSNBC Headline.

Absolutely pathetic. We have got to get a handle on the runaway media in this country.
This headline is just absolutely asinine. A media hell bent on drumming up emotions, no doubt would like to see the protesters burn down the courthouse. And that is not a joke.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill
Their day is coming.
If Kyle would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile demonstrators, 2 dead people would've been alive today.

If Kyle's fellow militia members told him to stop, that it was dangerous, two people would've been alive who are dead now.

If Kyle's fellow militia members went with Kyle, in all likelihood, two people would've been alive today who are dead now.

Stupid kid doing stupid kid things.
Rittenhouse is one of those people who fetishizes and fantasizes about shooting people. He went to Kenosha to look for trouble, hoping to kill someone.

He claims he was invited there by a relative to protect that relative's business. So why was he wandering all over the city with his gun instead of at his relative's business?

His story is horseshit.

Don't get carried away and wrapped around your own axel over this thing. It is doubtfull the kid fantasized about shooting people. Prosecution sure did NOT find any witnesses among his highschool class or his public media to say that. He is just a dumbass kid, didn't know what he was getting into, that got himself into some shit so deep, he had to shoot his way out or take a chance on dying, himself. I wouldn't be there, but if I was being rushed by people that I thought were wanting to harm me or mine, I would drop them like a bad habit and pray about it the following Sunday.
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Well, it was. May as well not sugarcoat it. If the shooter was black, there wouldn't have been a media circus and he would have been quietly convicted and sent to prison.
Again, this case only reinforces there really are two systems of justice in this country. I don't care that the people shot were white. Again, just remember, one day your
exuberance over this little cherub getting off scot free will be replaced by indignation over someone getting off around putting down a "true believer". And you'll call
for their head and call for violence.

You people are as predictable as your are loathsome. :)
the right would have no problem if a black guy defended himself against 3 white antifa thugs or rioters attacking him .. the left however would label said black guy as an uncle Tom and a white supremacist !
Rittenhouse is one of those people who fetishizes and fantasizes about shooting people. He went to Kenosha to look for trouble, hoping to kill someone.

He claims he was invited there by a relative to protect that relative's business. So why was he wandering all over the city with his gun instead of at his relative's business?

His story is horseshit.

All of that crap has been debunked. Americans just gave you and your ilk a huge fuck you. Gotta love it.
MSNBC has been the worst for a long time. Just chcking out their website to read the headlines once in awhile provides all I need to know. They certainly do promote a very anti-American perspective on what one would be laughed at for claiming is objective reporting.
MSNBC would be my first lawsuit....I would already have an attorney drawing up a complaint....Kyle is going to be rich....
Rittenhouse is one of those people who fetishizes and fantasizes about shooting people. He went to Kenosha to look for trouble, hoping to kill someone.

He claims he was invited there by a relative to protect that relative's business. So why was he wandering all over the city with his gun instead of at his relative's business?

His story is horseshit.

None of which has anything to do with the trial.
It's a blog.

Plenty of questionable blog headlines out there on both ends.
Do you have a point?
MSNBC put this headline on their front page immediately following the trial. And then gave the blog it's own page with photos and commentary.
It isn't some blog on some random page. MSNBC CHOSE to use it as a headline.
NIce try

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill.... MSNBC Headline.

Absolutely pathetic. We have got to get a handle on the runaway media in this country.
This headline is just absolutely asinine. A media hell bent on drumming up emotions, no doubt would like to see the protesters burn down the courthouse. And that is not a joke.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill
Nah its free speech. Even idiotic speech is free speech.
If Kyle would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile demonstrators, 2 dead people would've been alive today.

If Kyle's fellow militia members told him to stop, that it was dangerous, two people would've been alive who are dead now.

If Kyle's fellow militia members went with Kyle, in all likelihood, two people would've been alive today who are dead now.

Stupid kid doing stupid kid things.
If Dims retards weren't so stupid this country would still have values it could be proud of......right Dimmer?

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