MSNBC panel suggests Black people have poor health due to white people


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This type of insanity is supported by the rich white and Black people of America the wealthy elite if you will. Surely no more than one percent of the general population supports that type of anti white racism we see in the above video . What they’re saying makes no sense, because history shows us Black people like white people engaged in slavery and expansionist warfare.

This is the bottom of the barrel type stuff from the left. And it’s all the more interesting because in the past few years, we’ve seen a radical rise in “Wokeness”, feminism, and anti-white racism culminating in The denigration of Christian European history that created the civilized world. And during those last three years we’ve seen a record increase in homelessness, drug abuse, one of the worst economies in American history. A 50 year high inflation.

All the more interesting because in the late 19th to to mid 20th century the white middle-class and black middle-class…. along with the nuclear family was leaps and bounds ahead of what it is today.

This type of insanity is supported by the rich white and Black people of America the wealthy elite if you will. Surely no more than one percent of the general population supports that type of anti white racism we see in the above video . What they’re saying makes no sense, because history shows us Black people like white people engaged in slavery and expansionist warfare.

This is the bottom of the barrel type stuff from the left. And it’s all the more interesting because in the past few years, we’ve seen a radical rise in “Wokeness”, feminism, and anti-white racism culminating in The denigration of Christian European history that created the civilized world. And during those last three years we’ve seen a record increase in homelessness, drug abuse, one of the worst economies in American history. A 50 year high inflation.

All the more interesting because in the late 19th to to mid 20th century the white middle-class and black middle-class…. along with the nuclear family was leaps and bounds ahead of what it is today.

This type of insanity is supported by the rich white and Black people of America the wealthy elite if you will. Surely no more than one percent of the general population supports that type of anti white racism we see in the above video . What they’re saying makes no sense, because history shows us Black people like white people engaged in slavery and expansionist warfare.

This is the bottom of the barrel type stuff from the left. And it’s all the more interesting because in the past few years, we’ve seen a radical rise in “Wokeness”, feminism, and anti-white racism culminating in The denigration of Christian European history that created the civilized world. And during those last three years we’ve seen a record increase in homelessness, drug abuse, one of the worst economies in American history. A 50 year high inflation.

All the more interesting because in the late 19th to to mid 20th century the white middle-class and black middle-class…. along with the nuclear family was leaps and bounds ahead of what it is today.

First: People need to stop listening to Main Stream News By Communists (MSNBC), anything out of that Fake News channel is garbage to begin with.
Second: Most people eat poorly, especially since fast food places are so prevalent and inexpensive. One's race is irrelevant. I've eaten like crap all my life.
Our society needs to grow some balls and say what needs to be said. We need to tell blacks, you're responsible for your selves. If they want to be equal then they need to act like. If anything blacks are catered to and favored more than whites, yet they still as a whole fail. That isn't white people's fault, it's theirs.

Everyone forces diversity meaning they give favor to blacks.

Affirmative action means jobs and schools allow X amount of blacks in.

Public school lower grading standards to compensate for blacks at the cost of lowering them for everyone.

Blacks are allowed to burn and loot, they get off crime charges for being black, they get to be racist publicly while everyone else is cancelled for it, they get to have groups like BLM, they get special treatment, and so on. Yet they are always failing? Well maybe it's time to recognize if you fail despite having all the advantages then maybe your level of potential is lower and nothing will change that.

People need to realize the truth. Across mans history on a global scale all of our inventions, achievements, advancements, most talented and smartest people, all of our progress is almost entirely due to non blacks. There is a reason why there has never been a first world black country, barely even a 2nd world country. And the few blacks that really rose up in history were almost always from a non black country.

Blacks are lower level people. It's no different than I could never achieve Elon musk levels, I could never been the senior vice president of a world bank, and so on. Because I am a middle class grunt, it's my level of ambition and where I belong, and I am fine with that. Whites and Asians sit at the top of mans food chain and it trickles down from there and blacks are at the bottom.
What a load of shit. No honky makes black people eat pork rinds until they puke. It doesn't take an Einstein to guess that 6 pounds of oreos and a pizza rinsed down by a couple of 40's of Colt 45 isn't a balanced meal.
First: People need to stop listening to Main Stream News By Communists (MSNBC), anything out of that Fake News channel is garbage to begin with.
Second: Most people eat poorly, especially since fast food places are so prevalent and inexpensive. One's race is irrelevant. I've eaten like crap all my life.

right. All those buffed prisoners and steroid juiced football players are eating nothing but ice cream and bread eh? It don’t pass basic common sense smell test?
First: People need to stop listening to Main Stream News By Communists (MSNBC), anything out of that Fake News channel is garbage to begin with.
Second: Most people eat poorly, especially since fast food places are so prevalent and inexpensive. One's race is irrelevant. I've eaten like crap all my life.
Blacks have given demofks the license to abuse them!
This type of insanity is supported by the rich white and Black people of America the wealthy elite if you will. Surely no more than one percent of the general population supports that type of anti white racism we see in the above video .
I listened to the beginning when the first speaker was referencing the in depth study done to help understand the relationship between minority health and the multifaceted definition of structural racism the study was based on.
Apparently, the scholarship and rigor the study was based on could not be refuted by the simple minded respondents to the thread or its author. So ad hominem attacks ensued. Perhaps a New Year's resolution is in order.

This type of insanity is supported by the rich white and Black people of America the wealthy elite if you will. Surely no more than one percent of the general population supports that type of anti white racism we see in the above video . What they’re saying makes no sense, because history shows us Black people like white people engaged in slavery and expansionist warfare.

This is the bottom of the barrel type stuff from the left. And it’s all the more interesting because in the past few years, we’ve seen a radical rise in “Wokeness”, feminism, and anti-white racism culminating in The denigration of Christian European history that created the civilized world. And during those last three years we’ve seen a record increase in homelessness, drug abuse, one of the worst economies in American history. A 50 year high inflation.

All the more interesting because in the late 19th to to mid 20th century the white middle-class and black middle-class…. along with the nuclear family was leaps and bounds ahead of what it is today.

Guess you haven't heard. Everything is white people's fault.

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