MSNBC Poll: 86% Will Not Vote for Hillary

Aside from being a lying, corrupt, scumbag bitch . . .

She. Is. Too. Damn. Old.

Personally I don't think she is healthy enough either, I think there is something more that we know going on with regards to her health.
Goes along with the popularity of the twitter hashtag I won't vote for hillary (something like that), which is rumored to have been removed due to a payoff, or some sort. They can't have the negative exposed so early.
Hillary won't be the Democrat candidate.

Remember, this is post-constitutional America and there is no reason George Soros can't eliminate the middle man and just buy the job for himself.
pretty sure her research team who advised her to run based on their findings agreed with you morons.

pretty sure her research team who advised her to run based on their findings agreed with you morons.

Please, do ya think she even bothered with that....she doesn't need research to recognize a weak democrat field
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

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