MSNBC Poll: 86% Will Not Vote for Hillary

Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?
Kackling kankles is toast. The more people see her yelling at rallies with that shrill (chalk on a blackboard) voice, the lower her poll numbers with sink.
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.
More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?
This gets funnier and funnier! :)

You're right, it is getting pretty funny.

Not it the way you think, though.
Just keep making your excuses for the 86% who won't vote for Hillary. :)


86% of who?
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

Over 50,000? What are you talking about?

Around 5000 people voted in that "poll".
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

Over 50,000? What are you talking about?

Around 5000 people voted in that "poll".

That's still high for MSNBC
I wonder how it feels to be reduced to hoping that your opponent slips up or gets ill?

Here is the biggest problem that the GOP field has:

The Clinton's are pretty astute politicians. And...they get it. Listen to Bill speaking about the economy. Pay close attention to what Sec. Clinton emphasizes on the campaign trail. My educated guess is that her prepared comments will be overwhelmingly focused on the economy and the middle class. When asked....she will discuss the social issues.....but she'll quickly turn the discussion back to the economy.

She is more hawkish than most of the GOP it will be hard for any of them to gain points there. Unless they are willing to alienate their base, that is.

I'm laughing at Rubio and Paul....trying to saddle Sec. Clinton with the "Obama economy"......because just about every sane American knows that it is far better than when he took office. It's not a winner for you idiots.

Whaddya think, thereisnospoon and The Rabbi ? Did I contribute? Ya losers.
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

Over 50,000? What are you talking about?

Around 5000 people voted in that "poll".
If you go to link you'll see 56k. "k" means thousands. It's not astrophysics.
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

Over 50,000? What are you talking about?

Around 5000 people voted in that "poll".

On furhter review, yeah over 50,000. Next time come prepared.

Do you plan on voting for Hillary Clinton for president in 2016?
56k votes
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

don't tell me ... you're using the media you say you cant trust .. is that about it?
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

don't tell me ... you're using the media you say you cant trust .. is that about it?

Little one, you're really close to being ignored. Now sit down and shut your pie hole
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

Over 50,000? What are you talking about?

Around 5000 people voted in that "poll".

On furhter review, yeah over 50,000. Next time come prepared.

Do you plan on voting for Hillary Clinton for president in 2016?
56k votes
I too am surprised that many people click on MSNBC. Proably more than actually view the channel.
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?

I was shocked over 50,000 people even went to MSNBC's site.

Over 50,000? What are you talking about?

Around 5000 people voted in that "poll".
If you go to link you'll see 56k. "k" means thousands. It's not astrophysics.
It might as well be, all things considered...
The accuracy of this poll is very much open for question. I fact, MSNBC, not being hampered by scruple, I doubt they would have put it up, unless they could control it.

I never thought I would see the day, but the Left Wing Loons have gotten so far out in orbit...that they think Hillary Rodham Clinton is too conservative for them.

But, they also think (and fear) that she is too corrupt, too compromised to ever win...they live in dread---wondering what this haggard old liar is going to hit them with next; when is she going to shoot herself in the foot with another Whopper like:

"I landed in a hail of gunfire at an airport in Beirut".

So, my guess...and I admit I can't know what machinations MSNBC is up too, only that they seem capable of that MSNBC is making a push to get her out the race before she becomes an embarrassment, and while there could be time to field a plausible candidate.

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