MSNBC Poll: 86% Will Not Vote for Hillary

I wonder how it feels to be reduced to hoping that your opponent slips up or gets ill?

Here is the biggest problem that the GOP field has:

The Clinton's are pretty astute politicians. And...they get it. Listen to Bill speaking about the economy. Pay close attention to what Sec. Clinton emphasizes on the campaign trail. My educated guess is that her prepared comments will be overwhelmingly focused on the economy and the middle class. When asked....she will discuss the social issues.....but she'll quickly turn the discussion back to the economy.

She is more hawkish than most of the GOP it will be hard for any of them to gain points there. Unless they are willing to alienate their base, that is.

I'm laughing at Rubio and Paul....trying to saddle Sec. Clinton with the "Obama economy"......because just about every sane American knows that it is far better than when he took office. It's not a winner for you idiots.

Whaddya think, thereisnospoon and The Rabbi ? Did I contribute? Ya losers.
Hilary wins regardless of who the Republicans nominate. Bush is the most likely winner of the nomination. A Hillary Bush match up is not likely to inspire anyone. However, Hillary's years of experience, popularity with women, and the fact that she is a know quantity will make her a winner. An ex-Senator, 8 years in the Whitehouse, ex-Secretary of State that's on a first name basis with most world leaders and Washington power brokers is going to be hard to beat.
I'm not surprised that the LWNJ's that like MSNBC dislike Hillary.

She leaves the progressive wing of the Democrat party cold.

She's viewed as a centrist and they really want a far left wingnut like Liz Warren.
I wonder how it feels to be reduced to hoping that your opponent slips up or gets ill?

Here is the biggest problem that the GOP field has:

The Clinton's are pretty astute politicians. And...they get it. Listen to Bill speaking about the economy. Pay close attention to what Sec. Clinton emphasizes on the campaign trail. My educated guess is that her prepared comments will be overwhelmingly focused on the economy and the middle class. When asked....she will discuss the social issues.....but she'll quickly turn the discussion back to the economy.

She is more hawkish than most of the GOP it will be hard for any of them to gain points there. Unless they are willing to alienate their base, that is.

I'm laughing at Rubio and Paul....trying to saddle Sec. Clinton with the "Obama economy"......because just about every sane American knows that it is far better than when he took office. It's not a winner for you idiots.

Whaddya think, thereisnospoon and The Rabbi ? Did I contribute? Ya losers.
Hilary wins regardless of who the Republicans nominate. Bush is the most likely winner of the nomination. A Hillary Bush match up is not likely to inspire anyone. However, Hillary's years of experience, popularity with women, and the fact that she is a know quantity will make her a winner. An ex-Senator, 8 years in the Whitehouse, ex-Secretary of State that's on a first name basis with most world leaders and Washington power brokers is going to be hard to beat.
Except for the marginal Secretary of State performance, she failed to Obama of all people with the credentials you listed.
It's now 87% against!
Come on guys, on MSNBC? This is like polling Daily Kos readership.

Yes it is and?
Do you think that for one small microsecond every one of the democrat naysayers in this poll that ‘wouldn’t vote for Hillary would not go vote for her in the main?
Don’t bet on it – they will cast a vote for Hillary in a hot second should she get the nomination and she is a sure fire nominee without real opposition.
Where are her opponents right now? Is she a shoe in – no, of course not. She might very well be defeated in the primaries. HOWEVER, there is no indication of that at this time.

More importantly, what makes anyone think the people who voted in the poll are Democrats?

Are Conservative trolls somehow prevented from going to the MSNBC website?
Of course they represent a portion of the poll but I doubt that it was a huge factor. Republicans, for the most part, are not going to be voting in strong numbers on an MSNBC poll. They are also less likely to be on the internet voting in polls in general - democrats are for more active online than republicans are.

There is the possibility that a few voted many times though. We need poll ID now! :D

The fact is, there's no way to know. It doesn't take "strong numbers" to mess with a poll like that, it takes one guy in his parent's basement voting a couple hundred times.

Basically, there's no actual data that can be extracted from an anonymous, self-selected sample.

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