MSNBC Reaches New Low.Averaging 55,000 Viewers.Can Anyone Explain This Liberal Dilemma?

A lot of BS and no link(s).... No pics of great flooding or dead bodies floating by cos it didn't happen.

French Quarter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Over 1300 corpses recovered, asshole. We residents weren't even allowed back into the city until OCTOBER -- and that's why.

You want to go argue with the history books. Why am I not surprised.

Wiki huh? Guess I'm gonna have to update that when I get done here.

With this

And these...

You're looking out FROM the Quarter there, stupid. Right from the vantage point of the hotel Williams was staying in. In fact the caption from this identfies them as "evacuating their French Quarter hotel" -- which almost certainly means the Ritz Carlton -- it's the only one in that direction. The same one the picture above it was taken from.

Want to explain to the class why the Ritz Carlton was closed for fifteen months for flood repair? B-b-ut Wiki says there was no flooding! :crybaby:

No. Didn't think so.

And by the way Stupid-- there's no such thing as the "French Court". You don't have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're even talking about.

I'm looking at ankle deep water...and this is what the iconic French Quarter looks like:


There were not 1300 deaths. And again, scores of people dies in major cities every week. What you saw were the dead stragglers who were swept up in the water. Again, there's a reason that you're not seeing kids and generally healthy looking people in those pics. But you keep believing and promoting the propoganda in the hopes of furthering the careers of guys like Lyin' Bryan.

Dead people do tend to be less than healthy. That may be the most brilliant deduction you've come up with so far.

I don't give a flying fuck what happens with Brian Williams. I don't even own a TV. I'm just here to strangle the revisionist Katrina history that pathetic partisan hack wankers like you try to shit onto the internet as if it was your personal outhouse. As long as I'm around, that ain't gonna happen. Denialist wastes of human protoplasm like you can suck my dick and choke on it.


Any flood that kills anywhere near the number you claim is going to kill plenty of young healthy bodies. It's a simple reality. Just like psunamis kill the young and old; same principle for killer floos with the rushing waters.

You don't even know what the French Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") is called, let alone how drowning, bloating, flooding and body recovery work, but you'd think after being schooled you'd at least do the big boy pants thing and run away. Nope. Dig even deeper.

I don't give a fuck if you care what happens with Bry Bry. You're pedalling his ignorant shit all the same.

Yeah? Quote some. Quote even one. Anywhere.


Wassamatta? In a hole again?


Classic tantrum post You're veeering away from real issues and just spazzing. This has nothing to do with these so-called iller floods or an argumet for Lyan' Bryan. Just you having a good cry. :lmao:
Yumpin' Yiminy you really are a special kind of stupid arenchya?



Caption: The body of a flood victim is tied to a telephone pole as it floats in New Orleans on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2005. Efforts continue to locate bodies and survivors 12 days after Hurricane Katrina hit. (AP Photo/Steve Senne)





^^ That's Canal Street, btw.

These and many more from one of the pages linked earlier. Don't you EVER try to tell me this didn't happen ya retarded hack.

Why don't you essplain to the class why residences all over the city were checked and then spray-painted with that X code identifiying how many corpses had been found, Dumbo? And why did it take seven weeks while nobody was allowed in? Why doncha essplain why the Ritz Carlton stayed closed for fifteen months to repair damage from a flood that never happened, Einstein? Inquiring minds want to know how Denialism works.

Wow, a few handfuls of oldies, fatties and druggies died and were swept up by waters and suddenly 1300 died b/c of Katrina. You are fucking retarded.

Bite my ass hard moron-boy. I didn't pull "1300" out of my ass; that's from the coroner and city and federal officials who did the dirty work while you were wanking off to nude photos of Chris Christie. Go argue with Fox Noise. Even they aren't sleazy enough to sit in their barcalounger scratching their collective nuts and post "it didn't happen" -- as you just claimed above. And that doesn't count however many bodies were already washed out to the Gulf of Mexico -- the list of missing was a thousand more above that.

I just took your horseshit to to lunch and served it on you your ass, steaming. Eat it.

Nope. You haven't posted a 1300 link cos even if you could find one it would be total bunk. How many people do you think die in major cities every week? Of course they found a few rotting corpses. Again, the easy tell is they weren't finding young healthy bodies in the water because people weren't dying from drowning. Bit you just insist on being willfully ignorant. I reiterate, you're fucking retarded.

The link above goes to Fox Noise. I can understand "total bunk" but the previous one was USA Today and it was the same story. You're saying Fox Noise, USA Today, the alphabets, emergency responders and the Googles made the whole thing up?

What happened to that explanation for a Ritz Carlton not opening for fifteen months while it worked on FLOOD repair btw? Are we hoping that question just fades away? The broader question: how is it you're willing to go on the internet and look this fucking stupid?

Oh wait ----- hang on, breaking news, this just in...

NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

>> Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”
Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”

The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans also experienced difficulties during Katrina, according to GM Myra deGersdorff. The hotel was fortunate to be hosting a convention of infectious disease physicians when Katrina hit; about 20 of the doctors could not get out of the city, and the hotel served as a miniature medical unit. At one point, a team needed to cross the flooded street to get medical supplies and drugs from Walgreens.

“It was pretty interesting to see our catering director and a couple of others float across Canal Street in a laundry bin,” she said. <<
That's the Walgreen's in my photo, reposted below.

The Père Marquette referenced above is not in the Quarter (again, it's Quarter, not "Court") --- it's about a block away from the Ritz Carlton. You're looking in that direction here.


Fucking liar.
Yumpin' Yiminy you really are a special kind of stupid arenchya?



Caption: The body of a flood victim is tied to a telephone pole as it floats in New Orleans on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2005. Efforts continue to locate bodies and survivors 12 days after Hurricane Katrina hit. (AP Photo/Steve Senne)





^^ That's Canal Street, btw.

These and many more from one of the pages linked earlier. Don't you EVER try to tell me this didn't happen ya retarded hack.

Why don't you essplain to the class why residences all over the city were checked and then spray-painted with that X code identifiying how many corpses had been found, Dumbo? And why did it take seven weeks while nobody was allowed in? Why doncha essplain why the Ritz Carlton stayed closed for fifteen months to repair damage from a flood that never happened, Einstein? Inquiring minds want to know how Denialism works.

Wow, a few handfuls of oldies, fatties and druggies died and were swept up by waters and suddenly 1300 died b/c of Katrina. You are fucking retarded.

Bite my ass hard moron-boy. I didn't pull "1300" out of my ass; that's from the coroner and city and federal officials who did the dirty work while you were wanking off to nude photos of Chris Christie. Go argue with Fox Noise. Even they aren't sleazy enough to sit in their barcalounger scratching their collective nuts and post "it didn't happen" -- as you just claimed above. And that doesn't count however many bodies were already washed out to the Gulf of Mexico -- the list of missing was a thousand more above that.

I just took your horseshit to to lunch and served it on you your ass, steaming. Eat it.

Nope. You haven't posted a 1300 link cos even if you could find one it would be total bunk. How many people do you think die in major cities every week? Of course they found a few rotting corpses. Again, the easy tell is they weren't finding young healthy bodies in the water because people weren't dying from drowning. Bit you just insist on being willfully ignorant. I reiterate, you're fucking retarded.

The link above goes to Fox Noise. I can understand "total bunk" but the previous one was USA Today and it was the same story. You're saying Fox Noise, USA Today, the alphabets, emergency responders and the Googles made the whole thing up?

What happened to that explanation for a Ritz Carlton not opening for fifteen months while it worked on FLOOD repair btw? Are we hoping that question just fades away? The broader question: how is it you're willing to go on the internet and look this fucking stupid?

Oh wait ----- hang on, breaking news, this just in...

NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

The main industry in New Orleans is tourism. I know that's kind of stating the obvious but with a dipshit who doesn't even know what the French Quarter is called (again it's Quarter, not Court), not even the obvious may be taken for granted. That means conventions. Katrina hit August 29 2005. So when was the next conference?

A year later, June 2006. Americal LIbrary Associaton. I was there, called in along with a lot of other former residents to make it happen. And almost ALL of us came in from out of town. The place still wasn't ready.

Fucking liar.
Over 1300 corpses recovered, asshole. We residents weren't even allowed back into the city until OCTOBER -- and that's why.

You want to go argue with the history books. Why am I not surprised.

Wiki huh? Guess I'm gonna have to update that when I get done here.

With this

And these...

You're looking out FROM the Quarter there, stupid. Right from the vantage point of the hotel Williams was staying in. In fact the caption from this identfies them as "evacuating their French Quarter hotel" -- which almost certainly means the Ritz Carlton -- it's the only one in that direction. The same one the picture above it was taken from.

Want to explain to the class why the Ritz Carlton was closed for fifteen months for flood repair? B-b-ut Wiki says there was no flooding! :crybaby:

No. Didn't think so.

And by the way Stupid-- there's no such thing as the "French Court". You don't have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're even talking about.

I'm looking at ankle deep water...and this is what the iconic French Quarter looks like:


There were not 1300 deaths. And again, scores of people dies in major cities every week. What you saw were the dead stragglers who were swept up in the water. Again, there's a reason that you're not seeing kids and generally healthy looking people in those pics. But you keep believing and promoting the propoganda in the hopes of furthering the careers of guys like Lyin' Bryan.

Dead people do tend to be less than healthy. That may be the most brilliant deduction you've come up with so far.

I don't give a flying fuck what happens with Brian Williams. I don't even own a TV. I'm just here to strangle the revisionist Katrina history that pathetic partisan hack wankers like you try to shit onto the internet as if it was your personal outhouse. As long as I'm around, that ain't gonna happen. Denialist wastes of human protoplasm like you can suck my dick and choke on it.


Any flood that kills anywhere near the number you claim is going to kill plenty of young healthy bodies. It's a simple reality. Just like psunamis kill the young and old; same principle for killer floos with the rushing waters.

You don't even know what the French Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") is called, let alone how drowning, bloating, flooding and body recovery work, but you'd think after being schooled you'd at least do the big boy pants thing and run away. Nope. Dig even deeper.

I don't give a fuck if you care what happens with Bry Bry. You're pedalling his ignorant shit all the same.

Yeah? Quote some. Quote even one. Anywhere.


Wassamatta? In a hole again?


Classic tantrum post You're veeering away from real issues and just spazzing. This has nothing to do with these so-called iller floods or an argumet for Lyan' Bryan. Just you having a good cry. :lmao:

Can't find one then?

What a surprise. Maybe you should look in your ass. You know, where the idea came from.

Fucking liar.
>> The new spa is the last piece of the post-Katrina rehabilitation puzzle to fall into place at the Ritz-Carlton, which reopened in December [of 2006] after 15 months of flood repairs and top-to-bottom renovations. <<

-- Travel Weekly, June 2007

Fucking liar.
>> Even after the storm passed, floodwaters continued to rise under clear blue skies. Why? Because a surge as vast as Katrina's does not immediately flow back to the sea once the hurricane passes; rather, it slowly works its way back, and continues to spill through deep ruptures in floodwalls and levees, stopping only when outside and inside water levels equalize.

By the morning of Aug. 30, the flood reached as far uphill as Canal at Bourbon Street, on terrain 2 feet above normal sea level.

By the afternoon of Aug. 31, the deluge crested at Royal/St. Charles Avenue, 3 feet above sea level. I captured a photograph at 1:17 p.m., showing a large inflatable raft floating right in front of Rubenstein's clothing store.

As for the French Quarter, during those two days and probably into Sept. 1, up to 2 feet of brackish water covered 100-400 North Rampart, 100-300 Burgundy, 100-200 Dauphine, and the 100 block of Bourbon, not to mention all of Iberville Street lakeside of the 800 block and all of Canal lakeside of the 700 block.

Williams, at the Ritz Carlton, would have found himself surrounded by the uppermost edge of the flood footprint, and it was deep enough all around to float small boats. <<

Fucking liar.
NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

Yet another angle --
This is from down Canal Street toward the RIver. You're standing on the Quarter* side of Canal Street. The Walgreen's pictured earlier is at the upper left...


From the layout I'd say this is taken from the front door of the Marriott Hotel.

(this is from a from this page about the New Orleans Hornets -- the NBA team that had to play two seasons in Oklahoma CIty because of damage done by Hurricane Katrina.

Two. Years.

Let's not forget to add the NBA to the list of sources "making shit up".

Fucking lying asshole.

(*again, that's "Quarter", not "Court". Tip for dumbasses)
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A lot of BS and no link(s).... No pics of great flooding or dead bodies floating by cos it didn't happen.

French Quarter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Over 1300 corpses recovered, asshole. We residents weren't even allowed back into the city until OCTOBER -- and that's why.

You want to go argue with the history books. Why am I not surprised.

Wiki huh? Guess I'm gonna have to update that when I get done here.

With this

And these...

You're looking out FROM the Quarter there, stupid. Right from the vantage point of the hotel Williams was staying in. In fact the caption from this identfies them as "evacuating their French Quarter hotel" -- which almost certainly means the Ritz Carlton -- it's the only one in that direction. The same one the picture above it was taken from.

Want to explain to the class why the Ritz Carlton was closed for fifteen months for flood repair? B-b-ut Wiki says there was no flooding! :crybaby:

No. Didn't think so.

And by the way Stupid-- there's no such thing as the "French Court". You don't have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're even talking about.

I'm looking at ankle deep water...and this is what the iconic French Quarter looks like:


There were not 1300 deaths. And again, scores of people dies in major cities every week. What you saw were the dead stragglers who were swept up in the water. Again, there's a reason that you're not seeing kids and generally healthy looking people in those pics. But you keep believing and promoting the propoganda in the hopes of furthering the careers of guys like Lyin' Bryan.

Lying asshole. Take a picture of a French Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") street on a normal night and go "DUH, I don't see no floodin'".. FUCK you.

This one's not captioned but it looks to me like Esplanade down near the French Market -- which is the other (river) side of the Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") from the Ritz Carlton:


You're showing random NO streets. There is no pictures of the main iconic French Quarter streets flooded b/c it didn't happen. And credible reports are that the French Quarter, which is on higher gournd sustatined light flooding at most. The bottom line is there were no rushing flood waters going through it; which is essentially the sensational narrative that Lyin' Bryan was projecting.

the French Quarter, which is on higher ground sustained light flooding at most.

yes the trusted source wiki agrees with you

The famous French Quarter dodged the massive flooding experienced in other levee areas.

Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can't even figure out what the expression insh'Allah means. Don't you think Wikipedia is a bit, uh, advanced? What's the rush?

But yeah I see how Wikipedia, which anyone can go in and edit at will, would be a more solid reliable source than ten years of recorded fucking history including all this documentation I've laid out. What could be more obvious.

By the way what does Wiki say about the "French Court"?
Wow, a few handfuls of oldies, fatties and druggies died and were swept up by waters and suddenly 1300 died b/c of Katrina. You are fucking retarded.

Bite my ass hard moron-boy. I didn't pull "1300" out of my ass; that's from the coroner and city and federal officials who did the dirty work while you were wanking off to nude photos of Chris Christie. Go argue with Fox Noise. Even they aren't sleazy enough to sit in their barcalounger scratching their collective nuts and post "it didn't happen" -- as you just claimed above. And that doesn't count however many bodies were already washed out to the Gulf of Mexico -- the list of missing was a thousand more above that.

I just took your horseshit to to lunch and served it on you your ass, steaming. Eat it.

Nope. You haven't posted a 1300 link cos even if you could find one it would be total bunk. How many people do you think die in major cities every week? Of course they found a few rotting corpses. Again, the easy tell is they weren't finding young healthy bodies in the water because people weren't dying from drowning. Bit you just insist on being willfully ignorant. I reiterate, you're fucking retarded.

The link above goes to Fox Noise. I can understand "total bunk" but the previous one was USA Today and it was the same story. You're saying Fox Noise, USA Today, the alphabets, emergency responders and the Googles made the whole thing up?

What happened to that explanation for a Ritz Carlton not opening for fifteen months while it worked on FLOOD repair btw? Are we hoping that question just fades away? The broader question: how is it you're willing to go on the internet and look this fucking stupid?

Oh wait ----- hang on, breaking news, this just in...

NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

>> Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”
Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”

The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans also experienced difficulties during Katrina, according to GM Myra deGersdorff. The hotel was fortunate to be hosting a convention of infectious disease physicians when Katrina hit; about 20 of the doctors could not get out of the city, and the hotel served as a miniature medical unit. At one point, a team needed to cross the flooded street to get medical supplies and drugs from Walgreens.

“It was pretty interesting to see our catering director and a couple of others float across Canal Street in a laundry bin,” she said. <<
That's the Walgreen's in my photo, reposted below.

The Père Marquette referenced above is not in the Quarter (again, it's Quarter, not "Court") --- it's about a block away from the Ritz Carlton. You're looking in that direction here.


Fucking liar.

That's the street nearby the French Quarter. Also, in multiple posts I said that there may have (allegedly) been some light flooding in the French Quarter. Also, that's ankle deep water or so, dude. It's not fast rushing water that would be ravaging bodies.
NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

Yet another angle --
This is from down Canal Street toward the RIver. You're standing on the Quarter* side of Canal Street. The Walgreen's pictured earlier is at the upper left...


From the layout I'd say this is taken from the front door of the Marriott Hotel.

(this is from a from this page about the New Orleans Hornets -- the NBA team that had to play two seasons in Oklahoma CIty because of damage done by Hurricane Katrina.

Two. Years.

Let's not forget to add the NBA to the list of sources "making shit up".

Fucking lying asshole.

(*again, that's "Quarter", not "Court". Tip for dumbasses)

Again, this is what The French Quarter looks like. Go ahead and show me that street that's flooded and not the nearby streets, deuche nugget.

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NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

Yet another angle --
This is from down Canal Street toward the RIver. You're standing on the Quarter* side of Canal Street. The Walgreen's pictured earlier is at the upper left...


From the layout I'd say this is taken from the front door of the Marriott Hotel.

(this is from a from this page about the New Orleans Hornets -- the NBA team that had to play two seasons in Oklahoma CIty because of damage done by Hurricane Katrina.

Two. Years.

Let's not forget to add the NBA to the list of sources "making shit up".

Fucking lying asshole.

(*again, that's "Quarter", not "Court". Tip for dumbasses)

Again, this is what The French Quarter looks like. Go ahead and show me that street that's flooded and not the nearby streets, deuche nugget.


^^ Doesn't know how to spell douche either. Colour me surprised.

The photographer who snapped that picture........

wait for it....


He's at the door of the Marriott Hotel.

How do I know that when it's not in the picture?
Because I fucking lived there and walked up and down that street literally hundreds of times, that's how.

(again, that's "fucking French Quarter", not "fucking French Court")
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NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

Yet another angle --
This is from down Canal Street toward the RIver. You're standing on the Quarter* side of Canal Street. The Walgreen's pictured earlier is at the upper left...


From the layout I'd say this is taken from the front door of the Marriott Hotel.

(this is from a from this page about the New Orleans Hornets -- the NBA team that had to play two seasons in Oklahoma CIty because of damage done by Hurricane Katrina.

Two. Years.

Let's not forget to add the NBA to the list of sources "making shit up".

Fucking lying asshole.

(*again, that's "Quarter", not "Court". Tip for dumbasses)

Again, this is what The French Quarter looks like. Go ahead and show me that street that's flooded and not the nearby streets, deuche nugget.


^^ Doesn't know how to spell douche either. Colour me surprised.

The photographer who snapped that picture........

wait for it....


(again, that's "fucking French Quarter", not "fucking French Court")

I know how to spell douche - P-O-G-O.

Again, go ahead and show me the actual iconic (raised) French Quarter actually flooded and not the nearby streets. You can't cos that's not what happened; and yet you've still been throwing a tantrum for like 12 or 15 posts about it now. Pretty pathetic; or as I said in the first place and then again and again, you're fucking retarded.
Bite my ass hard moron-boy. I didn't pull "1300" out of my ass; that's from the coroner and city and federal officials who did the dirty work while you were wanking off to nude photos of Chris Christie. Go argue with Fox Noise. Even they aren't sleazy enough to sit in their barcalounger scratching their collective nuts and post "it didn't happen" -- as you just claimed above. And that doesn't count however many bodies were already washed out to the Gulf of Mexico -- the list of missing was a thousand more above that.

I just took your horseshit to to lunch and served it on you your ass, steaming. Eat it.

Nope. You haven't posted a 1300 link cos even if you could find one it would be total bunk. How many people do you think die in major cities every week? Of course they found a few rotting corpses. Again, the easy tell is they weren't finding young healthy bodies in the water because people weren't dying from drowning. Bit you just insist on being willfully ignorant. I reiterate, you're fucking retarded.

The link above goes to Fox Noise. I can understand "total bunk" but the previous one was USA Today and it was the same story. You're saying Fox Noise, USA Today, the alphabets, emergency responders and the Googles made the whole thing up?

What happened to that explanation for a Ritz Carlton not opening for fifteen months while it worked on FLOOD repair btw? Are we hoping that question just fades away? The broader question: how is it you're willing to go on the internet and look this fucking stupid?

Oh wait ----- hang on, breaking news, this just in...

NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

>> Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”
Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”

The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans also experienced difficulties during Katrina, according to GM Myra deGersdorff. The hotel was fortunate to be hosting a convention of infectious disease physicians when Katrina hit; about 20 of the doctors could not get out of the city, and the hotel served as a miniature medical unit. At one point, a team needed to cross the flooded street to get medical supplies and drugs from Walgreens.

“It was pretty interesting to see our catering director and a couple of others float across Canal Street in a laundry bin,” she said. <<
That's the Walgreen's in my photo, reposted below.

The Père Marquette referenced above is not in the Quarter (again, it's Quarter, not "Court") --- it's about a block away from the Ritz Carlton. You're looking in that direction here.


Fucking liar.

That's the street nearby the French Quarter. Also, in multiple posts I said that there may have (allegedly) been some light flooding in the French Quarter. Also, that's ankle deep water or so, dude. It's not fast rushing water that would be ravaging bodies.

It no longer surprises me that you're stupid enough to think a flood is some kind of static thing that one moment is ankle deep and the next moment is gone. You have no more clue about how a flood works than how the French Court works.

Whatever the fuck that is.

That is Baronne Street in the distance. You're standing looking across Canal Street, which is the 'western' edge of the French Quarter (or in Dumbassian, "French Court'). You're standing at or right next to the Ritz Carlton hotel, which is at 921 Canal Street. That Walgreen's -- the store described earlier to and from which medical workers floated in a laundry basket in water described as "hip deep" -- is at 900 Canal Street. You could look it up.


(which in Moronese is "French Court")

This woman's walking across Bourbon Street, which even a cretin like yourself must know is completely inside the French Court Quarter. Bourbon Street is where all the cretins like you go.


Bourbon though is several blocks away from the RC.


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"MSNBC Reaches New Low.Averaging 55,000 Viewers.Can Anyone Explain This Liberal Dilemma?"

USMB is stealing all of their viewers?

Bite my ass hard moron-boy. I didn't pull "1300" out of my ass; that's from the coroner and city and federal officials who did the dirty work while you were wanking off to nude photos of Chris Christie. Go argue with Fox Noise. Even they aren't sleazy enough to sit in their barcalounger scratching their collective nuts and post "it didn't happen" -- as you just claimed above. And that doesn't count however many bodies were already washed out to the Gulf of Mexico -- the list of missing was a thousand more above that.

I just took your horseshit to to lunch and served it on you your ass, steaming. Eat it.

Nope. You haven't posted a 1300 link cos even if you could find one it would be total bunk. How many people do you think die in major cities every week? Of course they found a few rotting corpses. Again, the easy tell is they weren't finding young healthy bodies in the water because people weren't dying from drowning. Bit you just insist on being willfully ignorant. I reiterate, you're fucking retarded.

The link above goes to Fox Noise. I can understand "total bunk" but the previous one was USA Today and it was the same story. You're saying Fox Noise, USA Today, the alphabets, emergency responders and the Googles made the whole thing up?

What happened to that explanation for a Ritz Carlton not opening for fifteen months while it worked on FLOOD repair btw? Are we hoping that question just fades away? The broader question: how is it you're willing to go on the internet and look this fucking stupid?

Oh wait ----- hang on, breaking news, this just in...

NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

>> Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”
Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”

The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans also experienced difficulties during Katrina, according to GM Myra deGersdorff. The hotel was fortunate to be hosting a convention of infectious disease physicians when Katrina hit; about 20 of the doctors could not get out of the city, and the hotel served as a miniature medical unit. At one point, a team needed to cross the flooded street to get medical supplies and drugs from Walgreens.

“It was pretty interesting to see our catering director and a couple of others float across Canal Street in a laundry bin,” she said. <<
That's the Walgreen's in my photo, reposted below.

The Père Marquette referenced above is not in the Quarter (again, it's Quarter, not "Court") --- it's about a block away from the Ritz Carlton. You're looking in that direction here.


Fucking liar.

That's the street nearby the French Quarter. Also, in multiple posts I said that there may have (allegedly) been some light flooding in the French Quarter. Also, that's ankle deep water or so, dude. It's not fast rushing water that would be ravaging bodies.

There it is, right on time....


No one has claimed anything about "fast rushing water that would be ravaging bodies". Perhaps you got this site and the tab you have your porn open in mixed up.

No one has claimed anything about "fast rushing water" at all. Unless you're standing at the 17th Street Canal when it gives way, that's not the way a flood works.

Lying asshole.

Look, learning "Court" is not "Quarter" must have tapped you out. Why don't you go back to your porn and not try to take on the obviously deep science of how water works. You've had a long day.

Fucking liar.
Over 1300 corpses recovered, asshole. We residents weren't even allowed back into the city until OCTOBER -- and that's why.

You want to go argue with the history books. Why am I not surprised.

Wiki huh? Guess I'm gonna have to update that when I get done here.

With this

And these...

You're looking out FROM the Quarter there, stupid. Right from the vantage point of the hotel Williams was staying in. In fact the caption from this identfies them as "evacuating their French Quarter hotel" -- which almost certainly means the Ritz Carlton -- it's the only one in that direction. The same one the picture above it was taken from.

Want to explain to the class why the Ritz Carlton was closed for fifteen months for flood repair? B-b-ut Wiki says there was no flooding! :crybaby:

No. Didn't think so.

And by the way Stupid-- there's no such thing as the "French Court". You don't have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're even talking about.

I'm looking at ankle deep water...and this is what the iconic French Quarter looks like:


There were not 1300 deaths. And again, scores of people dies in major cities every week. What you saw were the dead stragglers who were swept up in the water. Again, there's a reason that you're not seeing kids and generally healthy looking people in those pics. But you keep believing and promoting the propoganda in the hopes of furthering the careers of guys like Lyin' Bryan.

Lying asshole. Take a picture of a French Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") street on a normal night and go "DUH, I don't see no floodin'".. FUCK you.

This one's not captioned but it looks to me like Esplanade down near the French Market -- which is the other (river) side of the Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") from the Ritz Carlton:


You're showing random NO streets. There is no pictures of the main iconic French Quarter streets flooded b/c it didn't happen. And credible reports are that the French Quarter, which is on higher gournd sustatined light flooding at most. The bottom line is there were no rushing flood waters going through it; which is essentially the sensational narrative that Lyin' Bryan was projecting.

the French Quarter, which is on higher ground sustained light flooding at most.

yes the trusted source wiki agrees with you

The famous French Quarter dodged the massive flooding experienced in other levee areas.

Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can't even figure out what the expression insh'Allah means. Don't you think Wikipedia is a bit, uh, advanced? What's the rush?

But yeah I see how Wikipedia, which anyone can go in and edit at will, would be a more solid reliable source than ten years of recorded fucking history including all this documentation I've laid out. What could be more obvious.

By the way what does Wiki say about the "French Court"?

Desperation mode: You got nothing, so you're going on a wiki rant. And you're still hung up on French Court. Yea, I spelled it that way in a couple posts. Who the fuck cares, dude. You know what I was talking about, but you have to go excessively pedantic in your tantrum, I guess.

What are you even arguing at this point? You keep showing pictures of a flooded Canal Street even though the Brian Williams account is that he saw the dead body float through The French Quarter; and reports are that there was light flooding there at most and that it was even 'largely dry.'
I'm looking at ankle deep water...and this is what the iconic French Quarter looks like:


There were not 1300 deaths. And again, scores of people dies in major cities every week. What you saw were the dead stragglers who were swept up in the water. Again, there's a reason that you're not seeing kids and generally healthy looking people in those pics. But you keep believing and promoting the propoganda in the hopes of furthering the careers of guys like Lyin' Bryan.

Lying asshole. Take a picture of a French Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") street on a normal night and go "DUH, I don't see no floodin'".. FUCK you.

This one's not captioned but it looks to me like Esplanade down near the French Market -- which is the other (river) side of the Quarter (again that's Quarter, dumbass, not "Court") from the Ritz Carlton:


You're showing random NO streets. There is no pictures of the main iconic French Quarter streets flooded b/c it didn't happen. And credible reports are that the French Quarter, which is on higher gournd sustatined light flooding at most. The bottom line is there were no rushing flood waters going through it; which is essentially the sensational narrative that Lyin' Bryan was projecting.

the French Quarter, which is on higher ground sustained light flooding at most.

yes the trusted source wiki agrees with you

The famous French Quarter dodged the massive flooding experienced in other levee areas.

Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You can't even figure out what the expression insh'Allah means. Don't you think Wikipedia is a bit, uh, advanced? What's the rush?

But yeah I see how Wikipedia, which anyone can go in and edit at will, would be a more solid reliable source than ten years of recorded fucking history including all this documentation I've laid out. What could be more obvious.

By the way what does Wiki say about the "French Court"?

Desperation mode: You got nothing, so you're going on a wiki rant. And you're still hung up on French Court. Yea, I spelled it that way in a couple posts. Who the fuck cares, dude. You know what I was talking about, but you have to go excessively pedantic in your tantrum, I guess.

What are you even arguing at this point? You keep showing pictures of a flooded Canal Street even though the Brian Williams account is that he saw the dead body float through The French Quarter; and reports are that there was light flooding there at most and that it was even 'largely dry.'

Poor Gnats Pee. Still digging, can't get a boner.

Canal Street is one boundary of the Quarter. That hotel is part of it. So is the Marriott. And one of the previous pictures looks into the Quarter (that's "Court" in Retardish) from that hotel.

Moving the goalposts again so soon? Nobody claimed a body was floating "through the French Quarter".
Guess that's just par for the coarse for a ...

fucking liar.
Nope. You haven't posted a 1300 link cos even if you could find one it would be total bunk. How many people do you think die in major cities every week? Of course they found a few rotting corpses. Again, the easy tell is they weren't finding young healthy bodies in the water because people weren't dying from drowning. Bit you just insist on being willfully ignorant. I reiterate, you're fucking retarded.

The link above goes to Fox Noise. I can understand "total bunk" but the previous one was USA Today and it was the same story. You're saying Fox Noise, USA Today, the alphabets, emergency responders and the Googles made the whole thing up?

What happened to that explanation for a Ritz Carlton not opening for fifteen months while it worked on FLOOD repair btw? Are we hoping that question just fades away? The broader question: how is it you're willing to go on the internet and look this fucking stupid?

Oh wait ----- hang on, breaking news, this just in...

NO business after Katrina went to crap. The RC saw it as a good time to do all major renovations at the cheapest opportunity cost. They weren't closed for 15 months out of necessity but out of good business sense. But, I doubt that fits with the narrative you want to hear. Continue with your tantrum though. It's amusing. Again though, you're fucking retarded.

>> Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”
Hotel properties suffered greatly during Katrina and in the months following. Frank Zumbo, GM of the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel, said his hotel was one of the most damaged in the city.

“This hotel sustained some pretty substantial flood damage,” Zumbo said. “We’re talking about 2 or 3 feet of standing water in the lobby for three or four weeks, so the entire first floor was completely gutted. All the laundry downstairs, the engineering, the electrical had to be rebuilt.”

The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans also experienced difficulties during Katrina, according to GM Myra deGersdorff. The hotel was fortunate to be hosting a convention of infectious disease physicians when Katrina hit; about 20 of the doctors could not get out of the city, and the hotel served as a miniature medical unit. At one point, a team needed to cross the flooded street to get medical supplies and drugs from Walgreens.

“It was pretty interesting to see our catering director and a couple of others float across Canal Street in a laundry bin,” she said. <<
That's the Walgreen's in my photo, reposted below.

The Père Marquette referenced above is not in the Quarter (again, it's Quarter, not "Court") --- it's about a block away from the Ritz Carlton. You're looking in that direction here.


Fucking liar.

That's the street nearby the French Quarter. Also, in multiple posts I said that there may have (allegedly) been some light flooding in the French Quarter. Also, that's ankle deep water or so, dude. It's not fast rushing water that would be ravaging bodies.

There it is, right on time....


No one has claimed anything about "fast rushing water that would be ravaging bodies". Perhaps you got this site and the tab you have your porn open in mixed up.

No one has claimed anything about "fast rushing water" at all. Unless you're standing at the 17th Street Canal when it gives way, that's not the way a flood works.

Lying asshole.

Look, learning "Court" is not "Quarter" must have tapped you out. Why don't you go back to your porn and not try to take on the obviously deep science of how water works. You've had a long day.

Fucking liar.

Well, if it wasn't fast rushing waters, then it stands to reason that Lyin' Bryan would have gotten the shot, right? So either way, we know he was full of crap. And don't claim that BS well they couldn't show it on TV. I took f'ing journalism classes in college and interned int it. No journalist would stand by idle and let a story literally float away. I mean, you tried to say well, they can't show that on TV; and I showed you that's nonsense. And even if they didn't, you take the shot and then later inform the audience that you are not showing it if it's allegedly too graphic. But no f'ing journalist in their right mind is that apathetic. I can guaranfuckingtee you that if Bry Bry saw a dead body floating by, he'd be chasing that corpse like he was chasing an emmy!
Moving the goalposts again so soon? Nobody claimed a body was floating "through the French Quarter".

Bryan Williams claimed that the body floated through the French Quarter, numb nuts.

“When you look out of your hotel room window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face down...

No goalposts moving. This has been at the crux of the argument from the start. That's why you've looked like an idiot repeatedly posting pics of Canal Street flooded.
Moving the goalposts again so soon? Nobody claimed a body was floating "through the French Quarter".

Bryan Williams claimed that the body floated through the French Quarter, numb nuts.

“When you look out of your hotel room window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face down...

No goalposts moving. This has been at the crux of the argument from the start. That's why you've looked like an idiot repeatedly posting pics of Canal Street flooded.

Ah. The Curator of the Illiterarium grabs a new shovel.

Assuming that quote's accurate (funny you can't link it but maybe that's too advanced for you), it does not say what you'd like to move it to.

"When you look out of your hotel room window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face down..."

-- says nothing about where the body is. It says where the observer is.

The body could be anywhere within eyesight. It could be on Canal Street; it could be in the CBD.

Omg. Did I just blow your fucking MIND?
Nah, "mind" -- what am I saying.... never mind. This is too advanced for you.

"hotel room window in the French Quarter". Observation point.
And you'd like to revise this to "floating through the French Quarter?
Sure you don't wanna go with "French Court"?

Doesn't matter. DENIED. Told you before, you're not revising history on my watch.

Lying asshole.

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