MSNBC Reaches New Low.Averaging 55,000 Viewers.Can Anyone Explain This Liberal Dilemma?

There are accounts that the French Court was not flooded either. You do the math, bro.
You're obviously not keeping up. You do the reading, bro.
I don't get why they never attracted high end really funny Dems. Come on. I know they are out there.

Actually know a couple who work the circuit who have said that they refuse to do comedy that goes after this President or first Lady because they said they would never work again.

Now how sad is that. But it makes sense.
But reality is dude's told some tall tales
Besides this helicopter incident? Name them. Make sure you do your assigned reading first.

Off the top of my head:

1. Helicoptor hit by the RPG.
2. Dead body floating down the French Quarter (dry high ground).
3. Saving a puppy from a burning fire.
4. Having dysentery from accidentally drinking flood water.
5* He even possibly lied in his apology making it sound like the copter shot at was nearby them when they landed an hour apart. (Putting an asterisk next to this one b/c I'm hearing conflicting accounts).
6. During the apology, he talked about two harrowing nights in the desert (that never happened). They landed same day. It's sad that he lied during a premeditated apology about lying. It's like he can't help himself.
7. Williams likely lied about being robbed at gunpoint while selling Christmas trees for a church in a sleepy town.
8. Having learned the value of a sympathy, 'harrowing' lie, Williams claimed to have conflated and misremembered the rpg incident in his apology. But he claimed in 07 of the 03 incident that he 'looked down the barrel of the RPG'
9. Apparently Lyin' Bryan claimed to have witnessed a suicide at the Superdome. In another account, he said he heard reports of it.
10. Williams reported that he was rescued from gangs in his hotel by a young police officer and that they are still friends to this day. And yet, Mr. newsman decided not to report the story and give this alleged heroic policeman his due? Nah, another obvious lie.

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Deficit vs. debt?
Yes. In another thread, you didn't know the difference.

I know that in another thread you erroneously claimed that I didn't know the difference (I've frankly known the difference since about 4th or 5th grade; it's not a hard concept). You should take a shower though. You reek (of desperation).

He is erroneous in most threads, he makes 911 inside job look like a genius and the is pretty tough to do.
Prove that.

Better yet, show me the dead body floating by. He had a camera crew; and yet they didn't get a shot? Just another story from Lyin' Bryan.
Are you claiming there were no dead bodies floating in Katrina waters?

Not the Katrina waters (though I haven't seen that either); rather The French Court waters. And there is no proof of it other than storyteller's account. In Lyin' Bryan's defense, perhaps he saw one of those allegedly dead bodies at the Super Dome and a boat floating down a river, and he 'conflated' the account.
Maybe he just saw some of Chris Kyle's Superdome kills?

Oh, wait . . .

Yea, I don't care about your standard left/right diversions. I don't worship Chris Kyle. Bottom line is that a well-known liar claimed to see a body floating by his hotel; and as an allegedly great journalist, he didn't have his camera guy record it? There are accounts that the French Court was not flooded either. You do the math, bro.

There was one advocacy journalism piece, by a Baton Rouge paper, that said that, and it was bullshit, and they corrected their own bullshit article and admitted there was flooding (no doubt after getting flooded with pictorial evidence). Nevertheless three threads were created about it (all of them after the correction, which required ignoring it) -- which I then set straight with lots of more flood pictures -- Canal Street, all around the hotel in question, and Bourbon street, and on at least two different days. Bodies too. Also pointed out the hotel that supposedly "took no flooding" was closed for over a year to do flood repair. Which is a neat trick.

Not that all that kept the mythmongers from continuing to babble their own shit, but you can only lead a whore to water, you can't make them think. It's way more important to perpetuate a myth than admit to facts that directly contradict it.
:slap: And remember when we were all laughing at MSNBC when their average share of nightly viewers were around 300,000 while Fox was always over 2 Million? You have to wonder what it costs to air a 30 second ad by this point. Then again, who would want to advertise on MSNBC when no one with any real intelligence is watching. Maybe it's because they have the most bigoted/imbecilic/doltish band of democrats working the evening shift spewing lies about conservatives. And to think they haven't fired Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz by now. MSNBC: Night Of The Living Turkeys.:argue::cuckoo:
people know that they put out the same bs as abc, cbs, nbc and cnn, the first 3 have better formats.

there's also hln and pbs

Better yet, show me the dead body floating by. He had a camera crew; and yet they didn't get a shot? Just another story from Lyin' Bryan.

A "shot"? Seriously?
Think about that. Have you ever seen a dead body on network news, ever, anywhere?

Federal officials were keeping a tight lid on that anyway. For two weeks - by which time the waters had long since receded. CNN had to sue for media to be able to cover body retrieval. They got a TRO on September 11th -- 13 days after the storm.

Actually one local Dallas TV station did eventually run some photos and got excoriated by their viewers. You see that sort of thing once in a long while on a local station; you don't see it on national.

So no, they "didn't get a shot". And they couldn't have used it if they did.

I think MSNBC has had its priorities a little goofed up.

They start with the premise that they're going to be an aggressive advocate of left wing politics. Okay, it's your network.

So to host their shows, they go out and get people they feel will push left wing politics the best. But there is a distinct difference between that and good television.

A non-stop parade of people looking longingly into the camera and pleading their identical political case at various levels of shrillness just ain't good teevee, and the numbers reflect that.


Better yet, show me the dead body floating by. He had a camera crew; and yet they didn't get a shot? Just another story from Lyin' Bryan.
Are you claiming there were no dead bodies floating in Katrina waters?

Not the Katrina waters (though I haven't seen that either); rather The French Court waters. And there is no proof of it other than storyteller's account. In Lyin' Bryan's defense, perhaps he saw one of those allegedly dead bodies at the Super Dome and a boat floating down a river, and he 'conflated' the account.
WTF is the French Court?

Better yet, show me the dead body floating by. He had a camera crew; and yet they didn't get a shot? Just another story from Lyin' Bryan.
Are you claiming there were no dead bodies floating in Katrina waters?

Not the Katrina waters (though I haven't seen that either); rather The French Court waters. And there is no proof of it other than storyteller's account. In Lyin' Bryan's defense, perhaps he saw one of those allegedly dead bodies at the Super Dome and a boat floating down a river, and he 'conflated' the account.
WTF is the French Court?

Alors, eet ees ouaire you go to get zee justeece, mon ami. But zere ees no such sing in zee Nouvelle Orléans.

The ethically shortchanged sure can be willfully ignorant when it suits propagating a hack myth. There were well over 1300 bodies recovered from Katrina, not counting the already-dead ones that bubbled up from cemeteries and the unknown number who washed out into the Gulf of Mexico. This is why we residents weren't allowed back in there until October of that year - how soon we forget.

Here's a whole page of them (not for the squaeamish), including Canal Street and one near the French Market (on the river side of the Quarter. Here's page two of it. No bodies my ass.

Once we did get back in we found that literally every home and building had a spray-painted code on it indicating that it had been searched and whether corpses, people or animals, had been found.

No New Orleanian doesn't recognize this marking -- you can still see some today:

But reality is dude's told some tall tales
Besides this helicopter incident? Name them. Make sure you do your assigned reading first.
Better yet, show me the dead body floating by. He had a camera crew; and yet they didn't get a shot? Just another story from Lyin' Bryan.
Are you claiming there were no dead bodies floating in Katrina waters?

Not the Katrina waters (though I haven't seen that either); rather The French Court waters. And there is no proof of it other than storyteller's account. In Lyin' Bryan's defense, perhaps he saw one of those allegedly dead bodies at the Super Dome and a boat floating down a river, and he 'conflated' the account.
Maybe he just saw some of Chris Kyle's Superdome kills?

Oh, wait . . .

Yea, I don't care about your standard left/right diversions. I don't worship Chris Kyle. Bottom line is that a well-known liar claimed to see a body floating by his hotel; and as an allegedly great journalist, he didn't have his camera guy record it? There are accounts that the French Court was not flooded either. You do the math, bro.

There was one advocacy journalism piece, by a Baton Rouge paper, that said that, and it was bullshit, and they corrected their own bullshit article and admitted there was flooding (no doubt after getting flooded with pictorial evidence). Nevertheless three threads were created about it (all of them after the correction, which required ignoring it) -- which I then set straight with lots of more flood pictures -- Canal Street, all around the hotel in question, and Bourbon street, and on at least two different days. Bodies too. Also pointed out the hotel that supposedly "took no flooding" was closed for over a year to do flood repair. Which is a neat trick.

Not that all that kept the mythmongers from continuing to babble their own shit, but you can only lead a whore to water, you can't make them think. It's way more important to perpetuate a myth than admit to facts that directly contradict it.

A lot of BS and no link(s).... No pics of great flooding or dead bodies floating by cos it didn't happen.

French Quarter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Effect of Hurricane Katrina
Main article: Effects of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans
As with other parts of the city developed before the late 19th century and on dry land predating New Orleans's levee systems, the French Quarter remained substantially dry following Hurricane Katrina. It is 5 feet (1.5 m) above sea level.[19] Some streets had minor flooding, and several buildings suffered significant wind damage. Most of the major landmarks suffered only minor damage.[20] In addition, the Quarter largely escaped the looting and violence that occurred after the storm; nearly all of the antique shops and art galleries in the French Quarter, for example, were untouched.[21]

Better yet, show me the dead body floating by. He had a camera crew; and yet they didn't get a shot? Just another story from Lyin' Bryan.

A "shot"? Seriously?
Think about that. Have you ever seen a dead body on network news, ever, anywhere?

Federal officials were keeping a tight lid on that anyway. For two weeks - by which time the waters had long since receded. CNN had to sue for media to be able to cover body retrieval. They got a TRO on September 11th -- 13 days after the storm.

Actually one local Dallas TV station did eventually run some photos and got excoriated by their viewers. You see that sort of thing once in a long while on a local station; you don't see it on national.

So no, they "didn't get a shot". And they couldn't have used it if they did.

I have to go no further than Lyan' Bryan's camera man's piece in which he showed two allegedly dead bodies at the Superdome (one wrapped in a white sheet). Any other nonsense you want to spout?

I think MSNBC has had its priorities a little goofed up.

They start with the premise that they're going to be an aggressive advocate of left wing politics. Okay, it's your network.

So to host their shows, they go out and get people they feel will push left wing politics the best. But there is a distinct difference between that and good television.

A non-stop parade of people looking longingly into the camera and pleading their identical political case at various levels of shrillness just ain't good teevee, and the numbers reflect that.


It could be the shrillness (They're definitely the most shrill network). I've always thought a lot of people saw MSNBC hosts, reporters, contributers as phonies though. That's what's always bothered me much more than the politics. It bothers me that Fox News has more and more of that too; but I still watch it some cos they're often the only network covering certain stories.
Prove that.

Better yet, show me the dead body floating by. He had a camera crew; and yet they didn't get a shot? Just another story from Lyin' Bryan.
Are you claiming there were no dead bodies floating in Katrina waters?

Not the Katrina waters (though I haven't seen that either); rather The French Court waters. And there is no proof of it other than storyteller's account. In Lyin' Bryan's defense, perhaps he saw one of those allegedly dead bodies at the Super Dome and a boat floating down a river, and he 'conflated' the account.
WTF is the French Court?

Alors, eet ees ouaire you go to get zee justeece, mon ami. But zere ees no such sing in zee Nouvelle Orléans.

The ethically shortchanged sure can be willfully ignorant when it suits propagating a hack myth. There were well over 1300 bodies recovered from Katrina, not counting the already-dead ones that bubbled up from cemeteries and the unknown number who washed out into the Gulf of Mexico. This is why we residents weren't allowed back in there until October of that year - how soon we forget.

Here's a whole page of them (not for the squaeamish), including Canal Street and one near the French Market (on the river side of the Quarter. Here's page two of it. No bodies my ass.

Once we did get back in we found that literally every home and building had a spray-painted code on it indicating that it had been searched and whether corpses, people or animals, had been found.

No New Orleanian doesn't recognize this marking -- you can still see some today:


Sure as we killed 100,000 Iraqi civilians in the opening weeks of the war (btw, notice how that number never changed thereafter), there were 1300 people who died from Katrina.

Use your brain. Why are their no children among the dead? Cos nobody (or hardly anybody) was getting killed by flood water. These are people (old people, druggies, homeless, etc) who naturally died and became part of the scene. In a big city, you have scores of deaths every week.The idiot bus that you drive on just took it and ran with it cos it fits your narrative.
A lot of BS and no link(s).... No pics of great flooding or dead bodies floating by cos it didn't happen.

French Quarter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Effect of Hurricane Katrina
Main article: Effects of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans
As with other parts of the city developed before the late 19th century and on dry land predating New Orleans's levee systems, the French Quarter remained substantially dry following Hurricane Katrina. It is 5 feet (1.5 m) above sea level.[19] Some streets had minor flooding, and several buildings suffered significant wind damage. Most of the major landmarks suffered only minor damage.[20] In addition, the Quarter largely escaped the looting and violence that occurred after the storm; nearly all of the antique shops and art galleries in the French Quarter, for example, were untouched.[21]

Over 1300 corpses recovered, asshole. We residents weren't even allowed back into the city until OCTOBER -- and that's why.

You want to go argue with the history books. Why am I not surprised.

Wiki huh? Guess I'm gonna have to update that when I get done here.

With this

And these...

You're looking out FROM the Quarter there, stupid. Right from the vantage point of the hotel Williams was staying in. In fact the caption from this identfies them as "evacuating their French Quarter hotel" -- which almost certainly means the Ritz Carlton -- it's the only one in that direction. The same one the picture above it was taken from.

Want to explain to the class why the Ritz Carlton was closed for fifteen months for flood repair? B-b-ut Wiki says there was no flooding! :crybaby:

No. Didn't think so.

And by the way Stupid-- there's no such thing as the "French Court". You don't have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're even talking about.
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