MSNBC: "The stench" you are smelling is the wind blowing in your face

The difference is, FOX has liberals on all the time, every panel has at least one liberal. The libs, no matter how insane they are, get courtesy and respect. This is not true with the other networks.
I watch that network from time to time and there is just zero professionalism.

Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for September 25, 2012

P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
Total Day
FNC 1,309 293 580
CNN 413 121 189
MSNBC 673 210 318
CNBC 144 39 77
FBN 61 13 26
HLN 166 68 92

Primetime P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
FNC 2,428 531 1,024
CNN 705 203 343
MSNBC 1,362 410 606
CNBC 124 54 75
FBN 61 24 36
HLN 220 83 115

There is a Reason :D

Cable News Ratings for Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers
I watch that network from time to time and there is just zero professionalism.

Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for September 25, 2012

P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
Total Day
FNC 1,309 293 580
CNN 413 121 189
MSNBC 673 210 318
CNBC 144 39 77
FBN 61 13 26
HLN 166 68 92

Primetime P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
FNC 2,428 531 1,024
CNN 705 203 343
MSNBC 1,362 410 606
CNBC 124 54 75
FBN 61 24 36
HLN 220 83 115

There is a Reason :D

Cable News Ratings for Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

The National Enquirer has more subscribers than many of the nation's top newspapers including the Washington Post. Reality shows and wrestling draw bigger numbers than very good drama/comedy/educational TV (including Fox News).
What's your point?
I watch that network from time to time and there is just zero professionalism.

Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for September 25, 2012

P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
Total Day
FNC 1,309 293 580
CNN 413 121 189
MSNBC 673 210 318
CNBC 144 39 77
FBN 61 13 26
HLN 166 68 92

Primetime P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
FNC 2,428 531 1,024
CNN 705 203 343
MSNBC 1,362 410 606
CNBC 124 54 75
FBN 61 24 36
HLN 220 83 115

There is a Reason :D

Cable News Ratings for Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers

The National Enquirer has more subscribers than many of the nation's top newspapers including the Washington Post. Reality shows and wrestling draw bigger numbers than very good drama/comedy/educational TV (including Fox News).
What's your point?

MSNBC or Fox News,,,,,,,meh.

Don't pretend there's a moral equivalency.

True, MSNBC actually has people from both sides and shows professional journalism. Fox is nothing but ultra-right wing trash.

Oh really is that why bill o'reilly called Sean hannity and rush limbaugh out for inciting more violence by letting the people know that a video was not the cause of the embassy attack and that our embassador was sodimized?
They have given shows to total losers...
People who have no business getting a show,on cable even....

Alex Wagner.
Melissa Harris Perry....(does she have any more names)..
Al Sharpton
Krystall Balls....

Besides Sharpton,who the frak are these people?

as opposed to fake news':

rick folbaum and arthel neville
harris faulkner
jon scott
kelly wright and jamie colby
uma pemmaraju

puleeze... puleeze... bitch about real things, not nonsense.

MSNBC or Fox News,,,,,,,meh.

Don't pretend there's a moral equivalency.

Fox News and MSNBC are one in the same, they are simply at different ends of the political spectrum. You think Fox News is superior with their programing and political journalism because of where you stand within the political spectrum. The same holds true for those on the left in relation to MSNBC.
I' used to watch both networks quite a bit, I see no difference between the two as far as balance and journalistic honesty. Now I don't watch either one, the political hackery turned me off to both of them. If I want to form an opinion on an issue, I do my own research sans ideological leanings ,weigh the results and then form an opinion of my own. I prefer to think for myself.
This country wouldn't be as polarized as it is, if Fox News and MSNBC didn't exist.

So, in other words you're going to pretend there is a moral equivalency.
MSNBC Host: Obama Meeting Pope Will Generate 'Epic Selfie'

Both share a 'defining vision'

1.21.2014 |Albert Merrick |

President Barack Obama and Pope Francis are set to meet in March, the White House announced Tuesday. In the coming weeks, any number of comparisons are sure to be drawn by a fawning media between the liberal President and a Pope who has championed many social justice issues -- and who remains anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality nonetheless.

MSNBC host Alex Wagner made sure her name would be counted among the masses to draw the parallel:

“It just might result in the most epic selfie of all time. President Obama will travel to meet Pope Francis for the first time on March 27th of this year. A meeting highly anticipated since march of last year. Aside from their occasional self-portraits, they have more importantly both made it a defining mission to combat inequality.

MSNBC Host: Obama Meeting Pope Will Generate 'Epic Selfie' | Truth Revolt

The networks are alike in some ways and different in others.

Fox gives far more time to liberal pundits than MSNBC does to conservative pundits. It's also goofier and more clownish in its presentation.

MSNBC is far less goofy, but it's just freakin' rabid. And watching three or four liberals have a "serious" conversation about conservatives is always amusing, and it happens all the time.

Both networks are definitely part of the problem. Lies by omission. And watching people defend "their" network as if it's credible is troubling.


The networks are alike in some ways and different in others.

Fox gives far more time to liberal pundits than MSNBC does to conservative pundits. It's also goofier and more clownish in its presentation.

MSNBC is far less goofy, but it's just freakin' rabid. And watching three or four liberals have a "serious" conversation about conservatives is always amusing, and it happens all the time.

Both networks are definitely part of the problem. Lies by omission. And watching people defend "their" network as if it's credible is troubling.


Pretty much..
FOX: Their hard news hour twice a day always leans right, and usually comes from the perspective of the right - but is, IMO - less biased than CBS, NBC or ABC which leans much further to the left than Fox Bret Baier. Scott Pelley for instance is a HUUGE hack. I wish they would lose Hannity, he is a total liar by omission and spends 90% of the show in butt hurt fashion going on and on about the latest horror of the day that liberals are guilty of.
MSNBC: - a joke. Rabid is the right word to describe them. Al Sharpton?? Really???
Madcow??? Hannity on Fox is like Walter Kronkite compared to her rants and misinformation to outright lies. It could be no worse than if they were ran by Code Pink.
CNN: - 24 hours of CBS, NBC and ABC rolled into one. News comes from the perspective of the left and leans left in commentary. Like the networks, they lie by omission and will repeat the Obama administrations talking points with no argument or perspective. Just repeat it.

And there you have it.
We have no reliable source of news in this country.
I realize that this doesn't matter to you rw's but it was Craig Robinson, former political director of the Republican Party of Iowa who said,
“I hate to say this, but if Ryan wants to run for national office again, he’ll probably have to wash the stench of Romney off of him.”

Its the Rs who are doing the worst name calling of has-been, never-was, wannabe, always the bridesmaid, never the bride, professional candidate, Mittens.

David Brooks: Mitt Romney Is 'The Least Popular Candidate In History' (VIDEO)

But, hey, buck up .. I wouldn't be surprised if he passed the torch on to one of his do-nothing sons. That way, Mittens could be his "advisor". LOL


Did he say this during a national broadcast, or did he say it off the record?
The media will play a number on any Republican.

The technique is always "Democrats suck ass, but the Republicans are worse".
You'd think at some point the LMSM would figure out that alienating 1/2 their potential audience is not a good business model
Hey, the suits at NBC see the abysmal ratings and know they're a result, a reaction, to the stridently left-wing programming and presentations by their bobblehead anchors, but they don't do anything to change MSNBCs direction.

Seems to me like they're not fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities to their shareholders, but since I'm not one I don't have a Maddow, er, I mean dog in that fight.
You'd think at some point the LMSM would figure out that alienating 1/2 their potential audience is not a good business model

Actually it's a great business model. They get to act like children and be watched for it because Zombie Nation likes drama. Furthermore, I believe that the govt. allowed the corporitization of the media so that they would be a part of the problem while both sides engage in big business.

In MSNBC's case; they're supposed to be the propaganda wing of GE/Govt; who are making butt loads of money.
I prefer not to watch MSNBC or fox. They both have such an ultra right / left agenda its hilarious. I can't find one commentator on either station that I couldn't frustrate in a debate. Those people don't know what hard work is. Never will either.
I prefer not to watch MSNBC or fox. They both have such an ultra right / left agenda its hilarious. I can't find one commentator on either station that I couldn't frustrate in a debate. Those people don't know what hard work is. Never will either.

Agreed. However, I will say that Fox News tells much of the stories that the rest the media doesn't tell; to their shame. However, there are some stories that even Fox News buries; like Obama's non-citizenship. They are too cowardly to deal with stories like that.

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