MSNBC trying to insinuate that cold weather is the reason for low jobs numbers


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
OH yes that global warming :cuckoo::lol:

And yes doubters Joe did ask if the weather had anything to do with it.
And yes Construction jobs have been going down something they misspoke on

[ame=]MSNBC: December Jobs Report Is "Awful," "Very Bad," Ugly" - YouTube[/ame]
Unemployment went down.


Don't worry though ... It's the Liberal media covering once again for the black man in da WH.
Unemployment went down.


Don't worry though ... It's the Liberal media covering once again for the black man in da WH.

Being black has nothing to do with it, being a liberal has everything to do with it.
Nope. That's "progressivism" at work. Liberals care about people. They might not do a good job of helping them but they truly care. Progressives, on the other hand, only care about power and the accumulation of it.
Unemployment went down.


Don't worry though ... It's the Liberal media covering once again for the black man in da WH.

Job participation, a much better indicator, also went down. And yeah, the mainstream media is covering for the black liberal in office.
I hope the Sunday political talk show tomorrow has Debbie Wasserman Shultz on....

She will tll us that the latest job numbers show the president to be an outstanding
leader and these numbers are the best that have ever been reported for any administration...

Or she will blame it all on Bush and the republicans.... lol
I hope the Sunday political talk show tomorrow has Debbie Wasserman Shultz on....

She will tll us that the latest job numbers show the president to be an outstanding
leader and these numbers are the best that have ever been reported for any administration...

Or she will blame it all on Bush and the republicans.... lol

Realistically, what would you have to say about this if unemployment suddenly fell to 4.9? Would you really give Obama ANY credit?

Would Rush finally get on his mike and say something like ... "well folks ... I was wrong about Obama after all ... ."

I can see it now ... Obama gets the credit!!!


Unemployment went down.


Don't worry though ... It's the Liberal media covering once again for the black man in da WH.

Are you far more stupid and ignorant than you pretend, or are you a stooge?

It's one or the other, because the number is pure manufactured bullshit, so either you don't know that or you are playing the game of lies. Let us know.
Employment Situation Summary

In December, 2.4 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force,
little changed from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for
work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not
counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks
preceding the survey. (See table A-16.)

Among the marginally attached, there were 917,000 discouraged workers
in December, down by 151,000 from a year earlier. Discouraged workers
are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs
are available for them. The remaining 1.5 million persons marginally attached
to the labor force in December had not searched for work for reasons such as
school attendance or family responsibilities.
The jobs numbers will be adjusted upward

6.7% ??

Can we get the unemployment rate below 6% by the November elections?
Doesn't look good for the Republicans
Unemployment went down.


Don't worry though ... It's the Liberal media covering once again for the black man in da WH.

Job participation, a much better indicator, also went down. And yeah, the mainstream media is covering for the black liberal in office.

Employment Situation Summary

People not participating because they had given up looking for work was way down.

917,000 discouraged workers in December, down by 151,000 from a year earlier.
If the economy and jobs are doing good why does obama think unemployment benefits need to be extended again?
The jobs numbers will be adjusted upward

6.7% ??

Can we get the unemployment rate below 6% by the November elections?
Doesn't look good for the Republicans

As the unemployment numbers go down so does the numbers for employed Americans.
Guess you can call that great.
The jobs numbers will be adjusted upward

6.7% ??

Can we get the unemployment rate below 6% by the November elections?
Doesn't look good for the Republicans

As the unemployment numbers go down so does the numbers for employed Americans.
Guess you can call that great.

Let's say the numbers drop to 5.8% in November

What are Republicans going to run on? Taking away peoples insurance?
Shutting down government if you don't elect them?
If the economy and jobs are doing good why does obama think unemployment benefits need to be extended again?

Go ask him, I'm not for it. There is going to be another big drop in Jan if it is not extended. That's good for America; people need to get back to work.
The jobs numbers will be adjusted upward

6.7% ??

Can we get the unemployment rate below 6% by the November elections?
Doesn't look good for the Republicans

As the unemployment numbers go down so does the numbers for employed Americans.
Guess you can call that great.

Let's say the numbers drop to 5.8% in November

What are Republicans going to run on? Taking away peoples insurance?
Shutting down government if you don't elect them?

Does it really matter about how low the unemployment number goes if so many Americans are no longer in the work force?
Let's say the numbers drop to 5.8% in November

What are Republicans going to run on? Taking away peoples insurance?
Shutting down government if you don't elect them?

Republicans are going to get trashed in Nov ... again. They are going down for the shut-down, blaming Obama for not cowing to them is a flipping joke.

5.8 could happen and Obamacare is here to stay and once it proves itself to be a winner, the R's will claim all credit if they get to tweak it at all.

The numbers will still be fake, though; unless they shoot back up, then the Kenyan will be keeping us down.
Let's say the numbers drop to 5.8% in November

What are Republicans going to run on? Taking away peoples insurance?
Shutting down government if you don't elect them?

Republicans are going to get trashed in Nov ... again. They are going down for the shut-down, blaming Obama for not cowing to them is a flipping joke.

5.8 could happen and Obamacare is here to stay and once it proves itself to be a winner, the R's will claim all credit if they get to tweak it at all.

The numbers will still be fake, though; unless they shoot back up, then the Kenyan will be keeping us down.

We heard this in 2009 stop beating the dead horse obama can'
t hide from his lies.

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