
I’ve heard a lot about “FOX” and charity from the right wing on this site.

Now I know that Sean Hannity is under investigation for what some call a “concert scam”.

I know that Glenn Beck changed the name of his “rally” from a “soldiers” theme to “God” because he couldn’t call it a charity if all his expenses were paid. I would be interested to know exactly how much money actually went to the families of soldiers.

Then there is MSNBC, sponsoring free health clinics for poor people all across America. I think number 9 is coming up soon. I haven’t heard a thing about these clinics except finding out about them on the Internet. Reading about all the people they’ve helped in eye opening.

I would be interested in “facts”. I have had a hard time finding actual numbers on either stations "doings".


This according to Maddow would show once and for all what an abysmal failure the American health care system is, despite a recent Gallup poll showing that “80 percent are satisfied with the quality of medical care available to them, including 39 percent who are very satisfied.”

“As has occurred in other states, doctors and nurses would donate their time to provide free care to thousands of constituents of these senators to regular Americans in these states who can not afford health care as it is provided by the health care non-system that we’ve got now,” Maddow said.

Maddow alluded to a similar clinic held in Houston last month that drew 1,500 looking for treatment. This blatant exploitation of the poor, she said, would be an opportunity not only to give away health care, but to “shame” politicians into agreeing with her left-of-center ideology.
“The strategy at work here is that if funds can be raised to hold clinics like these in Arkansas and Montana and Nebraska and Louisiana and Nevada, it will be a way of doing well by doing good. Americans who are un-served by the current system will get some health care and this dramatic heart-wrenching means of providing it to them could shame their senators into getting out of the way of reform.”

MSNBC Goes Into Astroturf Mode: Advocates Using Free Clinics to 'Shame' Senators


Is "helping the poor" a "left of center cause?
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause
MessNBC anchors get their talking points direct from the White House on their blackberries so they have no integrity there.

Olbermann and Maddow are merely "advocating" using free clinics to shame Senators into action, they're not actually doing anything (typical liberals). And besides, that tactic can be easily neutralized by showing the large number of illegal aliens that use those clinics. Then stories will follow on the number of hospitals that have closed because of illegal aliens using them as their primary provider. You haven't thought this through have you? Of course not. And you think you're one the "best and brightest"? :confused:

And finally rdean, I'll bet more people read this thread than watch Olbermann and Maddows' pathetic little shows on MessNBC. :lol:
A private company offering free clinics is a great thing and should be applauded, it's when they advocate confiscating my taxes for things that are "free" where I am going to complain.

BTW, have you seen the lines at those free clinics, they stretched for blocks at the one in New Orleans a few months ago which amazes me since we have had a public health care system here in Louisiana for 75 years or better.
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause

lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause

lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

You hit the nail on the head.
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause

lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

haha it would be fun if what i said wasn't true. i dont want the government involved in redistribution of wealth, liberals do. i think charity should stay private. dont like it? well, tough titties.
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause

lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

Warning: void when it comes to Muslim property rights.
MessNBC anchors get their talking points direct from the White House on their blackberries so they have no integrity there.

Olbermann and Maddow are merely "advocating" using free clinics to shame Senators into action, they're not actually doing anything (typical liberals). And besides, that tactic can be easily neutralized by showing the large number of illegal aliens that use those clinics. Then stories will follow on the number of hospitals that have closed because of illegal aliens using them as their primary provider. You haven't thought this through have you? Of course not. And you think you're one the "best and brightest"? :confused:

And finally rdean, I'll bet more people read this thread than watch Olbermann and Maddows' pathetic little shows on MessNBC. :lol:

Keith Olbermann Donates $50,000 to Free Health Care Clinics

Keith Olbermann Helps Raise $1.2 Million For Free Health Care Clinics

Massive FAIL!
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause

lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

You hit the nail on the head.

But... the nail was being hit into the coffin of the Constitution.
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause

lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

Warning: void when it comes to Muslim property rights.

For cons and void for liberals when "rights" mean things like my right to own an "assault rifle", eat trans fats or even the Patriot Act ,it looks like.

Why I don't fit in either sides neat yet square little box.
helping the poor through government coercion = tyranny and a left wing cause
helping the poor through voluntary charity = liberty and a right wing cause

lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

Warning: void when it comes to Muslim property rights.

California Girl: what's the 'Lie'? You neg repped me for this post, calling it a lie, then don't have the courage to even comment on it on the open forum?

What kind of coward are you, anyway?
lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

Warning: void when it comes to Muslim property rights.

California Girl: what's the 'Lie'? You neg repped me for this post, ....
How many of you actually give a shit beyond being able to use the information to bash your political opposition? How many of you actually give a shit beyond being able to use the information to bash Beck or Maddow or Hannity or Olbermann? I'd be will to bet that not a one of you can see beyond the "Fox sucks!" "NO! MSNBC sucks!" "NO! Beck sucks!" "NO! You suck!" "NO! You do!" bullshit that so occupies your political discourse.
How many of you actually give a shit beyond being able to use the information to bash your political opposition? How many of you actually give a shit beyond being able to use the information to bash Beck or Maddow or Hannity or Olbermann? I'd be will to bet that not a one of you can see beyond the "Fox sucks!" "NO! MSNBC sucks!" "NO! Beck sucks!" "NO! You suck!" "NO! You do!" bullshit that so occupies your political discourse.
I was just thinking the exact same thing. The Fox/NBC gladiators at it to entertain us while an empire crumbles.
lol... more like:

people's rights = liberal
property rights = conservative

we can be overly simplistic also. Fun, eh?

Warning: void when it comes to Muslim property rights.

California Girl: what's the 'Lie'? You neg repped me for this post, calling it a lie, then don't have the courage to even comment on it on the open forum?

What kind of coward are you, anyway?

Courage? What a fucking moronic statement. What kind of 'courage' is required to respond to an idiot on a message board?

Genuine question: Can you be any more stupid?
Warning: void when it comes to Muslim property rights.

California Girl: what's the 'Lie'? You neg repped me for this post, calling it a lie, then don't have the courage to even comment on it on the open forum?

What kind of coward are you, anyway?

Courage? What a fucking moronic statement. What kind of 'courage' is required to respond to an idiot on a message board?

Genuine question: Can you be any more stupid?
What kind of courage is required to call it a lie in private when you refuse to call it a lie in public?


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