MSNBC's Chris "The Tingler" Matthews


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Romney 'arrogant' to run against Obama

Chris MatthewsSeptember 14, 2012
By: Joe Newby

According to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Mitt Romney displayed arrogance by thinking he could run against Barack Obama, Mediaite reported Friday.

“I thought the decision by Romney to run for president, even as this president had not yet even been inaugurated, Mayor, showed a certain kind of disdain,” he told former San Francisco Mayor Willy Brown.

“I don’t want to get into his head on this – I don’t like the look of it – but he seemed to think, ‘Well, this guy could be beat by me,’” he added.

Matthews also claimed that Romney’s "suspicion that he could defeat President Obama in 2012, even though he knew that he was not 'a first-rate politician,' was an 'arrogant point of view,'” Mediaite added.


MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Romney 'arrogant' to run against Obama - National Elections |
Matthews seems to be going through a nervous breakdown on national TV and as long as he gets decent ratings it apparently seems fine with the evil media corporation that employs him.
I think Matthews still hasn't gotten over the raging unrequited manlove thing he had concerning Bush.

We liberals were mocking Mancrush Matthews years before you conservative copycats jumped on that wagon. Matthews simply loves whatever man happens to be in power at the moment. He's not conservative or liberal, he's just a whore.
I watched Matthews polling reviews when the republicans won the landslide two years ago. The word "uprofessional" doesn't begin to describe the tirade. My guess is that Matthews was drunk and so was the staff.
He's unhinged but that's par for the course with MSNBC commentators. Remember Olbermann, currently reincarnated as Larry O'Donnell? Those other two guys, Schultz and Maddow, are of the same ilk and the topper of course is they gave race pimp Sharpton a gig too.

Just a bunch of radical lefty loons ranting and raving during their nightly circle jerk.
He's unhinged but that's par for the course with MSNBC commentators. Remember Olbermann, currently reincarnated as Larry O'Donnell? Those other two guys, Schultz and Maddow, are of the same ilk and the topper of course is they gave race pimp Sharpton a gig too.

Just a bunch of radical lefty loons ranting and raving during their nightly circle jerk.

We got the whole gang...




Matthews Apologizes for Saying 'I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week'

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Chris Matthews, in response to Barack Obama's re-election victory, said Tuesday, "I'm so glad we had that storm last week."

On Wednesday, the Hardball host led off his program with a heartfelt apology (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHRIS MATTHEWS: But I can't begin our usual political discussion tonight without a strong, sad personal note. I was on last night for ten hours straight from five in the evening till three in the morning. At a few minutes to three I said something terrible. I said that I was glad about the coming of tropical storm Sandy because of its impact on this national campaign. It was a terrible thing to say period.


Read more: Matthews Apologizes for Saying 'I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week' |
Anyone seen the SNL skits of Matthews ? I wonder if he realizes that the world is laughing at him, and he is no longer useful as a journalist..

Matthews Apologizes for Saying 'I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week'

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Chris Matthews, in response to Barack Obama's re-election victory, said Tuesday, "I'm so glad we had that storm last week."

On Wednesday, the Hardball host led off his program with a heartfelt apology (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHRIS MATTHEWS: But I can't begin our usual political discussion tonight without a strong, sad personal note. I was on last night for ten hours straight from five in the evening till three in the morning. At a few minutes to three I said something terrible. I said that I was glad about the coming of tropical storm Sandy because of its impact on this national campaign. It was a terrible thing to say period.


Read more: Matthews Apologizes for Saying 'I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week' |

[ame=]Chris Mathews Is Glad Hurricane Sandy Happened! - YouTube[/ame]
NBC News: Romney Ran On Platform Of 'White Men Of Property'


CHRIS MATTHEWS: "Just going back to this love of the founding fathers has gotten to a point of not reverence to their courage, and standing up to the British empire, and putting their lives on the line. And being quite enlightened in so man ways, given who they were. But this notion that the freemen in this country are the white men of property. And that is really what Romney ran on -- white men of property. He didn't say it. Intellectually, I don't think he ever put it in any words, but look who he is rallying to. As Howard [Fineman] pointed out, that seems to be the rallying cry: Men of property, join together. Defend the wagon train against the onslaught of the others. That seems to be what they were doing in this campaign."

NBC News: Romney Ran On Platform Of 'White Men Of Property' - Chris Matthews - Fox Nation
I always loved this interview Chris Matthews had with Michelle Malkin back when John Kerry was running. It's one reason you extreme wingers hate him so much.

That was probably the last interview she's ever done with a Lefty. Scarred her for life, I'm sure.

Michelle Malkin, syndicated right-wing columnist and author of In Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War II and the War on Terror, appeared on August 19 on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. Speaking about the recent allegations against Senator John Kerry by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth regarding the injuries he suffered while serving in the Vietnam War, Malkin alleged, "They are [sic] legitimate questions about whether or not it was a self-inflicted wound."

From the August 19 edition of Hardball:

WILLIE BROWN [Former mayor of San Francisco]: He volunteered twice. He volunteered twice in Vietnam. He literally got shot. There's no question about any of those things. So what else is there to discuss? How much he got shot, how deep, how much shrapnel?

MALKIN: Well, yes. Why don't people ask him more specific questions about the shrapnel in his leg. They are legitimate questions about whether or not it was a self-inflicted wound.


MATTHEWS: What do you mean by self-inflicted? Are you saying he shot himself on purpose? Is that what you're saying?

MALKIN: Did you read the book...

MATTHEWS: I'm asking a simple question. Are you saying that he shot himself on purpose.

MALKIN: I'm saying some of these soldiers...

MATTHEWS: And I'm asking question.

MALKIN: And I'm answering it.

MATTHEWS: Did he shoot himself on purpose.

MALKIN: Some of the soldiers have made allegations that these were self-inflicted wounds.

MATTHEWS: No one has ever accused him of shooting himself on purpose.

Hardball's Matthews took Michelle Malkin to task for outrageous claims | Research | Media Matters for America
If you hate him so much and you're not afraid, write your congressmen and stupid talk show hosts and tell them to go on his show. Tell them a really good strategy will be to rely on wingnut talking points. He loves those.

Chris Matthews now the broadcaster that conservatives love to hate
By David Bauder, The Associated Press | Associated Press – Thu, Dec 27, 2012.. .

NEW YORK, N.Y. - To his boss, Chris Matthews has become a statesman. His critics probably have other words.

The veteran MSNBC host raised his profile as much as any member of the television commentariat during the presidential campaign. His 5 p.m. "Hardball" show has seen viewership jump by 24 per cent this year from 2011, 17 per cent for the rerun two hours later.

Matthews symbolized MSNBC's growing comfort in being a liberal alternative to Fox News Channel. He engaged in an uncomfortable on-air confrontation with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, seemed nearly apoplectic when President Barack Obama flubbed his first debate and had to apologize for appearing grateful that Hurricane Sandy might have helped Obama's re-election effort.

With Keith Olbermann out of sight, Matthews essentially replaced him as the commentator that most annoyed conservative viewers.

"During the run-up to the Iraq War, he just became really, really partisan and became even more so when MSNBC decided to become the anti-Fox," said Geoff Dickens, who used to watch Matthews as a fan and now monitors him regularly as part of his job with the conservative Media Research Center.

Matthews is not afraid to say what he thinks. He's a former newspaper columnist and one-time aide to a 1980s era Democrat, House Speaker Tip O'Neill. He seriously considered running for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania a few years back, where he probably would have been asked repeatedly to explain why he voted for George W. Bush in 2000.

Chris Matthews now the broadcaster that conservatives love to hate - Yahoo! News

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