MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes

Who said I was supporting anyone? I said I've talked about women's looks thousands of times. Did you take your meds today or did you OD on them?
So you don't support the blob. Good to know.

Fun conversation...much enjoyment. More please.
So you don't support the blob. Good to know.

Fun conversation...much enjoyment. More please.
I liked some things about him and disliked others. Fortunately for me ... I'm a free thinker who's completely free from partisanship.
I liked some things about him and disliked others. Fortunately for me ... I'm a free thinker who's completely free from partisanship.
In your weird little world, independents don't have opinions.

You're clueless.

Independents do have opinions. I merely made the informed observation that most Independents are more socially liberal, than they are fiscal conservatives. That being the case, many won't vote for Trump. Democrats are hopeless. They will vote for anybody that continues the gravy train.
This one should make your day

Saw it, and it’s the primary reason we need to fight the trans movement.

The trans athletes claim discrimination based on the argument that they are “similarly situated” to female athletes, so excluding them is a discriminatory practice.

The problem happens when a biological male, claims he’s “similarly situated” to the trans athlete, and it would be a discriminatory practice to exclude him if the trans athlete is allowed participation.

Women lose their identity.
Trump partying with pedophiles...and you're supporting him. That means you support pedophiles.

There is no difference .
While it is true that trump partied with democrats like epstien in the nineties . It would appear that he is not a pedophile because he kicked Epstein out. Many democrats like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates continued to hang out with him long after his known pedophile was out.
Americans be like.... You democrats are sick f**** what are you doing to those poor children...

And democrats reply... Their mom told us we could so shut up and go away... Fascist...
While it is true that trump partied with democrats like epstien in the nineties . It would appear that he is not a pedophile because he kicked Epstein out. Many democrats like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates continued to hang out with him long after his known pedophile was out.
Your fixation on pedophilia is starting to bother me. Are you outing yourself, without meaning to?
If he had asked without the parrot I'd have spanked him for not being serious. How on earth could he want to be a pirate an not have a Parrot as part of his outfit, where did I go wrong?..........

Now ask me another one........
Yet, democrats would support hormone blockers.
Your fixation on pedophilia is starting to bother me. Are you outing yourself, without meaning to?
.You're deflecting and gaslighting is noticed by any honest person who reads this thread.

First you deny kids are getting sex changes and then you say that it is okay for them if they get their mom's permission. I wonder what else democrats like you think is okay if you get their mom's permission...
.You're deflecting and gaslighting is noticed by any honest person who reads this thread.

First you deny kids are getting sex changes and then you say that it is okay for them if they get their mom's permission. I wonder what else democrats like you think is okay if you get their mom's permission...
With Mom's permission, the sky's the limit.
Democrats enable and support child rapists and molesters like Biden. Biden pinched an 8-year-old girl's nipple. If you show this to a libtard they will get upset and start talking loudly over it, then run away so they can deny it. Truly mentally ill.



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