MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes

If you promote children changing their sex before they are old enough to consent to sex, I don't see how it is any different.

Children should be allowed to develop sexually normally and be left the hell alone to figure life out on their own.

Well said MTG! The democrat party is the party of pedos.

MTG hit a homerun out of the park.

The reactions by the leftist MSM, Democrats, and snowflakes have been exactly what you would expect:



Why cant they just leave the fucking kids alone?
Why do they want children watching sexually explicit entertainment?
Why do they want easily influenced, confused and immature children permanently mutilate their bodies?
I believe the pedo and groomer accusations are easily justifiable. I mean... its fucking OBVIOUS

Yes, this was the same shit you all said 50 years ago when Anita Bryant started screaming the gays were out to get your kids.
Sure you do. You just can't oppress gay adults anymore, but man, you can totally crush them when they are still kids.
Democrats like this confuse, manipulate, then mutilate children.

Anyone who supports child sex changes is sus at the very least and should never be left alone with kids.
MTG is an American hero.

Americans need more brave patriots to stand up to the democrat pedophile party. When you do an interview, bring books democrats read kids, bring x trans to tell their stories of being confused, manipulated, then mutilated by democrats.

America needs more MTGs
Democrats are the Death Cult, hell-bent on killing kids from the moment of conception until after they are lying on the table fighting for life after a failed abortion attempt.

The domestic terrorists have vandalized, firebombed, and destroyed dozens of churches, women's clinics, and pro-life centers while the partisanly weaponized Gestapo enforcement arm of the Democratic party protects them ... while Garland was proven to have directed federal Marshalls NOT to enforce existing law intended to protect USSC Justicrs from these terrorists and would-be assassins.

Biden has not only facilitated Cartel child / sex trafficking but has also ENGAGED in illegal child / sex trafficking himself, moving unaccompanied children all over tbe US via bus, trains, and planes at tax payer expense.

NOW it has been reported that the child sniffer / groper has 'LOST' 20,000 chdren - just like his former boss did - and he's not even looking for them.



Sick liberal extremist pedophiles, like Bill Clinton, former Gov Bill Richardson, and others loved screwing kids.

Other sick liberal f*s are targeting mentally / physically under-developed, easily manipulated children - sexualizing kids, transgender confusing them - and bragging about it, LBGTQ indoctrinating them, grooming them, mutilating their genitalia, and teaching kids to lie to and hide things from their parents.

Sick liberal f*s are holding Cross Dresser Story Time where they teach little kids to pole dance, write essays about their sexual fantasies, and allow bearded men in dresses straddle the laps of little kids and grind their crotches into our kids!


EVERY single Democrat in DC stood together in a vote to declare parents have no rights or say in raising their kids, that as soon as parents enroll their kids in govt/lib-run schools the children are the property of the US Government.
- Shit, move over Hitler and his Nazi Youth!

Grown-ass adults are targeting children, to kill, screw, brainwash, confuse, indoctrinate, and traffick them.

Its reported, officially recorded, documented, proven, undeniable FACT...

And yet STILL some sick, partisan, Democrat-defending, reality-denying sick leftist f*ers on this board continue to defend these sick f*ing pedpphole Democrats instead of standing up for their VICTIMS!

No matter how hard they try to 'NORMALIZE' this sick evil it will NEVER be 'OKAY'!

This is a DISEASE affecting the liberal left, one theycan no longer control, 9ne theyno longer try to control, but instead one tbey are embracing and trying to spread.

These sick f*ers need to be publily identified, legal action taken afainst them, and they need to be targeted for political elimination through elections. That means their endorsers, donors, and suppoeters need to be publicly called out - humiliated - for supporting pedophiles and groomers.

Every Democrat who voted agaonst tve Parents Rights Act need to be publicly called out for being not only sick child-targeting pedophiles and groomers but as socialists / fascists attempting to destroy the nuclear family in order to change the US into a socialist / fascist authoritarian 3rd World 2-tiered Judicial system-run / enforced country.

If you support adults targeting children, if you defend how the Democrats are going after children and branding parents who oppose their efforts as 'domestic terrorists', YOU are just as much a threat as the pedophiles and groomers doing it...


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