MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes

Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma.

A confirmed line from Ashley Biden's verified diary, writing about being 'hypersexualized' as a child, about how 'daddy' would take showers with her, and how she accused 'daddy' of molesting her...


'B....b....but Truuuuuuuuump!'
She's about the dumbest person to ever serve in government at any level.

What is really silly is that the right wing tries to portray left wing policies as a reason for some perceived decline in America...look at who they are electing and making visible.


She's a dishonest loon. And she's probably among the top 5 republicans in terms of name recognition in the nation. Wow.
A confirmed line from Ashley Biden's verified diary, writing about being 'hypersexualized' as a child, about how 'daddy' would take showers with her, and how she accused 'daddy' of molesting her...

Wow, you'll believe anything, won't you?

Wow, you'll believe anything, won't you?

Snopes and Politifact have been busted so many times lying and covering for Democrats they have lost credibility.

The Bidens and FBI ne er denied the diary was real, much like Hunter and his lawyer admitted several times the laptop is Hunter's.

YOU will cling to anything that feeds your need to believe Democrats are angels without sin instead of, in the case ot the Bidens, dysfunctional, incestuous, lying, corrupt, crackheads, pedophiles, influence peddlers, and criminals.
The one that says "my father molested me"?

Could you show me where that is?
Read the article. Read her comments in her diary. Do some research. Or just keep repeating your own opinion. Makes no difference to me what you believe. Snowflakes still believe the dosier and that debunked Trump Russian Collusion was real.
Read the article. Read her comments in her diary. Do some research. Or just keep repeating your own opinion. Makes no difference to me what you believe. Snowflakes still believe the dosier and that debunked Trump Russian Collusion was real.
Yeah, you can't. I didn't think so.

Trumpster "research" sources: Breitbart, Alex Jones, The Blaze, Gateway Pundit.

Yeah, you can't. I didn't think so.

Trumpster "research" sources: Breitbart, Alex Jones, The Blaze, Gateway Pundit.


My source was the DIARY itself and Ashley Biden's own verified comment, little triggered snowflake, while your is a proven poliliticaly biased false-check website known for protecting / covering for Democrats.

My source was the DIARY itself and Ashley Biden's own verified comment, little triggered snowflake,,,,
And yet you can't back up your words. You infer. You assume. You extrapolate. Just like with your "rigged election" efforts that keep getting tossed out of court.

You poor souls no longer understand the difference between proven fact and opinion, conspiracy, fantasy or outright lies.

You poor souls no longer understand the difference between proven fact and opinion,

After 7 years of Democrats' 'We've got him this time' failures, lies, scandals, treason, and attempts to manufacture false evidence / crimes against Trump it is clear who does not understand the difference between proven fact and opinion, lil' snowflake ... and its not me.
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Unsure...but I am sure Trump partied with pedophiles.
you are out of your tiny little mind.
They are absolutely convinced that Biden's daughter says he raped her.

That's what they've decided, that's what they're told, that's what they believe, and that's that.

Qanon remains alive and well. This is a true group pathology. The world has seen it before.
They are absolutely convinced that Biden's daughter says he raped her.

Who said 'raped'?

Maybe he just grabbed her by the vagina like he did Tara Reade.


Its not like he made a family porn video with his cousin.

They are absolutely convinced that Biden's daughter says he raped her.

That's what they've decided, that's what they're told, that's what they believe, and that's that.

Qanon remains alive and well. This is a true group pathology. The world has seen it before.

From Ashley’s diary:

“Hyper-sexualized @ a young age,”… “What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the (last name’s) house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with (another female); I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate); being turned on when I wasn’t suppose to be.”

The diary also states “overhearing parents having sex” and “my mother not emotionally available. My father was – message – I could get love from men.”

References to “being wiped until too late in the game,” and “blanket being taken away,” and “not letting myself go to bathroom.”

No, she doesn’t say Joe molested her. Not that it would really matter to people like you. You and others like you don’t really care anyway. You waste all your brain power on defending your vote instead of actually looking into the facts.

If you promote children changing their sex before they are old enough to consent to sex, I don't see how it is any different.

Children should be allowed to develop sexually normally and be left the hell alone to figure life out on their own.

Well said MTG! The democrat party is the party of pedos.

That's the dumbest thing you've ever posted. You don't see why this is different because you're blind and you're not a medical professional or a trained and qualified researcher. You're an asshole on the internet with no stake in this discussion at all.

By the time you're "old enough to consent to sex", you're way too late with treatment. Treatment needs to start at puberty, when production of testosterone/estrogen increases. Surgery cannot be done prior to "adulthood" but hormone treatment and counselling needs to start at puberty, when hormones surge.

Doctors and parents should decide treatment. Not legislators. And certainly not the anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-freedom Republican Party.

And certainly not ignorant clowns and assholes like you.

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