MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes

.That's just dumb because you give the Clinton's a total pass for having Maxwell at their wedding. A convicted sex trafficker of kids. .It was well known what Epstein and Maxwell were up to when the clintons and gates were still hanging around them.

Notice how the democrats protect their pedophiles.

MTG is right

What bullshit!!

Donald Trump was Epstein's best friend and wing man for decades, both before and after his arrest and conviction as a child sex trafficker. It would be highly unlikely that Trump was unaware of Epstein's behaviour. This is something Y0U'VE never ever mentioned.

You're the ones giving Trump a complete pass on stuff he's publicly admitted doing, or he's been sued for:

  • grabbing women by the pussy - Access Hollywood tape. Confirmed by more than 20 women
  • raping women - 2 of whom have sued him for slander in his denials. The 3rd woman is Ivana, and she refused to recant.
  • walking a dressing room where underage girls were disrobing - Howard Stern Show
  • doing a highly sexualized photo shoot with an underage Ivanka posing on a bed in a very short dress for Vanity Fair.
0nce again, Republicans are projecting their own behaviour onto Democrats. Thinking if they're doing it, Democrats must be doing it too.
What bullshit!!

Donald Trump was Epstein's best friend and wing man for decades, both before and after his arrest and conviction as a child sex trafficker. It would be highly unlikely that Trump was unaware of Epstein's behaviour. This is something Y0U'VE never ever mentioned.

You're the ones giving Trump a complete pass on stuff he's publicly admitted doing, or he's been sued for:

  • grabbing women by the pussy - Access Hollywood tape. Confirmed by more than 20 women
  • raping women - 2 of whom have sued him for slander in his denials. The 3rd woman is Ivana, and she refused to recant.
  • walking a dressing room where underage girls were disrobing - Howard Stern Show
  • doing a highly sexualized photo shoot with an underage Ivanka posing on a bed in a very short dress for Vanity Fair.
0nce again, Republicans are projecting their own behaviour onto Democrats. Thinking if they're doing it, Democrats must be doing it too.

^^^^^^ You can’t make this shit up!

From the party that won’t stand up for the rights of female athletes, forcing them not only to participate against biological males, but share locker rooms with them.

From the party that is against laws forbidding minors to attend sexually explicit drag shows.

From the party that fights banning pornographic laced gay books from childrens libraries.

You are warped as hell.
What bullshit!!

Donald Trump was Epstein's best friend and wing man for decades, both before and after his arrest and conviction as a child sex trafficker. It would be highly unlikely that Trump was unaware of Epstein's behaviour. This is something Y0U'VE never ever mentioned.

You're the ones giving Trump a complete pass on stuff he's publicly admitted doing, or he's been sued for:

  • grabbing women by the pussy - Access Hollywood tape. Confirmed by more than 20 women
  • raping women - 2 of whom have sued him for slander in his denials. The 3rd woman is Ivana, and she refused to recant.
  • walking a dressing room where underage girls were disrobing - Howard Stern Show
  • doing a highly sexualized photo shoot with an underage Ivanka posing on a bed in a very short dress for Vanity Fair.
0nce again, Republicans are projecting their own behaviour onto Democrats. Thinking if they're doing it, Democrats must be doing it too.
Ashley biden wrote about taking inappropriate showers with her dad and how she was scared to shower at home because Joe Biden is such a pedophile.

Who walked in on underaged girls in a dressing room?

Who bragged of grabbing women by the p*ssy?

Who was BFFs with Epstein?

Who called his own daughter a "piece of ass"?

Who had an affair when his wife was at home with a newborn?
Who cares. Your spew is a lie anyway,
the problem isn't them developing normally.

The problem is that some of them grow up to be LGBTQ+ and that drives you clowns on the right nuts.
It doesn't drive you sick lefties nuts because you do not care one bit about children.

That was before Trump was informed Epstein was hitting on the daughters of guests, trying to solicit them to be sex slaves for the Clintons. Trump immediately booted Epstein and terminated any further contact -- BJ Clinton went on to rack up frequent flyer miles on the Lolita Express

See the difference?
They don't care. They only care about lying, cheating and literally stealing to get what they want: power over others (and the $$ that goes with it).


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