MTG: Satan is controlling the Catholic Church for helping people at the border

Ah, good poster WTF19, it is challenging here. We understand.
And yes, it frustrates some who ain't as well prepared as they could be, should be.
So don't feel so bad.
why would i feel bad? you are anti-AMERICA voted for the worst economy in history, a sack of brainless shit-pedophile.....are you proud of yourself yet?
In a way she is correct.. that S atan is controlling the Church... I have seen priests who are FAR from what they are supposed to be... FAR from it.. I've never met a pedophile one, that I knew of... but there are plenty of priests who do NOT put Jesus first... Yes, it is not easy for any of us to do that 24/7/365... but good grief... (long stories)

The pope himself is not even Catholi
OK, MTG has never been Catholic, I am sure and I have been Catholic (and 'catholic') all my life (I used to be young so yeh... Young people aren't terribly religious)

Anyhow... she said the C Church was run by Satan and I couldn't disagree w/ her heartily... no way..

There are a lot of secret societies infiltrating the Church... heck, probably done infiltrating... they are entrenched now..

and THEY are very anti-Christ, want to destroy the RC Church

they are somewhat succeeding... In any case, I am looking mostly for other Catholics to comment on this. MTG says Catholic Charities is helping illegals and getting $$ from the fed govt to do so...

I have distrusted Catholic Charities for a LONG time now... I won't give $$ to them.
The template is laid out for her: Speak exclusively to the base, pretend you're doing a talk radio show 24/7, don't think, just attack attack attack.

Works like a charm for the cult. That's what they've been conditioned to expect.
Be on offense 95% of the time. Punch down. Find easy targets, like immigrants, and LGBT, teachers, and scientists. People who don't have the political power to defend themselves.

Spend the other 5% claiming to be the victim of viscious attacks.
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party.

Yep. Between the hopeless, feckless, do-nothing McTurtle GOP and the Far Left ravaging the nation, it is enough to drive those few left in government who see what a shitfest this country has become a bit off their rockers!

Hopefully Marge can pull through between the evil of the socialist globalist left and the incompetence of her own party, and stupid idiot commentators like useful idiot here Mac1958.
amazing how no one responds to a Catholic's comments on this

but then again... not much amazes me about such abysmally hideous things as... oh never mind...

i forgot... no one cares
Yep. Between the hopeless, feckless, do-nothing McTurtle GOP and the Far Left ravaging the nation, it is enough to drive those few left in government who see what a shitfest this country has become a bit off their rockers!

Hopefully Marge can pull through between the evil of the socialist globalist left and the incompetence of her own party, and stupid idiot commentators like useful idiot here Mac1958.
One of my favorite things about this place is the way you guys will first confirm what I'm saying is true, and then personally attack.

That shows me that, at some level, you know what you're doing is wrong. You don't like the way I accurately describe what I'm seeing. That's why you're simultaneously defensive and aggressive.

I don't really need the affirmation of my posts, but you're welcome to make them.
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One of my favorite things about this place is the way you guys will first confirm what I'm saying is true, and then personally attack.
What can you expect with a defective brain, that no matter how stupid a thing you say, you end up still only seeing it as confirmation of your own validity? That is the test for insanity.

That shows me that, at some level, you know what you're doing is wrong.
Ain't nothing I'm doing wrong. I am totally 100% right. What's wrong is that half of my government is pursuing an agenda no one ever voted them to do that is the antithesis of what our country wants and needs while the other half is too incompetent to do anything about it probably at all because they are ALL on the take from chinese foreign lobbies, except a very few who are immediately summarily denounced as "crazies" and removed from committee posts for daring to try to fight for the people.
What can you expect with a defective brain, that no matter how stupid a thing you say, you end up still only seeing it as confirmation of your own validity? That is the test for insanity.

Ain't nothing I'm doing wrong. I am totally 100% right. What's wrong is that half of my government is pursuing an agenda no one ever voted them to do that is the antithesis of what our country wants and needs while the other half is too incompetent to do anything about it probably at all because they are ALL on the take from chinese foreign lobbies, except a very few who are immediately summarily denounced as "crazies" and removed from committee posts for daring to try to fight for the people.
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
I don't see God with this pope either. No honest person does.

Do you think God Himself is in charge of the Catholic Church? If you do, why aren't you a loyal supporter of that church?
So, in a desperate attempt to grab the thread back, I'll point out that MTG has issued the following statement:

Ooooooooo! Cat fight! :meow:
Liberals routinely attack Catholics for the crimes of a few homosexual pedophile priests

She is merely saying that the Devil made them do it

I dont think the entite church is satanic, and certainly not the rank and file, but the pope is a little flaky
The Church Hierarchy protected its sexual assaulters (pedophiles and rapists) for well over a century. They own this.

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