MTG: Satan is controlling the Catholic Church for helping people at the border

Which has fuck-all to do with the good Samaritans feeding the starving at our border.
They wouldn't be starving at our border if the Democrats took any responsibility for the invasion and for enticing these poor folks to risk their lives coming here illegally. If the Catholic Church really wants to do something, they have churches all over Mexico and South America and they need to concentrate their efforts there instead of aiding and abetting criminal illegal aliens here at our border. Maybe they can get with our 'border Czar'.......Oh yeah, she is nowhere to be seen at the border. BTW, the catholic church is imperfect and they need to admit it.
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
You don't need to clutch pearls when you look at what Perjury Trailer Queen stands for.

Question 1: What does she do?

Question 1 Answer
: From MTG's very own website:
One of the most important aspects of Congress is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New legislation is passed almost every week. Please contact our office to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family and your community.

Learn more about legislation sponsored and co-sponsored by Representative Marjorie Greene.
I think you can agree, to adult voters, this should infuriate anyone living in her district, for one, Two, her website leads the mark (her voters) right to her social media accounts. Kinda says this particular Representative uses social media as the shield and leverage in maintaining her own popularity in maintaining a facade that she's not being a magaturd nasty bitch. There's little pushback from it.

Question 1 Real Answer?

Magaturds seem to love this shit. :dunno:
You don't need to clutch pearls when you look at what Perjury Trailer Queen stands for.

Question 1: What does she do?

Question 1 Answer
: From MTG's very own website:

I think you can agree, to adult voters, this should infuriate anyone living in her district, for one, Two, her website leads the mark (her voters) right to her social media accounts. Kinda says this particular Representative uses social media as the shield and leverage in maintaining her own popularity in maintaining a facade that she's not being a magaturd nasty bitch. There's little pushback from it.

Question 1 Real Answer?

Magaturds seem to love this shit. :dunno:
it'd about time we had transparency in stupidity.
You don't need to clutch pearls when you look at what Perjury Trailer Queen stands for.

Question 1: What does she do?

Question 1 Answer
: From MTG's very own website:

I think you can agree, to adult voters, this should infuriate anyone living in her district, for one, Two, her website leads the mark (her voters) right to her social media accounts. Kinda says this particular Representative uses social media as the shield and leverage in maintaining her own popularity in maintaining a facade that she's not being a magaturd nasty bitch. There's little pushback from it.

Question 1 Real Answer?

Magaturds seem to love this shit. :dunno:
Well, like Trump, she's become the living and breathing expression of their manipulated, paranoid rage. I think she may be a True Believer, too, so now THAT has infected our Congress. The other GQP politicians know this is a scam.
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This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
Yes, because a ‘back bencher’ with two years in Congress spouts crazy shit, THAT proves the entirety of the Republican Party marches lock step.

Tell us why this person triggers you so?
Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Satan is controlling the Catholic Church for helping people at the border”

I don't follow MTG's latest pronouncements or actions. Or, for that matter, the Catholic Church's either, but........

But I am curious if there has been any pushback to MTG's statement by the Catholic hierarchy? Or, have any of the vocal Catholic MAGA's on this message board expressed concerns over their faith being linked so closely with this so called 'Satan' character?

Or, is MTG correct on this?
Is the Catholic faith Satan's faith?

I dunno. Just askin'.
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
It was not long ago that the GOP was treating totalitarian regimes such as El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, and Cuba as satanic.

Now they're attacking the family values that compel folks to flee from Satan.

White Evangelicals insist that the United States is a Christian nation, but revile those who actually practice Christian morality:

To feed the hungry.
To give drink to the thirsty.
To clothe the naked.
To shelter the homeless.
To visit the imprisoned.
To visit the sick.
To bury the dead.
It was not long ago that the GOP was treating totalitarian regimes such as El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, and Cuba as satanic.

Now they're attacking the family values that compel folks to flee from Satan.

White Evangelicals insist that the United States is a Christian nation, but revile those who actually practice Christian morality:

To feed the hungry.
To give drink to the thirsty.
To clothe the naked.
To shelter the homeless.
To visit the imprisoned.
To visit the sick.
To bury the dead.
Religion is so susceptible to being perverted.
Religion is so susceptible to being perverted.
It can imbue the most immoral agendas with the guise of righteousness.

Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 10.16.26 AM.png

I don't follow MTG's latest pronouncements or actions. Or, for that matter, the Catholic Church's either, but........

But I am curious if there has been any pushback to MTG's statement by the Catholic hierarchy? Or, have any of the vocal Catholic MAGA's on this message board expressed concerns over their faith being linked so closely with this so called 'Satan' character?

Or, is MTG correct on this?
Is the Catholic faith Satan's faith?

I dunno. Just askin'.
How about this, as a Catholic, and a Conservative, I don't put much stock in any attention seeking back bencher.

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