MTG: Satan is controlling the Catholic Church for helping people at the border

I'm not a fan of crazed liberals looking for opportunities to be pretend offended when they don't even believe in God.
Pretend to be offended? Maybe in your Trumpster mind.

I just point out the anti-American jihadis.

If you don't like that, too bad, Karen. You're boring me.
Pretend to be offended? Maybe in your Trumpster mind.

I just point out the anti-American jihadis.

If you don't like that, too bad, Karen. You're boring me.
Someone voicing an opinion about an organization helping foreigners break our laws is a jihadist? You really are a crazed anti-American leftist
I always knew Sister Mary Ellen was being controlled by Satan. That ruler was a weapon I tell ya!
Sister Mary Ellen ain't the problem.

The problem is those who are helping people from shit hole countries who have come to America. MTG correctly points out they don't understand Christianity.
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
Gimme a fucking break.

You know damn well that this blather is NOT the 'CORE' of the Rep. party.
This is a fringe element, kook speaking.

If you do not know that?
Then you have no fucking clue about America today.
Catholic Church is a Pedo ring on steroids. What other corporation on this planet has this many accusations and charges
that's funny.. I've been Catholic all my life (though didn't go to Mass when young adult)

but for the last couple decades I have

and I have never been in a parish where the priest was even accused much less convicted of molesting a child... and this from someone who has travelled extensively, lived in many different states...

people just believe any kind of hogwash that comes down the pike..

really sad..
No, Catholics need to stop supporting illegal aliens and human trafficking.
Catholics do not

the real ones do not. I know bc I am as Catholic as a person can be. But there are always bad apples.... wherever humans congregate.
Sister Mary Ellen ain't the problem.

The problem is those who are helping people from shit hole countries who have come to America. MTG correctly points out they don't understand Christianity.
Fuck yeah, Jesus Christ would never help people needing help. Didn't he say "If you can't help yourself, why should my dad help you?"
Then why are you bothered that anyone would say God is not with this organization? I agree with her. He's also not with the Daughters of the Catholic Church
God is definitely WITH many Catholics, the ones who REALLY practice the faith...

Jesus did warn us that FEW would make it to Heaven... Mt 7:21 .. Lk 1324 and etc...

canonized saints say hardly anyone makes it... I believe them.. more from experience than anything else... I have seen TOO much freaking evil...
RONNA McDANIEL: Okay, in order to win elections we have so far managed to piss off the negroes, kikes, homos, Hispanics, and ragheads. Who else can we go after?

MTG: Satanic Catholics!
Catholics in the 60s turned liberal. Can't rely on them for votes anyway.
if MTG thinks all Catholics are satanic

she herself is of the devil...

she may be correct about a few things but anyone who lumps all people into one category and then trashes the whole bunch

lacking integrity doesn't begin to say it... I would NOT vote for her for president (unless she was running against... say, Pelosi or byedim)
Gimme a fucking break.

You know damn well that this blather is NOT the 'CORE' of the Rep. party.
This is a fringe element, kook speaking.

If you do not know that?
Then you have no fucking clue about America today.
Now it IS the core of the GOP.

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