MTG supporter believes Hillary Clinton cut a women's face off and wore it like a mask. Ahhh today's Republican party.

Burn it down she says.

She has no clue about reality but is a die hard trump supporter.

Probably believes in lizard people also.
Must be a slow news day.

Burn it down she says.

She has no clue about reality but is a die hard trump supporter.

Probably believes in lizard people also.
That tard is not alone in her belief. The whole Clinton wearing a baby's face as a mask conspiracy theory was hatched in the bowels of the Q-tard movement.
But they aren't lies that Marjorie Taylor Green told.
Oh, MTG tells her own share of lies.

Macho Gazpacho bleevs a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11. She bleevs the Sandy Hook massacre was perpetrated by the federal government. She claimed California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser. The Q-tard bleevs the Capitol was invaded by Antifa and the FBI. She bleeved Comet Pizza had a pedophile ring in their non-existent basement.

And, get this, she claims you will be zapped if you eat a cheeseburger, and the government is monitoring your bowel movements.

It's no wonder hardcore retards are attracted to her. Birds of a feather.
Oh, MTG tells her own share of lies.

Macho Gazpacho bleevs a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11. She bleevs the Sandy Hook massacre was perpetrated by the federal government. She claimed California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser. The Q-tard bleevs the Capitol was invaded by Antifa and the FBI. She bleeved Comet Pizza had a pedophile ring in their non-existent basement.

And, get this, she claims you will be zapped if you eat a cheeseburger, and the government is monitoring your bowel movements.

It's no wonder hardcore retards are attracted to her. Birds of a feather.
I have never heard her make any of these claims. I have heard many leftists make claims of what he said.
google it for crying out loud lol....
Ohhhh GOOGLE it. That will give me dozens of liberal rags all making the same claims. Leftist is a big echo chamber with leftists endlessly telling each other the same stories then pointing to all the news.
Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3m but lost the electoral college by 78K votes. Biden won the popular vote by more than 7M but barely scraped the electoral college by 43K votes. That tells you everything you need to know about Republican strategy for 2024. Even in his reptilian brain, Trump has to know that he lost this time. He refuses to accept it because it wasn’t supposed to happen
What's up with this dated "commie" thingy?

I keep reading from who I imagine are the RightieTighties of this forum the description "commie" whenever they respond to someone who evidently doesn't think the way they do.

I mean..."commie"? How old is that? How old are these posters who use it? Hell, who or what is a 'commie' today? Vietnam? North Korea? China with it's Capitalist-style Communism?

Are these posters who call other people 'commies' still living with posters of the House Un-American Committee on their walls? Still crawling under their desk when a siren goes off? Still have a bomb-shelter with canned beans in stock? Still think Nikita is coming back to make them a Stalinist?

Personally, I think the posters who fear 'commies' are really old, really dated, and really don't read much. Aging fuddyduddies who meanly holler at the kids cutting across the lawn.

Oh yeah, and are fearful and scared pretty much all the time. If it wasn't 'commies' they are hyper-ventilating about then it would be MS-13 or Caravans or Americans whose 2nd language is English.

As Gilda used to shout: "It's Always Something"!!!
What'cha mean? They're still all riled up over Aunt Jemima retiring.
"What'cha mean? They're still all riled up over Aunt Jemima retiring."

I know, I know. They have a forever free-ride on the Grievance Train.
The Ne'er-Do-Well ticket to ride.

Like angels.
They are always up in the air harpin' about something.

BooBird University alma mater.


Burn it down she says.

She has no clue about reality but is a die hard trump supporter.

Probably believes in lizard people also.
The delusional MAGA cult.

Burn it down she says.

She has no clue about reality but is a die hard trump supporter.

Probably believes in lizard people also.
LOL. So, you're saying there are no nutcases on the other side? Really?

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