Muammar Gaddafi's family take refuge in Oman


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Now we find out what happened to Gaddafi's family and where they are presently situated. I can't remember where the Shah of Iran landed up, but I think they should have immediately let him into the U.S. with his family. When you speak to many Iranians here, no matter their religion, they praise that man.

Muammar Gaddafi's family take refuge in Oman

Oman, a British ally in the Gulf has offered refuge to close relatives of Muammar Gaddafi, including his wife and a hated playboy son, officials from Tripoli and Muscat revealed on Monday.

By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent
6:51PM GMT 25 Mar 2013

Safia Gaddafi, the dictator's widow and three of his children left a hideaway in Algeria last October, more than a year after they crossed the border from Libya.

Mohammad Abdulaziz, Libya's foreign minister, said that the group had accepted political asylum from Oman and conceded it was difficult to foresee their return to Libya, where several face criminal charges.

Sultan Qaboos, Oman's ruler, is a Sandhurst-educated Anglophile who last week hosted a three-day visit by the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall and he is close to several members of the Government.

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I can't remember where the Shah of Iran landed up, but I think they should have immediately let him into the U.S. with his family. When you speak to many Iranians here, no matter their religion, they praise that man.
Surely you jest.........the Shah was a brutal dictator who was hated throughout Iran.

And that's why the whole country rose up a chased him out of the country. . :cool:
I can't remember where the Shah of Iran landed up, but I think they should have immediately let him into the U.S. with his family. When you speak to many Iranians here, no matter their religion, they praise that man.
Surely you jest.........the Shah was a brutal dictator who was hated throughout Iran.

And that's why the whole country rose up a chased him out of the country. . :cool:
And today, most Iranians yearn for the days of the Shah, especially those in exile, as opposed to the Islamic barbarians now in charge.

Congratulations, you finally said something relevant and somewhat related to the topic.
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I can't remember where the Shah of Iran landed up, but I think they should have immediately let him into the U.S. with his family. When you speak to many Iranians here, no matter their religion, they praise that man.
Surely you jest.........the Shah was a brutal dictator who was hated throughout Iran.

And that's why the whole country rose up a chased him out of the country. . :cool:
And today, most Iranians yearn for the days of the Shah, especially those in exile, as opposed to the Islamic barbarians now in charge.

Congratulations, you finally said something relevant and somewhat related to the topic.

You know, Roudy, it seems that if people kept their nose clean, there was nothing to worry about from the Shah. It appears that it was some Commie bunch with whom he had a problem. He brought Iran into the 20th century, and the crazies governing now appear to want to take it back to the 7th century. As one Muslim comedian reported, every time he goes back to visit Iran, all his cousins ask him how they can get out and live in America like he does.
You know, Roudy, it seems that if people kept their nose clean, there was nothing to worry about from the Shah. It appears that it was some Commie bunch with whom he had a problem. He brought Iran into the 20th century, and the crazies governing now appear to want to take it back to the 7th century. As one Muslim comedian reported, every time he goes back to visit Iran, all his cousins ask him how they can get out and live in America like he does.
The Shah's secret police, called SAVAK, was worse than Hitlers's dreaded Gestapo, who terrorized the Iranian people on behalf of the American CIA.

The average Iranian citizen hated the Shah, and millions of them flooded the streets in protest against him and his brutal government.

To say the Iranian people long for the days of the Shah is absurd.

It's like saying the Russian people still long for the days of Stalin. ... :cuckoo:
Surely you jest.........the Shah was a brutal dictator who was hated throughout Iran.

And that's why the whole country rose up a chased him out of the country. . :cool:
And today, most Iranians yearn for the days of the Shah, especially those in exile, as opposed to the Islamic barbarians now in charge.

Congratulations, you finally said something relevant and somewhat related to the topic.

You know, Roudy, it seems that if people kept their nose clean, there was nothing to worry about from the Shah. It appears that it was some Commie bunch with whom he had a problem. He brought Iran into the 20th century, and the crazies governing now appear to want to take it back to the 7th century. As one Muslim comedian reported, every time he goes back to visit Iran, all his cousins ask him how they can get out and live in America like he does.

I have a friend who was there when the Shah was about to leave and he said that after he left there was a terrible feeling that things would never be the same again. They haven't been. Very sad.
I bet the Iranians that remember the Shah miss him terribly now. They are suffering so badly these days. Can't imagine what their lives must be like living under such oppression.
You know, Roudy, it seems that if people kept their nose clean, there was nothing to worry about from the Shah. It appears that it was some Commie bunch with whom he had a problem. He brought Iran into the 20th century, and the crazies governing now appear to want to take it back to the 7th century. As one Muslim comedian reported, every time he goes back to visit Iran, all his cousins ask him how they can get out and live in America like he does.
The Shah's secret police, called SAVAK, was worse than Hitlers's dreaded Gestapo, who terrorized the Iranian people on behalf of the American CIA.

The average Iranian citizen hated the Shah, and millions of them flooded the streets in protest against him and his brutal government.

To say the Iranian people long for the days of the Shah is absurd.

It's like saying the Russian people still long for the days of Stalin. ... :cuckoo:
Really? And you know this how? The Shah was removed by the West because he wasn't cooperating by keeping the price of oil low any longer. The Shah brought many reforms and advancements to the country. His secret police had nothing to do with anybody and was unnoticeable, as long as they didn't do anything against him. He stepped down because he didn't want to slaughter his people like Assad is doing now.

Your comparisons are more applicable to the Islamist animals that are in charge now. The Islamist regime has brought shame and disgrace to the people of Iran. Even those protesters who participated in trying to remove the Shah are the same people who want the regime removed.
The only reason the Iranian people are suffering is because of the draconian economic sanctions on Iran by the U.S on behalf of fascist Israel. .. :cool:
The reason the Iranian people are suffering is because you have a bunch of stupid, illiterate, backwards ass Islamic clerics who aren't qualified to shine my shoes running the country now.

Over 90% of Iranians want this regime removed. Stop talking out of your ass.
And today, most Iranians yearn for the days of the Shah, especially those in exile, as opposed to the Islamic barbarians now in charge.

Congratulations, you finally said something relevant and somewhat related to the topic.

You know, Roudy, it seems that if people kept their nose clean, there was nothing to worry about from the Shah. It appears that it was some Commie bunch with whom he had a problem. He brought Iran into the 20th century, and the crazies governing now appear to want to take it back to the 7th century. As one Muslim comedian reported, every time he goes back to visit Iran, all his cousins ask him how they can get out and live in America like he does.

I have a friend who was there when the Shah was about to leave and he said that after he left there was a terrible feeling that things would never be the same again. They haven't been. Very sad.
Yup. Islam has a way of destroying everything good and beautiful about a people and a country.
The Shah brought many reforms and advancements to the country. His secret police had nothing to do with anybody and was unnoticeable, as long as they didn't do anything against him. are dumber than dirt. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

SAVAK....... the Shah's secret police force

The Shah's brutal secret police force, Savak, formed under the guidance of CIA (the United States Central Intelligence Agency) in 1957 and personnel trained by Mossad (Israel's secret service), to directly control all facets of political life in Iran. Its main task was to suppress opposition to the Shah's government and keep the people's political and social knowledge as minimal as possible. Savak was notorious throughout Iran for its brutal methods.

The interrogation office was established with no limit of using horrific torture tools and techniques to break the arrested dissenters to talk in a matter of hours.

The censorship office was established to monitor journalists, literary figures and academics throughout the country. It took appropriate measures against those who fell out of the regime's line.

Universities, labor unions and peasant organizations, amongst others, were all subjected to intense surveillance by the Savak agents and paid informants. The agency was also active abroad, especially in monitoring Iranian students who publicly opposed the Shah's government.

Interrogation, torture and long term imprisonment by Savak for reading or possessing any forbidden books.

Over the years, Savak became a law unto itself, having legal authority to arrest, detain, brutally interrogate and torture suspected people indefinitely. Savak operated its own prisons in Tehran, such as Qezel-Qalaeh and Evin facilities and many suspected places throughout the country as well. Many of those activities were carried out without any institutional checks.

Savak/Savama, the symbol of censorship and torture in Iran
Yes, like I said the Shah had nothing to do with those who had no bad intentions for him.

Now post what the bloodthirsty Islamic regime has done to its people and the world since the takeover. The Shah comes out looking benevolent, in every aspect.

Stop exhibiting your ignorance, there is no denial that the Iranian people want this regime removed, but every time they rise up they get slaughtered by the Islamist animals. The Shah never did any if that to his people. He simply left and gave them what they deserved, bunch of corrupt, barbaric, Islamic thugs. Now Iranians have nothing but regrets, and look at the Shahs days as the glory days.
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Although there were some large protests by miscreants in Iran against the current Islamic government.

They were tiny compared to the huge pro Islamic government support parades by the Iranian people.
Although there were some large protests by miscreants in Iran against the current Islamic government.

They were tiny compared to the huge pro Islamic government support parades by the Iranian people.
Ha ha ha. You are one ignorant moron, blowing hot air out of Uranus and I can tell that you are not talking to any Iranians. The entire country rose up and protested against the govt., universities and the bazaar closed. Unfortunately the people paid a high price and nobody wants to do it any longer. Truth is over 95% of Iranians want these animals out. And of course our president refused to get involved or support the protesters in any way.

It is funny that you profess to be a Sunni Muslim, yet are such a big fan of a Shiite regime that is behind the murder and terror of so many Sunnis around the world. Isn't Islam wonderful.
Yes, like I said the Shah had nothing to do with those who had no bad intentions for him.
I guess you could say the same thing about Hitler and Stalin. . :cuckoo:

Roudy did you take a stupid pill this morning?? .. :lol: :lol:
Hitler and Stalin killed those who were against their ideology, just like the Islamists. You have the two confused. The Shah was just just like the Jordanian King. You could do whatever you want as long as you had nothing to do with him. Iran had been a monarchy for over 2500 years and the Shah was protecting his crown. When he saw his people were fooled, he got up and left. Islamists would rather stay and slaughter their own people by the hundreds of thousands in the name of Mohammad.
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