Mud-Wrestling: Cure to Depression


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Mud-Wrestling involves two or more individuals wrestling and tackling each other in some kind of mud pit and is a variation on standard wrestling.

It is of a peculiar fact that mud-wrestling is more appealing socially when the match/contest/fight is between two or more heterosexual women (rather than two or more homosexual/heterosexual men or two or more homosexual/lesbian women!). Perhaps that's because mud-wrestling is not supposed to be too violent or aggressive or even formally-competitive and is rather a form of 'fun entertainment' not unlike the WWE.

Mud-Wrestling can involve two college sorority sisters, two female office co-workers, two neighboring housewives, two female cops, two female Vegas showgirls, etc., etc., etc. The point is to have fun and revel in the fact that when women fight, it's simply more 'high-brow' (since women are not as crude as men!).

That's why when I think of dark-visions of the future, or dark cities of Orwellian proportions, or even dark realms of foreboding evil, I remember the simple human joy of watching mud-wrestling and how it can 'cure' me of the depression I feel caused by thoughts of endless fighting/conflict between human beings.

Perhaps it's capitalism (with is precocious focus on 'competition-ethos') itself that makes mud-wrestling a form of yoga or psychiatry...

Anyone a fan of the film Dark City?



"Two Ivy League sorority sisters (Jane and Fanny) were engaged in an exciting mud-wrestling match today during KDE sorority's Derby-Day competitions. It was a hot May day, and Jane and Fanny had something to prove. Photographers and campus journalists were on-hand to record and recount the exciting event. Jane, the KDE vice-president, and Fanny, the KDE historian and rush-chair, wanted to show the campus why Derby-Day was such an 'academic symbol' of R&R-oriented modern-yoga as students prepared to take their dreaded final exams. That's why this mud-wrestling competition was so popular among the school's graduating-seniors anxious to perform well on their final exams before heading out into the 'real world' of relentless capitalism fury."


"I've read the journalistic-report of the symbolic mud-wrestling match between KDE's Jane and Fanny and I have to admit, the fight was well worth the anticipation. It was a very close wrestling-match, and while Fanny won in the end (out-tiring her fierce rival Jane!), everyone in attendance agreed that both deserved the win (and hence they were subtly awarded an 'implicit stalemate' honor by the audience!). My name is Caligula, and I am the Bronze-Dragon from the realm of Hellworld. I witnessed the Jane and Fanny's awesome mud-wrestling match, and I've concluded that human beings seek very unusual forms of entertainment/gratification to soothe their palpable nerves about the very real problem of the unmitigated ruthless competitiveness associated with modern capitalism theory (e.g., NATO, Wall Street). Perhaps the Summer Olympics should include some kind of 'mud-wrestling sideshow' as a form of competition-event R&R(!)."


GOD: Americans like low-brow entertainment!
SATAN: Yes, pornography, crude humor, and 'gangsta-rap' are popular in America.
GOD: There's nothing wrong with unwinding with humor, but overt crudeness is bad.
SATAN: Sure; however, mud-wrestling matches between women remind us of friendship.
GOD: Yes, it's not unlike comic books which exorcise the demons of justice-paranoia!
SATAN: I agree; comic books present outlandish 'vigilantes' seeking 'street-justice.'
GOD: These 'avatars' (e.g., Captain America, Wonder Woman) are 'superhumans.'
SATAN: I think the mud-wrestling match between Jane and Fanny was...iconic.
GOD: It sure was; and the members of the campus appreciated the entertainment!
SATAN: What if mud-wrestling is someday considered 'explicit' (like pornography)?
GOD: Until that day arrives (and it has in the minds of many), we can only observe...
SATAN: I foresee a world in which mud-wrestling cures depression about capitalism itself.
GOD: Capitalism does remind us of the 'limits' of competition (e.g., Wall Street).
SATAN: I'd rather see two women mud-wrestling than clawing over a welfare-check.
GOD: Sure; capitalism can be a tragedy rather than an expected inspiring drama...
SATAN: Isn't that what the film Hoop Dreams is all about?
GOD: I say we encourage kids to play with futuristic LEGO city-sets.
SATAN: There's no real reason to indulge in fears about industrial ruins!




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